Transitioners! Do you ever feel like you're already all Natural (???)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I've been having this feeling lately. I know that most of my hair is relaxed, but I feel like I'm already all natural sometimes. Maybe it's because my mind tells me this so I don't go back to relaxing or something. Maybe I'm just really focused on going natural. I'm not sure. :weird:

I've definitely been having this feeling since I started back doing braidouts. My braidout finally came out great. My mom put 6 cornrows in my hair and I unbraided them for a nice, fluffy braidout. I think I'm going to have her cornrow my hair every week. Individual braidouts do not work for me for some reason. My braidout has never been this voluminous either. And my relaxed hair feels really soft and cottony like natural hair. :D It's weird...

Has any other transitioners having this feeling that they are already all natural??? :antlers:
I kind of feel that I am natural, although technically I'm not. My hair is texturized, so it blends it quite easily with the new growth I have. Everyone thinks that I'm natural anyway, but I don't try to explain to them that I have a texturizer because they just get confused. A lot of people still think that a texturizer is a jheri curl or a Wave Nouveau or something.
Yes. I consider myself natural even though a good portion of my hair is relaxed. If I could, I would get rid of these relaxed ends today, but I'm waiting for my natural hair to gain some more length.
This is my first time posting, but I have been a member for a couple of months now. Anyways, my last perm was december 2003. My hair isn't completely natural, but I definitely can agree with feeling like my hair is completely natural. Thanks for all of the inspiration!

Calex99 :)
Wow... i can't wait to get where you are Poohbear. My relaxed hair reminds me its there every time I wash :( . Awful tangles sometimes, but its cool to see the little coils and curls at the end of a long straight hair. At least I know its growing :) .
I do know what you mean. My last relaxer was November 15th 2004. For some reason my relaxed ends feel like natural hair. However, I'm a long way away from being totally natural. Alot of the time I don't know where my natural hair begins and my relaxed hair begins.
Alot of the time I don't know where my natural hair begins and my relaxed hair begins.[/QUOTE]

I know this feeling! I did not relax my hair for over 18 months then I did one in September. I think it was underprocessed but anyway...I am 25 weeks post and I too can not tell where my natural hair ends and my relaxed hair begins.
calex99 said:
This is my first time posting, but I have been a member for a couple of months now. Anyways, my last perm was december 2003. My hair isn't completely natural, but I definitely can agree with feeling like my hair is completely natural. Thanks for all of the inspiration!

Calex99 :)
congrats on your 1st post! :clap:
ThursdayGirl said:
Wow... i can't wait to get where you are Poohbear. My relaxed hair reminds me its there every time I wash :( . Awful tangles sometimes, but its cool to see the little coils and curls at the end of a long straight hair. At least I know its growing :) .
Well, after I wash my hair or when my hair is wet, my hair reminds me that I'm mostly relaxed too. :grin: It makes me wanna chop it off but I just rather grow it out with length. ;)
I really feel the same way! I started this journey around September/October of 2004. I really wish I had written it down. My hair is so bushy that I feel that I'm all natural. The only thing I could do with my hair now is press/flat iron it.

The other day I tried to pull my hair back like I used to do and wear it in a bun in the back. My hair was too bushy to do it. It was at that point that I was really tempted to cut the relaxed ends off, but I'm going to wait as long as I can, especailly since I will be wearing weaves, braids, and falls for a long time.
I feel like Im natural, because I dont have much left of relaxed ends. In the back (from ears to nape of neck) I have about 2 inches of relaxed ends left. And, from the middle area- forward I have about an half inch left of relaxed ends.
I have been doing frequent trims to speed along the process of being completely natural. I say in another month or 2 I will be completely natural :) .
aprilbiz said:
I really feel the same way! I started this journey around September/October of 2004. I really wish I had written it down. My hair is so bushy that I feel that I'm all natural. The only thing I could do with my hair now is press/flat iron it.

The other day I tried to pull my hair back like I used to do and wear it in a bun in the back. My hair was too bushy to do it. It was at that point that I was really tempted to cut the relaxed ends off, but I'm going to wait as long as I can, especailly since I will be wearing weaves, braids, and falls for a long time.
we started transitioning around the same time. how has pressing and flat ironing been working for you? how often do you do it?
honeycomb719 said:
I feel like Im natural, because I dont have much left of relaxed ends. In the back (from ears to nape of neck) I have about 2 inches of relaxed ends left. And, from the middle area- forward I have about an half inch left of relaxed ends.
I have been doing frequent trims to speed along the process of being completely natural. I say in another month or 2 I will be completely natural :) .
Make sure you let us know when you go completely natural! Congrats on hanging in there for so long, almost a year! :yep:
Poohbear said:
Make sure you let us know when you go completely natural! Congrats on hanging in there for so long, almost a year! :yep:

Will do. I will be posting pics the day I snip off those last few inches ;)