To text or not To Text? That is the question. Cast your vote.


Well-Known Member
Why do men do this? What is the logic behind this?

Almost 3 weeks ago,this happened:

Meet this guy at previous (back in 2010) and we got along. We clicked. Shorlty after meeting him , I got a better job elsewhere and left. We lost contact for a few months and then we started bumping into eachother on our way to work. It was really random, like Im in line waiting for my order at burger king and there he is behind me Or I'm entering to bus station to go home as he gets out of the station to go to work. In other words we see in eachother going in opposite direction in a hurry or very cautious about time cause we have somewhere to be.

After months, of short conversations. Three weeks ago, we bumped into eachother again and this time in the bus. He lives in another area than mine. We sat together and we talked about work, each of our plans we have, etc. It appeared that we have a lot in common and think alike ,etc.

In the past , I went to through a phase where I wanted to move to another town and I told him how I changed my mind. Because I love the area where I'm living.

Out of the blue, He tells me how we seem to think alike , and share the same goals. At that point, we had been on the bus for 45 mins and my stop was approaching. His stop...he missed it 40 mins prior and he told me he had such a good time talking to me that he forgot where he was going.

He told me how he is working on finishing his undergrad, we have a lot in common, we think alike and etc. He then asked me for my number and I gave it to him. He hugged me and I got off the bus. He hasnt texted nor called. Until sunday ( march 10:59 PM) :ohwell:

I just noticed TODAY that texted me. He says that he hopes that everything is going as it should.

What does it mean? Should I text him back or not? Confused.:spinning:
I would be polite and respond, but I wouldn't initiate any communication with him. If I saw him in person again I would be polite and pleasant. If he's interested he will initiate more than just a vague text...just sit back and watch.
Yes, I would reply with something like "All is well, it was nice catching up the other day."
My vote is to not text anything back. Let him make another move. Let him call or you talk next time you bump into each other.

I've never had a positive experience when getting such vague not committal text.
On one hand, I believe that if a man wants to see/hear from you he will initiate contact immediately & regularly, but I also believe men are human && just as apprehensive of potential rejection as women; no one likes putting themselves "out there" only to realize they took the leap alone. I believe he's shown interest through conversation && missing his bus stop completely. If you're at all interested in him I think you should respond to his text, wait & see how he proceeds then react accordingly.
Either don't text anything back or say something like "Thanks I hope the same for you." I admit I'm not one for small talk and vagueness frustrates me. I just assume a lack of interest or guts and I check out.:yep::look:

But the long conversation resulting in him missing his bus might mean something. But it's still his job to initiate. And 11:00 is a bit late for texts, (which I despise in the getting-to-know-you phase). Send a similarly worded text and then forget about it and let him express more interest.
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Apparently its not bad that he waited to contact you according to the old school women I talk to. They said something like 2-4 weeks before a guy follows up is normal. It just means he's still thinking of you-- which is kind of special since you don't know each other like that yet. It also means he has a life and is not in utter desperation-- so that's good. I wouldn't respond right away. In fact, I'd probably wait a day or two (maybe more) to respond. Here's some other interesting tips: