Too cute!


New Member
Lauryn has beautiful, healthy natural curls that will continue to grow into spiral curls. Daily detangling is very important for Lauryn's hair.

Hair Goals
To keep long enough so i can wear it in a pony tail and have no frizz.


Check out her before pic!:)
She's adorable! I don't know what's wrong with me, but I love the before picture. I have a thing for big hair.:)
Khalia27 said:
She's adorable! I don't know what's wrong with me, but I love the before picture. I have a thing for big hair.:)

LOL me too! She's a cutie though, got her nerve with her own little hair goals:lol:.
Cutie pie (mashaAllaah) I have to read that site when I get a chance, hard to believe that her hair went from that to that just with a shampoo.
I like the before pic too.

Oh, it's the man who likes to do the 'tunnel cuts'. I could tell from the limp 'wet look' curls in the after shots of all those photos.
There's nothing wrong with big hair.
Maybe some of those people needed something to define their curls more, but not thinning.

The kid is cute though.

ETA: I said it before on NC, but he is enjoying this far too much:
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PerfectDoak said:
I like the before pic too.

Oh, it's the man who likes to do the 'tunnel cuts'. I could tell from the limp 'wet look' curls in the after shots of all those photos.
There's nothing wrong with big hair.
Maybe some of those people needed something to define their curls more, but not thinning.

The kid is cute though.

ETA: I said it before on NC, but he is enjoying this far too much:

This man is crazy!!! I think that I would run away, cry, close my eyes, or something. Whew...I can't even take that pic.
As soon as I saw the before picture, I immediately purchased all three products to use on my daughter's hair! Sad, ain't it?
XXXtacy said:
Cinderella & Brandi are cuties too..

Yes they are!:) I was about to post Cinderella too...but then I realized that her pic has been on that site for about 2yrs...or more(Brandi's too).

Today was the first time that I saw Lauryn's pic.

She's adorable. I would NOT let that guy near my hair with scissors. What's wrong with these people? Since when did having limp, thin, see-through looking hair become the favorite over thick, full hair? I understand cutting the hair to give it shape, but cutting it to make it thinner? I'm baffled by that one. I do think the definition of the curls were gorgeous tho.
I was wondering why the after hair in all the models was limper and less full. The curls and sheen of the hair are great, but HECK NO to the thinning or whatever he calls it.
She is so adorable! It looks like they used a curling iron or rods on her after pic. That product is amazing if it did all that w/o the use of a styling tool!
OMG! I love this site! Thanks for posting it! My daughter's hair looks just like this (only shorter) and I cannot figure out how to style it so she can wear it out! Her curls are GORGEOUS when wet and it dries to look exactly liket this pic.

Poohbear said:
beautiful hair!

Thanks! BTW, what hair type would you say this is? When it's wet, it's a beautiful spiral curl, very defined. When it dries, it dries frizzy and shrinks a bit. Also, how to style it? What hair type is your hair? Your's is gorgeous! Help me out. My daughter's hair looks so beautiful in it's natural state, but I tend to get it pressed because I only know how to style straightened/relaxed hair! But, I need to learn!
CantBeCopied said:
Thanks! BTW, what hair type would you say this is? When it's wet, it's a beautiful spiral curl, very defined. When it dries, it dries frizzy and shrinks a bit. Also, how to style it? What hair type is your hair? Your's is gorgeous! Help me out. My daughter's hair looks so beautiful in it's natural state, but I tend to get it pressed because I only know how to style straightened/relaxed hair! But, I need to learn!

CantBeCopied, I know you were talking to PoohBear, but I had to chime in. My little one is natural. When she turned four and her got really thick I thought it was so hard to care for so I'd get it pressed but it never lasted for any length of time, then when she was five I put a relaxer in it and I thought that was the answer:look:. LOL of course it wasn't.

So anyway, after joining LHCF I transitioned her back to natural. She is 4a/4b. I shampoo and condition her hair once a week then I put her hair in a style that can last for the week, like twists, braids or some type of twist/puff combo. Throughout the week I spritz with water and/or s-curl, add a little oil and brush a bit for neatness. It takes me anywhere from one to three hours to style her hair on wash day depending on the style. She used to run from me on wash day, but not anymore. I am very gentle and I comb her hair in small sections, while very wet, and very slllowwly. Now I only spend about 1 or 2 minutes on her hair each morning.

