Topical MSM For Hair Growth...


For all of the ladies here taking MSM internally for the way it benefits the hair, skin and nails...

Has anyone tried using MSM topically on the hair, skin and nails? The reason I asked this question is because I know there is a great deal of buzz concerning the use of M-T-G...but it seems the only negative side effect is the smell and maybe the petroleum that's used as the base.

Now if I'm not mistaken...isn't MSM, known as sulfur in it's organic form without the unpleasant smell of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)? Well, I was thinking...why not make a homemade version of M-T-G without the aftersmell. :think:

Here is what I was thinking of mixing together...and if you ladies have any of your own recipes or ideas/ingredients you may want to add/alter...please feel free to do so. I'm still deciding on what to add myself. :)

MSM powder
Castor Oil
Emu Oil (powerful carrier oil + promotes hair growth)
Vitamin E (as a preservative + promotes hair growth) what do you ladies think of this concoction? TIA
:yep: I think you're on the right track. I believe MTG does contain MSM but it's "pine tar oil like stuff" that makes it stink...:look: Sorry I can't remember the exact name the oil right now...

Anywho--I'd like to know your results and exact recipe when you're done. I wish the best!;)
cade oil?? or something like that. But MTG does not have MSM in it, it has sulfer. MSM is ....somewhat different.
I used to mix MSM into my spray mixture but I really don't know what effect it had 'cause I was doing so many other things for hair growth.

I know someone here mentioned buying sulfur capsules, opening them up and applying it topically. The only thing is that sulfur isn't water soluble. It only dissolves in oil so you'd have to mix it with oil that case you might as well go with the MTG. Plus, you won't really know what concentration of sulfur you're getting. Atleast with the MTG you know you're getting 5%.
If I remember correctly, someone adds MSM powder to her conditioner and said it made her hair softer.

FYI Ladies. Information on MSM

Why do we need MSM?

The body uses MSM to create new, good, healthy cells. Vitamins and amino acids work with MSM during this process. Without proper levels of MSM, our bodies are unable to build good, healthy cells, and this leads to illness. Our bodies are producing new cells 24 hours per day. If your body doesn’t receive proper nutrition and building materials, it will produce bad, dysfunctional cells, deficient in the basic ingredients that constitute a healthy cell. If we want a healthy, flexible cell, capable of maintaining good health, we need to supplement our diets with MSM, to enable the body to heal itself. Your body knows what it needs better than any doctor. It will use MSM wherever it is needed most in your system. Give your body the MSM it needs so it can provide more nutrition and heal itself.

How safe is MSM?

MSM is as safe as drinking pure water. Because of its inert nature, MSM is non-allergenic, non-pyretic, and has no interfering or undesirable pharmacological effects. It can even be used as a safe blood diluent. You cannot overdose with MSM. The body will use what it needs, and after 12 hours, will flush any excess amounts out of the body. MSM will flush what the body does not retain semi-permanently every 12 hours, and because it is a free radical and foreign protein scavenger, MSM cleans the blood stream, so allergies to food and pollens go away in about 3 or 4 days. To maintain good, healthy cells, take MSM in the morning and the evening.

MSM Side Effects:

Your hair and nails will grow. You will have a sudden boost of energy.
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) has been shown to be equally effective in clinical studies as anti-flammatory drugs, without the adverse side effects! Pure MSM supplements can easily be tested at home by pouring a little MSM into a glass of warm water. If the MSM falls to the bottom and does not float on top of the water, then you have pure MSM. Fillers in MSM will stay on top of the water. When buying MSM supplements be sure and look for the OptiMSM logo on each label. You will not find any additives, fillers, binding agents, or anything else in our product. OptiMSM is always guaranteed to be 99.9% pure msm - methylsulfonylmethane. There are a lot of manufacturers who claim to sell pure MSM when indeed it is not. So be sure and check your labels yourself. Remember look for the OptiMSM logo.

What Dosage of MSM should I take?

