Too many oil's in a mixture

Is there a possiblility to mix too many oils together? For instance, I mixed, coconut, WGO, jojoba, EVOO and kemy oils together lastnight and put about a quarter size in the palm of my hands and massaged them into my scalp for about 5 minutes, ooh it felt soooooooooo good. I have wonderful shine and my ends are not dry and frizzy and my hair doesn't feel greasy or weighed down, thank goodness. Ladies what are your oil mixtures and how often do you use them. TIA
I would also like to know that! I wouldn't think it would hurt anything though. I am currently using sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, lavendar oil and rosemary, EVOO & WGO and hot 6 oil......not all together though :)
Ha...That's funny I just started massaging my scalp last night too. It is soo good, I don't know why I didn't start this sooner. It is such a luxurious treat at the end of the day. Makes me feel very pampered. Anyway, I used Weleda Rosemary Hair oil. The ingredients are Peanut Oil, Clover Blossoms Extract, Burdock Root Extract, Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil

I added Jojoba oil and a couple extra drops of Rosemary oil to the mixture and did a scalp massage, it was wonderful, I kept waking up at night smelling the rosemary...Such a treat!!!!:D
I remember when I first started mixing oils I would mix 5-6 different carrier oils and essential oils at once. Come to find out, I really only needed one of those and that was coconut oil.
angellazette said:
I remember when I first started mixing oils I would mix 5-6 different carrier oils and essential oils at once. Come to find out, I really only needed one of those and that was coconut oil.

What is the difference between carrier oils and essential oils?
A carrier oil is like grapeseed or jojoba. They're called carriers because you usually use one of these to to dilute your EOs so they don't irritate your skin; sometimes mixing your EOs with a carrier is advised because EOs used straight may irritate skin.

But carrier oils are also GREAT oils used alone. They each have their own wonderful properties.

An EO is something sort of like an extract, like rosemary or lavender, which are derived from flowers. They can be very strong-smelling.