Transistion waiting list...


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else waiting until they reach their goal length before they transition? I want to go natural so bad but I don't want to BC and I feel like transitioning will go a bit smoother when my hair is longer because I can hide bad hair days and gradually cut the relaxed ends. I'm currently grazing APL, but I plan to transition once I reach bsl...what do you think? Am I doing the most? Is anyone else in the same boat as me? I also I want to make sure I'm not just feeding into a fad, and I'm only in high is low to be experimenting with stuff...
Hi :)

I actually just ended a close to 7 month transition because I decided that I wanted to reach a certain length texlaxed first. I flat ironed my hair 6 months into my transition and my hair was so healthy..the thickness was there and I had finally reached my goal of APL. I then said I want to enjoy more length as a texlaxed head and try transitioning again oneday in the future.
You can still hide bad hair days with short hair; your hair isn't even short. I started transitioning at el/nl and didn't have any problems. If you really want to transition then go for it.
I did that. My goal length was BSB, I was like an 1.5 inches from making it and decided to transition. I still want to reach full BSB and will do so while transitioning. As long as my hair remains healthy, I don't see why I can't do it.
i'm already natural but if i were to do it all over again, i think i would transition instead of doing the BC so early. i just didn't have the patience to learn to deal with 2 textures :lol:

that said, if your end goal is to be natural, i think it's best to start transitioning right away. it might be difficult to reach BSL and then have to start another hair journey
I agree with alive

What I you have a serious setback? What if you don't make it to BSL in the next two years? Are you willing to wait even longer? Weigh how much you want to be natural with how bad you want to be BSL. Whichever comes first, that's what you should do. And grazing APL isn't short silly lol. That's a great length

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Thanks for the encouragement ladies.. .I made my decision.. .I will be a slave to the creamy crack no longer. ..I will transition as I reach APL then start trimming until I'm natural at APL then continue the rest if my journey fully natural
I transitioned a few times in high school. Every year i grew frustrated with my natural hair and rerelaxed. It is definitely doable, even before APL. I was SL, the entire time. I think that the only thing that allowed me to keep hair in my head (at one point my hair was bleached and dyed blue) was consistent laziness AKA protective styling. I almost always had my hair in a bun, or a ponytail with the ends tucked.

Good luck with your transition and HHG.
I BC and when i felth that my hair was to short i hid it under wigs, it makes it a lil easier if your worried about length