Today was a great hair day


Well-Known Member
Just sharing...

Last night I put in my first set of micro twists and was kinds ambivalent about the new look. Got to the train station and as I was heading to the platform an older natural rushes up next to me and compliments my hair (says my hair looks so good that she wants to touch it). I smiled, thanked her, and kept it moving.

Got a few compliments at work (yeah). But the highlight of the night was my Target run. I got to the grocery section just as a young (7 or 8 year old) girl opened a bottle of orange juice, took a sip, then said to her mom, "I've got to drink this, it will help my hair grow." Her mom (who was rocking a nice weave (go protective style)) and I chuckled. I thought to myself that mom is teaching her daughter all the right stuff from early.

Wanted to ask if she was Niko's cousin, but didn't....

Share your great hair day stories...
Had my hair up in a WnG puff last Friday, and got my first stranger compliment Ever, since I started my HHJ. I was on cloud 9! :grin:
No stories of my own, but I always make sure to compliment other women on their hair if i'm really in awe of it. I remember sitting by a woman on the train with THICK grey braids and as I left the train I apologized that I couldn't stop staring at her hair the whole time because it was so beautiful.
A week ago, ran into an acquaintence I hadn't seen in a year so she missed my BC. She (is relaxed) and her mom (sister locs) gave me lavish compliments on my 3" (shrunk) TWA! The mom then asks if I have a texturizer, which I answered no. I beamed the rest of the afternoon.

So nice to have my shingling technique down to a science now! lol
I got a compliment from this woman in my building at work. She really liked my navy twist and wanted to know how to replicate it to her hair. It really made my day. I refered her to you tube.
Just sharing...

Last night I put in my first set of micro twists and was kinds ambivalent about the new look. Got to the train station and as I was heading to the platform an older natural rushes up next to me and compliments my hair (says my hair looks so good that she wants to touch it). I smiled, thanked her, and kept it moving.

Got a few compliments at work (yeah). But the highlight of the night was my Target run. I got to the grocery section just as a young (7 or 8 year old) girl opened a bottle of orange juice, took a sip, then said to her mom, "I've got to drink this, it will help my hair grow." Her mom (who was rocking a nice weave (go protective style)) and I chuckled. I thought to myself that mom is teaching her daughter all the right stuff from early.

Wanted to ask if she was Niko's cousin, but didn't....

Share your great hair day stories...

this totally made me smile. so cute!

i can't think of one of my own right now but i've really been enjoying my hair over the past few months :yep:
This is a great thread. And fab timing. Well don OP.

Just last night my friend said, "Every time I visit you're doing something to your hair"

Then I let it down to moisturise and she said, "wow, you have so much hair! Look how much you have! And so thick! Your curls are beautiful, I'm jealous. I can't stop looking at it!"

The compliments were overwhelming. As was having a dear friend staring at my hair in awe. I was blushing and couldn't be more pleased. 'twas a great night! My hair esteem was truly boosted!

Since I relaxed I've had no compliments from total strangers! I think it's because people assume its a weave! Watch this space!! I believe it'll come.
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I stopped wearing my wigs last week I was growing my natural hair underneath until I was comfortable with the length. I got so many compliments on my natural hair it was very encouraging. :)
My co-worker (who is half-Spanish) and has straight hair, just asked me where I buy my bun attachments. All this time I have been wearing buns, she thought it was fake! I told her that its all mine and showed her how I make them. She was shocked! She told me that my buns always look good. Made me smile :yep:
I get real life complements on my hair from co workers, relatives and friends havnt got from strangers yet.

I mostly get questions about how I "got my hair to look like that" usually when I have a twistout or shingled hair