Too sensitive? Delusional?

Most of us hate our buns. The wash n go's may not be perfect. And at times due to protective styling and just failed attempts out hair doesnt always look top notch. Sometimes just the general public doesnt like the style PERIOD. When you hear a bad comment about your hair do you think they are right? Or do you think they just dont understand or are being haters?

I feel like Ive come to realize that the growing our process, stretching relaxers, protective styling just isnt a good look in general. Should we toughen ourselves to the bararge of rude comments? Just suck it up? I mean people will talk trash in general. For examples just see the Entertaiment forum. Do you feel we should get special passes?
In the very beginning of my journey, I bored easily of my buns and repetitive styling options. However, that just made me focus on how to jazz up my protective styles. Now, I love my buns and I've learned different PS in the process. I think once I started to embrace my hair and started feeling confident with my protective styles, people started to make positive comments about my hair. My mom who is my BIGGEST critic now compliments my protective styles. I love stretching and don't intend on changing that part of my, I had to learn ways to work with my NG to keep it smooth for PSing. Currently, Im 15 weeks post and you wouldn't know it unless I told you. I think it's all about working with your hair and feeling good about the choices you make.
I'm not sure if I understand what exactly you're asking, but I'll attempt to answer...

I think protective styles can look good. I wore buns all throught my transition, and they were always neat. I kept my newgrowth laid down, and my hair slicked shining. I got nice compliments on my buns (even though the buns became part of my everyday look).

After being natural, I wore twists back in November/December, and people liked those too. Not that I was fishing for compliments, but as long as a style is neat, it can be done.

Now if I was transitioning and just wearing my hair "as is" with a fro at the roots and straightness at the tips, then I'm sure that would look a hot mess, lol.

Back when I was relaxed, when stretching relaxers, I liked to wear rollersets. It was a pretty style that I loved doing (and I got compliments on those too).

Everyone isn't going to think that the growing out phase is a good look, but that's their opinion. There are styles that one could do to mask the growing out/stretching phase.

No one should have to feel obligated to keep relaxing just to avoid someone's negative reaction to that person growing their hair out, regardless of how good the style looks.
Yeah I think to a degree as long as we know what we are doing, trying to achieve and what we are doing it for,then screw the comments!

at any point we can show them they dont know what they are talkin bout!
I agree with Irresistable. The growing out process is tough, but as long as YOU know that what you're doing benenfits you...then to hell with everyone else. :yep: I'm a realist and am very critical of my looks. I know that my buns are NOT cute right now due to the length (between neck and shoulders), that's why I started a new thread earlier today asking others for suggestions. On the flip side, its good to be real with yourself enough to know when your hair looks absolutely horrible due to damage, and time to get rid of "see-through" ends as well, but a few here don't want to...I guess. :look: And I believe some are sensitive about hearing the truth about when their hair IS really jacked up, but what can you do. Oh well. :ohwell:
I agree with Irresistable. The growing out process is tough, but as long as YOU know that what you're doing benenfits you...then to hell with everyone else. :yep: I'm a realist and am very critical of my looks. I know that my buns are NOT cute right now due to the length (between neck and shoulders), that's why I started a new thread earlier today asking others for suggestions. On the flip side, its good to be real with yourself enough to know when your hair looks absolutely horrible due to damage, and time to get rid of "see-through" ends as well, but a few here don't want to...I guess. :look: And I believe some are sensitive about hearing the truth about when their hair IS really jacked up, but what can you do. Oh well. :ohwell:
:look: Real talk I see alot of jacked up heads here on the forum but yea we are all recovering. And HERE we all know that we are all trying to be stylish so we dont rag on each other but to the general public, shoudl we get mad at their reactions to our never ending buns and failed attempts at self styling?