To my protective bunners


New Member
I am very tired of just wearing a plain old bun which is getting very old very fast becasue I have texlaxed hair and the curlies pop all oou of the bun all the time. I was wondering if any of the serial bunners use crocheted hair bun covers to add a little oompf to their buns? I found a whole lot on ebay, some very nice and some utterly ridiculous but they're ultra cheap and they would keep my hair from being expsed all the timee and if i doubled them up i could put a baggie underneat for added protection. anyone who does this let me know!! oh here's the link to where they're being sold i think after i order some i think im going to get my sister in law to make me a black pride one, a red black and green one!!:grin:
Nice Idea! My bunning also gets boring after I have been doing it ALL winter so I switch up the look with chopsticks, ribbons, etc.
I have a bunch of plastic bun covers I ordered from They fit over your bun and secure with a stick. My bun eventually got too big for them but until then I loved 'em.
Just my 2 cents, but I think those covers would defeat the purpose of wearing a bun...because I would think the fabric would rub against your hair and/or suck moisture from it (kinda like a cotton scarf).
Leslie I think that the OP should be okay if she baggies (just assuming, I have never done this). Or maybe she could line the bun cover with a silk scarf? Hope that helps.
Nice Idea! My bunning also gets boring after I have been doing it ALL winter so I switch up the look with chopsticks, ribbons, etc.

it's just my hair is either too short or i don't know what im doing i would't kow the first thing about how to put chopsticks in my hair!! and then i always have these curlies/ frizzies stickin out becaue im texlaxed!1
Just my 2 cents, but I think those covers would defeat the purpose of wearing a bun...because I would think the fabric would rub against your hair and/or suck moisture from it (kinda like a cotton scarf).

i wonder maybe i should research that fabric some more and if so do what aprilsunshyne suggested or put a baggie on then a phony bun then cover the bun so everyone doesn't know it's phony!!!:grin: