Transitioner...with all these bcers how do fight the urge??


New Member
I am transitioning(it is in my siggy:look:)...And I wanted to know how do you fight the urge to bc with all these gorgeous naturals on here:grin:...
I get sew ins to resist the urge...
Also relaxed heads does seeing the increase in natural heads make you wanna transition or at least think about it
Also how many weeks post are you?
I just imagine what this big forehead would look like without any hair to hide it and that helps me keep chugging along til I get to a better length :lachen:
I don't have the urge because I don't want short hair, lol. What works for others doesn't always work for me. I do like witnessing the processing of it all, though. I'm in for the long haul!

Btw, I resist the urge of continuing to relax by seeing more and more naturals, which gave me the confidence to get off the fence and make the decision I needed the cajones to make.

My siggy says it all.
I'm 34 weeks post...I only get the urge to BC when its time to detangle and I've worn some style that made my hair get matted lol but other than that, I'm enjoying my length and I know I don't want short hair. So the urge to chop, no matter how beautiful other ladies' hair looks, goes away as soon as it comes!
My big forehead and the look on my bf's face if I did it. :lol: I'm not ready to be single again. :lachen:

Also, I'm really enjoying learning my hair and how to manage it. I want to be ready when I'm fully natural. I don't want to look like :confused: "What now?" I just want to hit the road running. :yep:
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LOL! I laughed when I saw this thread title. :lachen:


I simply must have a ponytail. I just don't prefer mini twists or TWA on me. I've always had at least APL hair and I want to keep it that way. Also, I love long hair, whether relaxed, natural or texlaxed. I am transitioning via braided bun until my natural hair fills in totally at APL. I will trim as needed.

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This is my second time going natural and the first time I did the BC down to about 2 inches of hair. I had to deal with the awkward stages of growing it out and don't want to go through it again. I sometimes get the urge when I see a gorgeous head of hair but the thought soon passes. It's also crucial for me to maintain my length while I transition so I won't be chopping anytime soon. I'm 55 weeks post btw.
:nono:i don't have nearly enough NG to even think about putting scissors anywhere near my head:lachen:. however, i know as my waves and curls continue to sprout the bug is bound to bite.

Btw, I resist the urge of continuing to relax by seeing more and more naturals, which gave me the confidence to get off the fence and make the decision I needed the cajones to make.

^^^exactly what she said. the more beautiful natural heads i see, the more i know i'm not ready to go back to relaxers.
I've never had short hair and I don't want to risk being unhappy with my hair. I think it's much easier to style longer transitioning hair, too - laziness.
I actually just started a thread about transitioning. I just got my last relaxer about 5 days ago but it is really under processed.
I know that i wont get the urge to BC because i cant stand my head in weaves or extensions, and the only hairstyle that i really know how to do is the bun.. sooooo i guess i dont have a choice.
I just don't want short hair and I don't think transitioning is hard, so I keep plugging along. One day I will decide to cut. I am about eight months post. I don't know how many weeks. I don't count.
I just imagine what this big forehead would look like without any hair to hide it and that helps me keep chugging along til I get to a better length :lachen:

thats what keeps me from chopping too :lachen:
Although my bf isnt very helpful since he's curious to see what i look like if i just chopped now :nono:
I get the urge to BC almost once a week. The urge is gone after I wet my hair and see how short it is when I see the difference in the two textures. Also, the urge calms down when I keep experimenting with my hair. Maybe try lots of different styles so you won't get bored.
Trust me it does get easier to deal with your transitioning hair. Also I think that the transitioning process is good becasue you learn to deal wit hyour hair and dont go through all the set backs that happen to alot of BCers. Also I have a hair goal that isn't being natural, its having WL hair. you have to consider when you end goal is.
When I first started transitioning alot of people treated their relaxed ends badly because they said I'm ust going to cut it off anyway. Your hair problems don't go away because your relaxed ends are gone. Over the last year and a half I have learned to style my hair the way I would if I was natural and when I get ready I'll BC but that wont be for another year of more.
I have absolutely never had the urge to BC. I'm a little over 11 months post.

For one, my hair is short, it was short when I started, don't want it to be even shorter, I want to see some length, I am tired of short hair and I hate really short hair on myself.

My end goal is healthy thick armpit length hair (hopefully by the end of 2011). My hair is not breaking off at the line of demarcation, and I don't have a problem with managing the two textures. The relaxed ends are drier and more fragile, but oh well, I will be hanging on to them until they start looking raggedy or I make APL, whichever comes first.

Also, transitioning has helped me to gradually get used to my natural hair. I would've freaked out and probably got a relaxer had I chopped it all off really short all at one time.
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Uh... I don't want short hair. Lol. Its really that simple to me. I came to LHCF for long hair. Me going natural is just part of that process...
Because its hot and I like being able to put my hair in a ponytail.
And I'm just too lazy to do anything to my hair right now.
I don't even wanna wash it.
I've already BCed (:look::grin:), but what I did was I picked a natural with the length I wanted to have when I would BC and that was my inspiration and goal.
..and to be honest I also saw early BCers, pictured that length on myself and knew I would not be happy with it.

It's all about the hair porn.
14 (almost) months post and I don't like short hair so I am not cutting for anything.

I did have the urge one night and snipped a small lock of hair. Then I got over it
Uh that's easy! Because I want long hair not short hair.Transitioning really isn't that hard for me. My goal is to have long even hair. I just decided I won't be getting relaxers anymore and it's a simple as that. I don't have a set date to cut my hair. Just like people grow color out I'm growing my relaxer out. I guess I will be natural ..whenever lol.
I just look at old pics when I had a baby fro, and remember feeling stuck regarding hairstyles. I love the ease of having length to pin up quickly, and won't BC until my natural hair's long enough to do that.
Uh that's easy! Because I want long hair not short hair.Transitioning really isn't that hard for me. My goal is to have long even hair. I just decided I won't be getting relaxers anymore and it's a simple as that. I don't have a set date to cut my hair. Just like people grow color out I'm growing my relaxer out. I guess I will be natural ..whenever lol.

I didn't know you were transitioning. How many weeks post are you?
Also relaxed heads does seeing the increase in natural heads make you wanna transition or at least think about it --YES

Also how many weeks post are you?

I am 12 weeks post.

My original goal is to stretch to 16 weeks, but since I'm managing so well I just kinda want to see how long I can hold out. I get mixed emotions. I notice that the longer I stretch the more diligent I have to be with keeping the new growth moist so I don't get breakage. But I just love the way my new growth looks and feels...:yawn: