Touched By LHCF Angels (long)


Well-Known Member
I feel so blessed to have met all of you. Not only have you changed my hair's future, but also my daughters. I came here near the end of December very distressed about my hair. I thank God for leading me to this website because I know I put in the same keywords in the search engine before but this one late night in December I finally found LHCF.

The first album I looked at belonged to Don'tSpeakDefeat. I was blown away by her beautiful hair but what surprised me most was her honesty with how she had dealt with her kitchen area. I complimented her and thanked her for sharing. She said my kitchen could grow with TLC and lots of moisture. So, I thought, there is hope. Then one day another lady started a thread asking for help with her kitchen area. Many wonderful ladies chimed in but the one that stood out for me was SunnyGirl. She was transitioning and said that her kitchen grew just like the rest of her hair when she stopped relaxing it. That night I cried.

I finally realized that my hair, especially my kitchen area, could not be relaxed anymore. After all these was not the hairdresser, it wasn't me, it wasn't my hair's fault, it wasn't even the type of relaxer--it was simply the relaxer. Then something started to open in my heart and I started to yearn for my natural hair. Not long after that Ayanapooh started a thread asking who needed encouragement to transition. God bless her. I replied with a long thread and I got nothing but love. Falon, in particular, responded that night. She said everyone should see their natural hair at least once. She said, "Maybe you should give it go," and sent me a :kiss: And I felt her compassion travel across the internet and into my heart and again I cried.

All the years of frustration finally melting away.

Her encouragement gave me the push I needed. I bc'd two weeks ago tonight. Naptrl told me I would be rocking a puff in no time--too sweet. I love my hair but sometimes I don't know what to do with it. I wanted to ask you guys for help last night but couldn't figure out how to ask. So I just read through a few threads and found mkstar826. I checked out her album and found answers to just about every natural question I had. Her hair is so beautiful and heart is so big. You guys really are like Angels. If you ever think you are not making a difference or that no one is listening--you are wrong. We need all of you, your knowledge, your love, your support and your encouragement. Special thanks also to these ladies with inspirational albums: Nice21, SO1913, Browneyedgirl, Fashionslave, Carefree, Ayeishia, MahagonyQT, Kengre and MissKrysKrys.

Thanks for listening.
Dang Hopeful :kiss: You trying to make me cry before I go to bed. But everything you said is so very true. This place (LHCF) has become my therapee (yeah, I have nexxus on the brain). I count on these ladies to make me laugh, cry and all the emotions in between. It's like a whole new family.
Thank you for sharing Hopeful. I getting tears too now. I feel what you are saying - LHCF has been such a blessing for me and it continues to be. :)
The ladies here ARE truly a blessing - knowledgeable and very inspirational. Thanx for putting into words the gratitude I'm sure we have all felt. Wonderful post.
So happy you are loving and benefitting from the forum. One day, hopeful, you will likely be one of those inspirational members with an album of great progress and styles! :)
Awwwww, that was absolutely beautiful. I am sure most of us feel the same way. Happy growing!!!
Aww shoot Hopeful, you got me over here misting up! That was a beautiful post, and I'm glad to see that you're making such progress with your hair journey. I agree that you will be rocking that puff in no time! Then after that, it'll be past the shoulders, then brastrap and beyond! :grin: I'm glad we could give you a nudge in the right direction, to do what you had in your heart all along. Sometimes it really helps to know that others understand, or have been where you are. :kiss: Never hesitate to post or PM when you need encouragement, have questions, or just need to vent. I don't know what I would have done during my transition if these ladies hadn't been here to respond to my "ayanapooh is about to relax" or the "I can't take this anymore" threads! :look: Please keep us updated on your progress, and don't forget to take lots of pics, because one day you will be there to help and encourage someone that is in the same place that you were before finding this board. Much love and happy growing lady! :up: :up: :up:
Wow! I am definitely about to cry. I think everyone has already summed up how I feel. Thanks for your kind words. I wish you all the wonderful things you deserve in you new hair growing journey!! :kiss:
Hopeful....So many emotions and Amens went through me as I read your post.....I have written, re-written, written again, deleted, and went back to try to respond but I am at a loss for words. This post is beautiful!!!!