Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look thin?


New Member
I am currently trying my hand at this transtitiong thing and I took down my weave and I noticed that my ends are sort of c-thru (yep, from MAC:grin:) anyway, I am not sure if that is do to the relaxer or not. I am not sure if my relaxer is weighing my hair down...Can I still achieve thicker ends without cutting it off? If so, how with a weave?

Pics are in my fotki

Note: I will post more pics tonight...

Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

I've noticed the same thing. I really hate it and would love to cut it off, but my ends are healthy and I just can't see myself cutting off all of those inches because my new growth is so much thicker than the relaxed ends.:wallbash:
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

Ditto. I hate how my hair looks right now.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

My ends look very unattractive when my hair is down. But they seem healthy and I don't have splits. When I get my hair straightened later this year I'll see how it all looks and decide what I' going to do.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

I'm transitioning too. Started in April and yes my ends are not in as great condition as my new growth. I do know though the whole idea with transitioning is to go from relaxed to natural so you have to loose the relaxed ends at some point. I've got see through ends at the moment too, so i don't leave my hair down at all. I go from one protective style to the next. Everytime i change styles, I trim abit more of my relaxed ends off. So not doing a big chop, but as i get more new growth, i loose abit more relaxed hair.
It's all gonna have to go at some point right.

Also, a friend of mine was transitioning, and wasn't trimming. After about 6 months, she straightend her hair. It had grown alot but the ends weren't pretty, so she did a big chop and started again.
Just saying, if you're going to transition, accept it'll be a slow process and just trim as you go.

I find my relaxed ends are breaking from the new growth too. Anyone else get that?
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

Breakage..Yes!!! Everytime I wash I always see little broken pieces and I have tried everything from moisture, protein, and reconstructers. It has me wondering if you transition are you just bound to have breakage; but then I think about the relaxed women that go on long stretches. So my question would be if you transition do you need to be prepared to always have breakage or am I doing something wrong?
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Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

My ends aren't see through, but in comparison to my thick spongy new growth they are very thin!
I do get a little bit of breakage at the demarcation line, but I think this is inevitable. I don't get a lot of breakage, but I do see long hair with no bulb at the end from time to time after washing my hair.
My hair looks ridiculous when it's wet with the thin relaxed ends. When I flat iron it in a couple of weeks, I'll see what it looks like :ohwell:.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

Yellow08, how long have you been transitioning?
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

I have breakage too. There's too much contrast between my naps (tight, tight, and kinky) versus my bone straight relaxed ends. The demarcation line is the weakest point in the hair shaft and my relaxed ends and NG require different things to stay healthy. Trying to find that balance is difficult at times. For example, my NG needs more moisture to stay soft but my ends become over-moisturized very easily and become mushy.

IMO, if your ends are texturized or texlaxed and your NG is a looser curl then there isn't as much stress at the demarcation line. Thus, you may experience less breakage. Some women don't experience breakage but that's not the case for others.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

i have so many diff textures - both natural and from differently-timed relaxer processes in the past, that i dont know how to please them all :lachen:. its really frustrating not being able to wear my hair out in curls. when my hair is blow dried - it looks like i have a thinned out razor cut on purpose - lol - but that requires fierce blow drying :nono: and yes, the breakage is always an issue. i ALWAYS see little pieces, and rarely see shed hairs (although i know we all shed daily), which leads me to believe that if i was all natural, i would retain good length. but right now my hair is APL and i only have about 4 inches of natural hair after 18 months :sad: so bcing is out of the question. But - shamless plug here - the BKT has helped ALOT. i just know it wont last forever....
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Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

I don't experience any breakage of any sort but I have to co-sign on the relaxed ends looking anorexic against the NG:grin: (when wet)

The last trim I got was when I got a mini-chop of about 4 inches (about 6 weeks ago). My ends are pretty clean and blunt, but when my hair is wet, you can easily tell the difference between the natural hair (the individual strands are nice and plump, thereby making all the new growth look really thick!......the relaxed ends are well......:ohwell:......relaxed and stringy looking!!)

I can even tell the difference when all my hair is straigtened out. I got a rollerset a few weeks ago and b/c i have more NG than relaxed ends, overall, my whole head of hair felt much thicker, but I could tell the relaxed ends didn't look as thick.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

i was gonna cosign on so many things you guys have said till i realized i had multi quoted like 12 posts :lachen:

but im dealing with the breakage too. its so hard to deal with that i just wanna braid or sew it all up till august or something. after i washed my hair last night i put some baby buttercreme on my hair and it looked SO GOOD right till i looked at those thin ends...then it looked like wtf happened to YOU. i was so close to grabbing the scissors and BCing but they're healthy...sooo...buns let me pretend i am fully natural. LOL

i will be doing what LadyLibra suggested and cutting the ends off a small piece in the back so i can see what it will look like though.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

Yes. It got so bad, I had to mini chop back in February to just above shoulder length. I'm already back to my original length (around collar bone) and it looks much better, but then again that's probably because my hair is 60 percent natural now (but 95 percent natural in the back; I don't know how that happened).
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

Yellow08, how long have you been transitioning?

I have been transitioning since Dec 06...I still have about 3.5 or so of relaxed ends...I wear a weave 99.9% of the I will just let it grow out a bit more before I cut if off...
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Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

I have some breakage too...not a lot but I notice it. I think b/c I was just texlaxed/underprocessed that it doesn't make it as bad. I can not BC, it would not be cute:nono:. I have been trying to wearmy hair straight this week and it is a battle royale with the humidity here:wallbash: . I think I am going to go back to my half wigs at some point...I admit I am a length whore:yep: .
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

Lord, have mercy, this is what i'm dealing with too! I just placed a sad post on the oct/mt challenge thread...I just cut 6 inches in Jan 08 and another 2 in hair is growing really fast and thick, but the ends...i'm trying to maintain, and praying that miraculously, my hair will thicken all the way without a bc. I will use coconut lime juice to straighten my natural hair and blend two textures...but I think i'll be french rollin all summer long....i'm in h-town Hot and Humid...
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

That is what led me to BC. I couldnt take it anymore.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

Yes, Absolutely.

Looking at these ends makes me want to run some relaxer through this hair.
It's weird though because they are both thick & c-thru at the same time.:ohwell:


14 months and still no BC.
I can do this!!!
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

I have the same issue. My ends look thin when I apply heat to them. If I don't apply heat or apply heat at a low temp. then it looks fine. I also noticed that if my ends are weighed down by oil then it sticks together and looks worse. I didn't plan to cut any more until I hit BSL but I am thinking about snipping it again.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

of course, check my sig. thats why i BCd, between that and breakage.

it only looked thick when flat ironed and i didnt like all that heat on my hair anymore.
Re: Transition question? Does your relaxed ends weigh on your natural hair and look t

This is my exact problem (breakage) being 7 months since a relaxer, and since I don't know what im gonna do yet (continue relaxing or go natural) I don't want to lose all of my relaxed length.:wallbash: