To trim, or not to trim...???


New Member
I usually get a trim every time I get a relaxer which is every two months. Is that ok?? Does'nt trims stop breakage and aids with a healthy hair growth?? How come some people wait sooooooo long to get trims and then get mad when the stylisst has to take off like 2 inches??? :eek: Anyway my question is do you think its necessary to trim every 6 to 8 weeks to prevent breakage and to promote healthy hair growth. Also how often do you trim?
I have fine hair that's been in good condition since I started bunning and moisturizing. I have had less than normal shedding (not since that alcohol fiasco.) I don't get trims every time I get a relaxer. There are times I don't need it (no splits) but if I don't need a trim.... I'll sometimes get dusted once or twice every few months.

I'd imagine it's ok as long as your hair's healthy. You don't have to lop off ungodly amounts of hair in order for it to be healthy.
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Shea said:
I usually get a trim every time I get a relaxer which is every two months. Is that ok?? Does'nt trims stop breakage and aids with a healthy hair growth?? How come some people wait sooooooo long to get trims and then get mad when the stylisst has to take off like 2 inches??? :eek: Anyway my question is do you think its necessary to trim every 6 to 8 weeks to prevent breakage and to promote healthy hair growth. Also how often do you trim?

I don't trim. I don't believe in getting trims every 6-8 weeks unless I were maintaining a particular length. S&D? Yes, but I don't have split ends, so I don't feel like cutting is a MUST right now. For me, trimming will happen when it's necessary and not before. But that is me and my hair. Someone else might find that it is necessary to trim more often.

I have a friend who was getting trims every 6 weeks and wondered why her hair "wasn't growing". Her stylist insisted that trims were necessary for hair growth...but somehow these frequent trims were not leading to longer hair. Of course, that is because her hair was growing about 1/2 inch per month, which was promptly trimmed off. Her hair "started growing" once she stopped trimming it so often.
I may have trimmed once in the last year. I may trim again, I've not decided because my hair just a little uneven (but since I don't wear it out its not like it matters)

I don't think its necessary all the time. If you're dusting every so often then no, you probably don't need a trim unless you have a lot of damage or if you want to even up your ends.

Personally i go as far as checking sections of strands for split ends.
I don't think there is a set date for trimming, but i think it depends on how you maintain your hair. For instance if you blowdry and curl your hair very often, you'll probably have to trim more often then someone who uses no heat, low maintenance, and from my experience has no chemical processing.
When my hair was natural i barely had to trim it, but now that its relaxed i do it more often.

I do understand how ppl can get mad when the stylist cuts too much hair off though, a lot of them are just plain ole scissor happy.

when i got my first relaxer i hadn't trimmed my hair in over 7 months, she told me that she barely has to trim anything because my hair was in such good condition, saying this while she proceeded to cut my shoulder length hair to near ear length mind you.:ohwell: i was definitely confused when i got out of that chair
Cichelle said:
I don't trim. I don't believe in getting trims every 6-8 weeks unless I were maintaining a particular length. S&D? Yes, but I don't have split ends, so I don't feel like cutting is a MUST right now. For me, trimming will happen when it's necessary and not before. But that is me and my hair. Someone else might find that it is necessary to trim more often.

I have a friend who was getting trims every 6 weeks and wondered why her hair "wasn't growing". Her stylist insisted that trims were necessary for hair growth...but somehow these frequent trims were not leading to longer hair. Of course, that is because her hair was growing about 1/2 inch per month, which was promptly trimmed off. Her hair "started growing" once she stopped trimming it so often.

True. Length is just the accumulation of growth over time. If you're cutting as fast as it's growing, you're really just running in place - if not losing ground. I usually average one "real" trim a year. The rest of the time is more or less dusting. I just had that trim last week, so I'm good probably until the new year. To get the best out of that method, you have to be more vigilant about protecting your ends. That's why people often avoid heat, wear protective hairstyles, and condition on a regular basis.

As far as stylists taking off two or more inches, I think a lot of people get ticked off when stylists don't listen. Either people are getting trims they did not ask for in the first place or the stylist does not listen to what the client asked for. If a person says 1 inch - that's what they mean. It's not up to the stylist to take it upon themselves to cut off that extra inch(es) for good measure. If a person is trying to grow their hair out, they probably are not as concerned about the style and shape of the hair as the stylist.
I used to trim often because I had a lot of splits and I was maintaining a short hairstyle. I just got a trim in the back after my relaxer to get rid of the last bits of superdamaged hair, but I didn't need one in the front because I've been taking care of my hair.

So I think trimming is necessary to get rid of damage, but not mandatory and definitely not to be done at a set rate.
I have to say that I have discovered for myself that I don't need trims very often. Hurray! I used to trim religiously every 6-8 weeks - as a natural. When I was relaxed it was probably the same thing (can't remember).

But now that I don't use any heat on my hair and moisturize regularyl I don't trim AT ALL. It doesn't matter since I don't wear my hair straight. Now what are my results? Longer hair, my hair was always growing, I just kept cutting off the length.

I can especially see the difference because I had color put in this year in Feb. now in Aug I have about 5 inches of new growth. I haven't had a trim since January I think. I don't plan to trim this year at all.

My breakage area (from the color) grew out and I don't go to stylists anymore. I've never been happier with my hair. So no, trimming is not necessary unless you are trying to maintain a style and you use heat often which can damage the hair. Great post!
Shea said:
what's dusting?

Dusting is kind of "hunt and peck" clipping. Some people go through and search out for split ends and only cut off the split end. Or they go through and take off very tiny amounts of hair throughout. It's such a small amount of hair that it's like "dust" on the ground.
Chichelle I totally agree with your philosophy described by you below! I often wondered why the hairstylists are taught in beauty school to trim hair every six weeks?

Still, I am trying to find the ideal timeframe to trim. Recently, I went too long between trims (from March-August) and found that my ends were beginning to tangle and ball up at the ends, perhaps due to not trimming and ends being dry. I may shorten the time between trims a little to see how that works, and am paying now more attention to moisturizing my ends.

Cichelle said:
I don't trim. I don't believe in getting trims every 6-8 weeks unless I were maintaining a particular length. S&D? Yes, but I don't have split ends, so I don't feel like cutting is a MUST right now. For me, trimming will happen when it's necessary and not before. But that is me and my hair. Someone else might find that it is necessary to trim more often.

I have a friend who was getting trims every 6 weeks and wondered why her hair "wasn't growing". Her stylist insisted that trims were necessary for hair growth...but somehow these frequent trims were not leading to longer hair. Of course, that is because her hair was growing about 1/2 inch per month, which was promptly trimmed off. Her hair "started growing" once she stopped trimming it so often.