Transition Over, I BC'd last night (pic heavy)

:congrats: Platinum on being 100% natural!!! You have some thick lovely hair!! I like your puff with the handband too!
Yeahhh, Platinum...good'll be a big concern off your mind now with your new super cut, new styles, no demarcation to stress over. Good job:yep:.
Aw, congrats! You have a lot of growth, looks great.

BTW, I had been starting at your siggy forever, wondering when you were going to BC. I'm glad you finally went for it!
Dang you have a lot of hair already Platinum:yep:
A whole lot of style options are doable with that much hair,and I like your puff too!
You even have enough hair to ps with the Senegalese twists if you get tired of a twa(I did early on,and braided it up,but missed my hair so i took it down:look:).
Have fun with it and hhg!!
I came in here thinking 1 inch of hair when you said bc, girl you still have a head full of hair.:lachen:Congratulations, looking good.:yep:
Congrats Platinum. I think it looks great! :)

Congratulations sweety! Your hair looks sooo thick and healthy and you werent kidding about twists being your fave style...its looks amazing on you:yep:

Thank you Ediese and BMP! You ladies are some of my favorite hair idols. I can't wait until I have your length!

Congratulations!!!! Girl that shrinkage is amazing! Doesn't it feel good?!

Thank you! I kind of miss the feeling of my hair hanging down on my neck but I'm also relieved now.:look:

OMG YAY!! I'm so happy for you! How you feeling right now?

Thank you! I'm so excited about being natural now. I keep thinking about all of the styles I want to try (puffs, mohawk, blow out, etc). I bought some hair toys today (headbands, clips, combs, etc). I can't wait to try them!
Thank you! I'm so excited about being natural!:yay:

Congrats on your BC!! Your hair looks fantastic!!

I BC'd without transitioning so I can't wait till I get that much hair!
OMG!!! I was one of the ones that voted don't do the BC and hold on strong.. lol.. but all in all, I'm happy you did it, and most of all, i'm happy that you are happy... I will definitely miss you in the transitioning threads!! But you have moved on to bigger things.. lol.. Congrats again, it looks great, and your hair looks very healthy!! :clap:
Congratulations Platinum! Your hair looks great, healthy & thick. I think you did the right thing cutting off the relaxed portion.

You are really rocking those twists, cute!!
I am so happy you decided to BC! You have so much hair you are working with, exactly what was your problem with BC'ing again, lol! Here's to new beginnings- be blessed on your continuing HHJ! :)
Good Job Platinum! It looks very nice! Good Decision! Now you can relax and enjoy your Natural Hair!

Lovely! Thanks for Sharing!

OMG!!! I was one of the ones that voted don't do the BC and hold on strong.. lol.. but all in all, I'm happy you did it, and most of all, i'm happy that you are happy... I will definitely miss you in the transitioning threads!! But you have moved on to bigger things.. lol.. Congrats again, it looks great, and your hair looks very healthy!! :clap:

Thank you Sis! I tried to hang on but just got tired of the battle between NG and relaxed ends. I'll still continue to post in the transitioning threads. I have to thank LHCF and especially the ladies in the transitioning threads for the encouragement. I don't think I could have transitioned or even BC'd without all of the information I have learned from this site.