Transitioner needs help ;-(


Well-Known Member
Hiya, im just a little over 6months into my transition and on the 'Hide your hair untill christmas challenge' which for me is keeping my hair in weaves and braids untill christmas when i will really embarking fully on learning and dealing with my natural ;) :) :p

But i had a few quires(sp?) despite 6months in, the new growth obained is not as substantial as i had hoped (need to star back with the biotin) and was wondering whether any naturals / transitioners had any pictures of their hair at around the time period I am in??

Also atm I am weaved up with a little bit of hair left out (not the brightest idea i know, whilst transitioning) but im having a little trouble getting my hair to lay down, as seeing though (especially through the transition i am going to need to be able to get my hair 'slicked' into a quick pony on the days (seemingly everyday for me) when i don't have time to style, so wanted to know if any of you guys had any recommendations for gels, products, brushes, techniques ooh or styles you could offer?

ETA: another was wondering whether what length your hair is with shrinkage and what length when strectched...
Thanks in Advance, Kiss
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I know how you feel. I had micros in for 3 months before I took them out two days ago. My hair is dry and scary, not to mention that my hair is just long enough to braid because I didn't want to have to do a serious big chop. I bought a Sensationnel Instant Weave to wear underneath my hats and scarves, just for a week while I let my hair rest before I get cornrows. At this point I am just scared of how long it will really take before I can try curly pudding and other products that will make my natural hair fun! I'm sure I didn't answer any questions that you had, but I am really at the same point that you are. :perplexed

What's even sadder is that all through my hair journey last year, I had my MTG, which really had my hair moving. Now that I am away in college, i'll have to take a HIKE to go get it!!! I only have Surge here, as well as a few of my vitamins and my Mizani and Keracare.
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LilChocolateMa said:

I know how you feel. I had micros in for 3 months before I took them out two days ago. My hair is dry and scary, not to mention that my hair is just long enough to braid because I didn't want to have to do a serious big chop. I bought a Sensationnel Instant Weave to wear underneath my hats and scarves, just for a week while I let my hair rest before I get cornrows. At this point I am just scared of how long it will really take before I can try curly pudding and other products that will make my natural hair fun! I'm sure I didn't answer any questions that you had, but I am really at the same point that you are. :perplexed

What's even sadder is that all through my hair journey last year, I had my MTG, which really had my hair moving. Now that I am away in college, i'll have to take a HIKE to go get it!!! I only have Surge here, as well as a few of my vitamins and my Mizani and Keracare.

im glad that theres someone who feels the same way as me... not that im glad your having these problems also, if that makes any sense?
How long have you been transitioning for? I definately feel you on the bolded part.

Im actually really nervous about taking out this weave and it is time for it to come out, especially seeing as though as i am at uni my mom isn't around to help, this is still a process of learning for me, and its hard to learn as when i do try and detangle and such by myself i lose sooo much hair.

I got a free day tomorrow, think i might take it out buy some some phony ponies, (weave just in case) and some products, need some recommendations first. I was thinking of getting some curl activator, i remember my sister used to use this when she had a curly perm, thought it might make my NG soft and manageable and 'lay' down so i can made the phony pony look good.
I'm on a TIGHT budget so its harder to experiment too, i think its hard to go natural whilst being a student :(
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