Touchy-feely men


New Member
How do you deal with this?

The guy is soooo nice, and great in a lot of ways. I know he may be kinda lonely, but I don't like PDA in general and I am really irritated by the way he pulls me close to him and grabs on my leg.

Mind you, if I had time to develop feelings for him, I would not be bothered. I can think of someone right now ...

I am going to talk to him about it, trying to find the words, but has anyone ever tried to stick it out with someone who is great in a lot of ways, and really likes you, but is just too damn touchy!!!

We've dated a few times and used to work together, so I feel he is not dangerous or disrespectful, just needy. Previously, I stopped seeing him because he would blow up my voicemail every day with 6 messages or more!

I even told him about my friends who waited for their men to marry them 10 plus years and told him I woulda been deuces after 6 months. He said, "you'll run a lot of men off that way." And I said, "they need to 'run off.' Don't waste my time. You ain't getting my milk for free. You are buying this cow!" :giggle: So, he knows where I stand and is not backing off. He opens doors, pulls the car around... I like him, but he needs to stop touching me all the time!
I just flat out say it without being rude. Tell him that it makes you feel very uncomfortable when ur touched inappropriately in public. If he isnt willing to respect that then well...
Im personally not big on dating persay, in the past if i was trying to give somebody a chance and they were touchy feely I didn't like it, nowadays I know that if Im actually going out with somebody for real for real, then I already like them, already have a connection and have the feeling of wanting to touch him.....even if its when first meeting them....I can feel if we are the pulling close or touching on legs or hands is natural for me and I don't mind it from him...from my experience, anybody I pretty much wasn't feelin from the jump in that way, didnt really develop into anything physical even if he was really cool in other ways, I have tried a couple of times to force the physical issue on certain levels because of other qualities in him and its always a no go pretty if I meet somebody Im cool with or like I don't really "date" them or make them think we have a chance at a future relationship.....that has always been an emotional diaster when all I wanted was to be friends with him and I end up feeling bad
^^^^ true. There are some dudes you cant even give a give thank you hug at the end of the date without them making it seem we're on a path to eternal destiny :rolleyes:
my ex was like this and i sat him down and explained a few times but he didnt get it. i used to move away quickly if he was going to start getting touchy feely.
I like showing affection and affection being shown to me but only if it's someone that I like.

I would just do like one of the ladies suggested and tell him flat-out that it makes you uncomfortable and to fall back.
Hmmm, i dont like showing affection but i expect my man to.

I've been called out many times about why i wont hold his hand, initiate a kiss or hug, etc....

My excuse was always "well, you beat me to it so I didnt need to initiate"

It really bothered a couple people to the point where it turned into a 20 minute sit down discussion.

So, discuss it. People cannot read your mind. Talk about it.
The crazy thing is, I LIKE affectionate men. He's just a little premature with it.

Maybe I'm just hung up on another dude.

I need to drop him and roll with new dude.