When you are relaxed it can be very difficult to deal with your natural daughter's thick hair. But once you fall in love with it, work with it instead of against it, it can be a real joy. There is nothing wrong with the frizzies, I know you want it to always be super neat, lol that's how most of us were raised, but a little frizz is okay, her curls don't have to stay perfect. Tell your daughter everyday that her hair is beautiful just as it is and that nobody has hair just like hers.

The picture of how you say her hair dries is beautiful to me, I don't see frizz, I see thick, healthy, natural hair. I wish you all the best.
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hopeful said:
CantBeCopied, I know you were talking to PoohBear, but I had to chime in. My little one is natural. When she turned four and her got really thick I thought it was so hard to care for so I'd get it pressed but it never lasted for any length of time, then when she was five I put a relaxer in it and I thought that was the answer:look:. LOL of course it wasn't.

So anyway, after joining LHCF I transitioned her back to natural. She is 4a/4b. I shampoo and condition her hair once a week then I put her hair in a style that can last for the week, like twists, braids or some type of twist/puff combo. Throughout the week I spritz with water and/or s-curl, add a little oil and brush a bit for neatness. It takes me anywhere from one to three hours to style her hair on wash day depending on the style. She used to run from me on wash day, but not anymore. I am very gentle and I comb her hair in small sections, while very wet, and very slllowwly. Now I only spend about 1 or 2 minutes on her hair each morning.

When you are relaxed it can be very difficult to deal with your natural daughter's thick hair. But once you fall in love with it, work with it instead of against it, it can be a real joy. There is nothing wrong with the frizzies, I know you want it to always be super neat, lol that's how most of us were raised, but a little frizz is okay, her curls don't have to stay perfect. Tell your daughter everyday that her hair is beautiful just as it is and that nobody has hair just like hers.

The picture of how you say her hair dries is beautiful to me, I don't see frizz, I see thick, healthy, natural hair. I wish you all the best.

Girl, I am nearly in tears. Thank you. :) I do think her hair is beautiful and I didn't realize how clueless I was about the natural texture until I had her and couldn't style it unless it was pressed. Thank you!
I like the before much better on the little one. The after looks too "done", like someone went after her with a curling iron!
For those of you that purchased...Let me know how it goes!
CantBeCopied said:
Girl, I am nearly in tears. Thank you. :) I do think her hair is beautiful and I didn't realize how clueless I was about the natural texture until I had her and couldn't style it unless it was pressed. Thank you!

You are welcome. Just be patient with yourself and her hair, eventually you will get the hang of it.
PerfectDoak said:
I like the before pic too.

Oh, it's the man who likes to do the 'tunnel cuts'. I could tell from the limp 'wet look' curls in the after shots of all those photos.
There's nothing wrong with big hair.
Maybe some of those people needed something to define their curls more, but not thinning.

The kid is cute though.

ETA: I said it before on NC, but he is enjoying this far too much:

:eek: :eek: RUN FORREST RUN!!!!
BamaBelle said:
As soon as I saw the before picture, I immediately purchased all three products to use on my daughter's hair! Sad, ain't it?

I'm about to do the same thing :look:
Thanx for posting this. I was out of my qhemet and I picked up ion's curl cream at sallys, which performed well, but has parabens. I was in a bind tho, so I tried it out. I got good results, but it was hard to feel good about using it, and I want a LARGE sized products. I'm tired of only being able to purchase 6-12 oz products as I go through them so quickly.

I purchased the sample moisture and styling packs. If I like it I will get the one liter bottle, probably the fall care kit. The products dont have parabens, tho there are some other ingredients that are on watch lists for some people. Since I'm only avoiding parabens right now I will give it a try. I was looking for something that would handle frizz and make my style a lil more "polished". I will let y'all know how it goes. :)
aileenadq said:
I like the before much better on the little one. The after looks too "done", like someone went after her with a curling iron!
For those of you that purchased...Let me know how it goes!

It seems that their hair in the after pics is still maybe it looks better after it dries. They probably could separate the curls once it dries.

I hate to rain on anyones parade but i seriously doubt that their hair has dried in perfect spiral curls without the help of a styling aid, rollers and lots of heat....