Tracking Hair Care Expenses for the next 12 mos...Any takers?


New Member
Hi all,

I joined the community back in August, and since then have been a bit of a product junkie as I've been getting my regimen down. I'm just about down to my favorite products. My henna and amla should arrive this week and those are the last items that I had to get on my list. Since my products are pretty much all natural and organic (except for the minimal amount of preservatives in the Qhemet line, and the Phytorelaxer), it helps curb my spending because I don't run out and try every new product. However, any money that I save by not running out and buying each new product that gets rave reviews here, is negated by the higher cost of my natural/organic products.

Starting today, for the next year, I want to track all my haircare expenses and see how much I spend per year on keeping my hair healthy. This includes vitamins, trips to the stylist every 12 weeks for touchups, all products, appliances, etc. I wanted to see if any ladies wanted to join me. We could check back in a year from now and see how we do. I also want to see how much more money I am spending on my natural hair care lines versus my LHCF sistas who use regular products. Since I'm an anal accountant, I'm going to be tracking my spending in a spreadsheet because I want it broken down by category. However, it could be as easy as throwing all the receipts for hair care purchases in a shoebox and tallying up at the end of the year.

Any takers?

PS. If you buy a lot of vitamins from GNC, be sure to get their gold card. You get 20% of purchases made during the first week of every month.
I think I'm too ashamed to do this. It will allow me to look at and face myself and I don't want to see it. (denial, I know) Catch me in 2008.
I don't think I can right now...I'm already feeling quite guilty alredy and I just have an IDEA of what I've spent in just the last two to three months! Maybe at the first of the year. :lol:
Would I be able to track my purchase, swaps and sales for a year? Yes

Would I be happy when I get my credit card bill at the end of said year? No
Sweetone, I'm also an anal accountant, so I already have my speadsheets and finance tracking systems, and let me tell you....I wish I DIDN'T know how much I spend on my hair!!!! :o

After evaluating my spending, I got to the point where I decided to use up everything I already own, and adding raw materials to some "cheapies" to make "premium." :lachen: :lachen: I have enough products to last for many months. :)
I'm in. I need to use up all products. I have enough products to last until 2008 :look: .

Anyways, all this money I spend on hair products--I could buy clothes!
I put together a list of things from this year and was to depressed to see all of the money that I had wasted on things that were not for me, I did however find out what did work for me. So my things will consist of rebuys that work.
LOLOL! I am afraid to post more on this thread...I recently spent $175 in ONE DAY on replacing hair products that I ran out of so you can just IMAGINE what my 12 mo total would be
I'll join. I haven't purchased much over the last year. So, I will setup a spreadsheet tonight. I am also an anal finance person so this will be interesting. I guess I will include salon visits also.
Yeah I am in. Seeing the amount on paper will make a difference and perhaps this will control my hair care spending habits.
So I spent $25 dollars yesterday buying supplies for my first henna application (doing it this coming Sunday YAY!! :yay: ), pack of disposable gloves, drop cloth for bathroom floor/counter, measuring spoons, pectin, funnel set, freezer jars for leftovers, applicator bottles, etc. And I'm not done spending for this week as yet. My MSM is just about done so I'll be placing an online order today for a new brand that I want to try.

Cynamonkis I feel you about the replacements. It's not so much PJism, it's just that stuff runs out. It doesn't last forever and you have to buy more!

I'm including salon visits in my total, but there are no hard and fast rules. It's optional.

By the way, this thread is not about feeling bad about money that we spend on our hair. I think proper haircare is very important (would not have joined the forum if I didn't) and good haircare costs money. I just want to see exactly how much it costs me LOL!!! :lachen:
thesweetone said:

I'm including salon visits in my total, but there are no hard and fast rules. It's optional.

By the way, this thread is not about feeling bad about money that we spend on our hair. I think proper haircare is very important (would not have joined the forum if I didn't) and good haircare costs money. I just want to see exactly how much it costs me LOL!!! :lachen:

Okay... I haven't spent any money this week. At least not yet anyway :lol:
I'm in. I'm lazy spreadsheets for me. I liked honeydews idea for a hair calendar to track what I do to my hair. I will just track my purchases on that. Is this going foward from Nov 1st or all of Oct? I think I can check my bank statement for my october purchases. I dont have any vitamins I'm taking specifically for hair right now, I just have a multivitamin so I wont include that. In fact the ones I"m taking now I didnt pay for. I was thinking of adding some biotin and silica tho.
Edit: An interesting spin would be to try to match what we spend on our hair in a savings acct. Easier said than done for me, but I may make that part of a personal challenge for myself and it would be just in time for the Holiday shopping season 2007. :)
I should do this since I'm trying to make (and stick to) a budget, but the amount of money I spend on hair care is sinful, I'm ashamed to even admit the real amount to myself :ohwell: . When you combine all the money I spend on hair care with the amount of money I spend on skincare, it's pretty obvious - I need a whipping.