Good health practices involve replacing essential substances that our bodies naturally use up or lose through illness or abuse. If you are physically active and get sore muscles after such activity, try 1/2 teaspoon and you will notice a difference. Keep in mind that the body is much more abused by toxins and free-radicals in the metropolitan cities than in rural areas and may require more MSM to maintain optimum health. The level of dis-ease your body is experiencing will also affect the amount of MSM needed to carry out daily function and proper repair of cells. Some people will take between 1-3 teaspoons depending on the level of energy and wellness they wish to obtain. You cannot overdose on MSM, so feel free to experiment.

What are the symptoms of MSM deficiency?

* Scar Tissue
* Wrinkles
* Damaged Skin
* Lung Dysfunction
* Diabetes
* Sore Joints and Muscles
* Ulcers
* Migraine Headaches
* Allergic Reactions
* Candida albacans Infections
* Chronic Fatigue
* High Cholesterol
* Diverticulosis
senimoni said:
cade oil?? or something like that. But MTG does not have MSM in it, it has sulfer. MSM is ....somewhat different.

Okay--I think Cade oil is correct. I just assumed was MSM was included 'cause it looked like the stuff I take in capsule form.:) Plus I've seen MSM Granules for horses to take oraly...:lol: I figured they are doing the same things that humans are doing for hair ;)
MSM dissolves in water. If you mix it with oil it'll just stay grainy.
Sulfur dissolves in oil.
I literally JUST made oil with sublimed sulfur (hard to find-got it at the pharmacy) plus castor oil.
hotshot said:
MSM dissolves in water. If you mix it with oil it'll just stay grainy.
Sulfur dissolves in oil.
I literally JUST made oil with sublimed sulfur (hard to find-got it at the pharmacy) plus castor oil.

Hey...I ran up on some real sulfur last week by accident in the drug store as well. It was called, "flowers of sulfur." It had that same potent smell as opening up a jar of sulfur 8 grease. I may have to go back and purchase me some of that powder and make a batch of this and that and what nots. I also found it interesting for them to stock it right beside a bottle of castor oil and olive oil. Who knew you could actually purchase sulfur powder in a drug store.
apparently it used be commonly stocked until other medicines took over. i bought flowers of sulfur too. it doesnt smell that strong. im using it at night. flowers of sulphur can be used in a variety of ways in ointments, treatments, etc.
Hi hotshot :)

Could you please give me some pointers on how you're using your flowers of sulfur for your hair and other remedies you may have concocted?

I was thinking of putting a little bit of the sulfur in some leftover castor oil I had laying around and mixing in a little bit of lavender and rosemary to cut the smell. TIA
hotshot said:
MSM dissolves in water. If you mix it with oil it'll just stay grainy.
Sulfur dissolves in oil.
I literally JUST made oil with sublimed sulfur (hard to find-got it at the pharmacy) plus castor oil.

Can you give us an update? How did this work for you? How often do you use it? Thanks!
hotshot said:
apparently it used be commonly stocked until other medicines took over. i bought flowers of sulfur too. it doesnt smell that strong. im using it at night. flowers of sulphur can be used in a variety of ways in ointments, treatments, etc.

I didn't see this b4 I asked the questions regarding your other post. LOL!

Are you using the sublimed sulfur and/or the flowers of sulfur, and what are your results? TIA!
dreamgurl said:
Hey...I ran up on some real sulfur last week by accident in the drug store as well. It was called, "flowers of sulfur." It had that same potent smell as opening up a jar of sulfur 8 grease. I may have to go back and purchase me some of that powder and make a batch of this and that and what nots. I also found it interesting for them to stock it right beside a bottle of castor oil and olive oil. Who knew you could actually purchase sulfur powder in a drug store.

LOL! Some of the pharmacists don't even know. I got so frustrated b/c I called around trying to find flowers of sulfur and only the last one that I talked to even knew what it was and none of them carried it.
I'm not giving up, though.