Transition OVER: Big Chop


New Member
Alright, after a little over a year, I finally cut the straight ends off

however! i just fully noticed that the pattern in most of my head (crown/back) is what looks to be a 4a while the front looks straighter. almost wavy.

as a newbie, i just put my hair in twists to take out tomorrow and fluff out.

however, what "wash n go" advice do you ladies have? products? procedure?
Congrats. Umm.... Where da pics??

Use product in sections. Finding the right product to make your curls pop is real all trial and error. A cheap place to start is eco styler. It didn't really work for me bit I know alot of ladies on here have had success with this product.
sorry about that guys hahaha

ok so i don't have a digital camera, but here is a photo of my fluffed out twist out i did this morning (ignore the messy dorm bed)


also, i was a bit more gung ho in the fluffing and kinda got some fro action, but that's perfectly fine hahaha.