To 'Our' Sister 'Jndlyn13' with Love...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Jynlnd13... I haven't seen your posts lately... :grouphug2:

So, this thread is filled with love and prayers from all of us who love you and miss you and have you in our heart and prayers, that all is well.

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Im praying your strength sis!! :kiss::grouphug::blowkiss::bighug::bighug:

You are healed by His stripes!!

I'm in total agreement with this thread!!!


Thank you Loved Ones...

I spelled her screen name incorrectly. I made the correction in the message but I was unable to correct her name in the thread title.

She's our little sister and I'm just a little worried about her. We all take 'forum breaks', here and there, but I just want to be sure that Jynlnd13 knows that even when she's not posting, we are all still here for her in love and in our prayers. God gave her to us as a special gift of life. :heart2:

Praise God for her health, strength, peace and precious life. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
..I do miss her presence here...I thank God for her healing and strength, by the Blood of Jesus.
If anyone knows her outside of this forum, can you please update us if she wishes and also extend to her that we are sending much love and prayers her way?
Any updates?

nathansgirl1908 :heart:

'NG' thank you so much for bumping this thread and for thinking of our 'sister' Jynlnd13.

I have no updates, yet she remains in our hearts and prayers for continued recovery and total healing. I pray that she is able to view the forum and that she knows just how much she is loved and missed by us.

"We love you, Jynlnd and look forward to hearing from you soon".

:circle: :love3: :circle:
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