To Trim or Not to Trim


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

For those who do not know I am natural. However, I get my hair pressed/flat iron once every 1.5 to 2 months. At any rate, I beleive I have a good stylist as she knows how to take care of natural hair. She is also very patient and takes her time when I see her. Over the past almost 2 yrs, she has given me only 3 trims. Although I hate getting trims, I am thankful that she acknowledges when I need one.

Well, I went to see her last week and she knows how I hate getting my hair trimmed - Although I am my own witness in knowing my ends are crying for help. At any rate, she told me I should think about getting my hair trimmed next time, because my ends were bad and she did not want it to split all the way up the shaft.

I already know the answer that many of you will give. But do you think there is anyway, that I can continue growing without the trim and get it trimmed let's say 4 months from now. By then my hair would've grown a bit or should I let her trim, incase my ends gets worse.
If they are split/damaged, I'd cut them off now :yep: It's better for your hair in the long run.

I know it can be hard to cut! :bighug:
Yup. They are split/damaged. I was just thinking maybe I can go a few more months without getting a trim, so I can gain more length.
I just trimmed two inches off my hair because I needed to. As much as I hate to trim, I'd rather get rid of bad ends than hold onto them and decrease my retention.
I for one hate losing any hair length. So I would love to say don't trim, but from past experience I must admit life with my hair is so much nicer when my ends are blunt and healthy.

Fewer tangles, better swang, takes a curl/style better, does not get caught on my clothes (sounds strange but scraggly ends get caught on jackets/sweaters and break off your hair).

So if your ends are bad enough that even you know they need to come off, get rid of them. If you are sitting on the fence and think they need a litle help but are not that bad, try baggying and sealing religiously to help them make it to the 4 month goal you desire.
Yup. They are split/damaged. I was just thinking maybe I can go a few more months without getting a trim, so I can gain more length.
I would go ahead and get the trim now. If you hang onto those ends, sure your hair will be longer, but it'll be length not worth keeping.