TOTALLYbald!!! Help This Sister Out


New Member
hmmmm...idon' even know how to began... ok for the holiday i went to a cookout at my cousins house. so since she has this new computer we decide to logon to lhcf. as i'm ratteling on about how her hair is in excellent condition; and she should join lhcf and post her regimine; the girl starts crying...she then pulls of her wig and tells me that her hair started falling out 2 monthes ago and now she's completely bald!!!! she said that she went to this woman in her area that everyone was raving about to get a touchup ;and she told the woman that her hair couldn't tolerate super relaxer so use something either mild regular. well the lady put some super dsigners touch or something like that in her hair and left it on too long; but since her hair looked ok she wasn't worried. to make a long story short she goes home and waits a week to wash her hair, and when she finally washes it half of her hair goes down the drain! i didn't know what to tell her. i'm new at this. i thought she was exaggerating but when she took of her wig cap her scalp was as bald as the back of my hand. clean...
do you ladies have any suggestion as to what can be done? i'm at a loss for ideas. as for her... she hasn't told anyone not even her husband. she just went out and had a custom wig made, for which she paid big.... help if you can..
do you all really think a stylist can be sued? she told me that she didn't think she could sue her because the woman
wasn't licensed. shes just someone who got good rep doing hair out of her kitchen... aanyway...i'll tell her to go to the derm.
Take good pictures and consult with an attorney ASAP

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Absolutely seek out an attorney.

Well I think she needs to realize the old saying..........'it's just hair'. It seems hard at the moment but hopefully within 3 years, she will have a beautiful head of hair.

Having had the experience of balding myself (by my own hand), I was devastated, but the hair was coming out in patches which meant that I still had something to work with.

Not quite yet a year down the line, I have 6 inches of hair and something to work with. I think some braids after the hair grows back will help. Hopefully there will be no scalp damage.
Yes, a stylist can be sued, licensed or not. The question is whether she has any assets from which your cousin can collect. Even if she doesn't, a lawsuit should make her think twice before doing that to somebody else!
Yea, it's assets and the fact that even though this woman is not a licensed stylist, she is holding herself out to be one and must perform her services as a professional would. She will be held to that standard.

I am SO sorry this happened to your friend.

Been there. She should sue (damages will be small, $2,500-$5,000 if the hair will grow back), wear a wig, then wear a weave. This is hairstylist negligence pure and simple.
thanx ladies: i spoke to her today about consulting a lawyer,she said that she's gonna look into it; but that the woman is on disability and she doubts if she'll receive
restitution. i'll let you know what happens...