top pick for 2012

my first choice is...

  • protective styles

    Votes: 27 29.3%
  • low manipulation styles

    Votes: 7 7.6%
  • deep conditioners

    Votes: 26 28.3%
  • co washing

    Votes: 11 12.0%
  • baggying

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • trims or dustings

    Votes: 7 7.6%
  • stretching relaxers

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • avoiding relaxers

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • prepooing

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • other (please state your choice)

    Votes: 8 8.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, what would you say is your top pick that you give credit to for your hair health/length?

My first choice would be protective styles..followed by cowashing or baggying, trimming ends and strectching relaxers. I notice that my choices have changed since last year lol....protective styles have always been #1 because as long as i PS im guaranteed to see an improvement.
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I'd say DCs followed by protective styling followed by grease.

I have been using Blue Magic Coconut Oil, lol:lachen:. I love it. I went to buy a jar, but instead I stole a jar from sister, lol. :look: I need to try it out thoroughly before making a purchase, lol.
I voted Dcs. I've been staying on top of my dcs and not using a lot of heat and bunning, but mostly because I have been lazy. I would have a lot my progress if not for my addiction to color, lol.
definitely protective styling during the week and enjoying my wild hair on weekends and special occasions (i was supposed to pick just one thing wasn't I?) :look:
I would have to say going natural.

I transitioned for about 20 months and BC'd in January. I straightened my hair a few months ago and it is already longer (definitely thicker with more body and SWANG) than my relaxed hair.
Ugh, oil rinses didn't make the list :(
virtuenow how do you do your oil rinse and what is your oil of choice Ive read different methods. Before or after conditioning? How often?

I picked deep conditioning, because my hair had gotten in very bad condition and Ive been able to turn it around in the past couple of months with consistent deep conditioning and a big trim/chop.
I would have to say a trim...a big trim actually.
Others would be DCing weekly and avoiding relaxers.
Sorry I didnt have enough poll options which is why I put other for the last option :( i probably missed a few other optios as well...sawwy.

I take it oil rinses is your first choice :)

Oil rinses and DC's are a tie. So I selected DC. If oil rinses made the list, I would pick it b/c its enhancing the DC and led me to the DC's in the first place. Leslie_C I use castor oil and do them as the final step in my wash process. Once a week, I deep condition on damp hair, rinse, then slather on the oil, then rinse w/hot water right away.

Oh, so it's YOU that been buying up all my grease, LOL!

I kid, I kid...

No. But seriously...I wonder if they're about to discontinue it because everytime I go into the BSS to stock up (I go through a jar a week...don't judge me...) they're all gone or there's a few left. I hope not. I LOVE this stuff!
I'd say DC'ing with MT, and Co-cleansing are equally #1, followed by SplitEnder trims, and low manipulation styles.
Transitioning to natural is my top choice. Seriously, my hair is full and big at the moment and I'm loving it. After that, I'd say co-washing and leaving heat alone.
Cornrowing my hair and wearing wigs. My hair has grown so much since then. After that I would say cowashing.
I went for low manipulation styles bc I know my hair does best when left alone. But my first choice is M&Sing. M&S, together with 4 simple braids with baggied ends cured my biggest issues, which were dry breaking hair. Of course none of this came about till I started transitioning.
Protective styling and protein. I never realized how easily my hair becomes over moisturized. Now I see why I loved the way balancing conditioners made my hair feel pre-hhj.

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF. any spelling errors should be blamed on auto-correct.
I picked protective styles - it's a double whammy because it's low manipulation and no heat. I would say that DCing/Oil rinsing comes next and then finally scalp massages and a protein/vitamin rich diet. With all these powers combined I have some super growing hair that I'm able to maintain!