To Moderators and Members


New Member
If you remember that recently I posted a request that anyone who was interested in Vintage Hair Care Recipes for Women of Color to please pm me and I did get some feedback. Since this site is maintained by the moderators, and there are paid subscribers on board, I want to now run this by the moderators and board members to get your feedback re: my idea to share information since much of the information is available on this board. My intent is as follows:
1. To gather the Vingtage Information on to at least three threads and broken down by categories to feature the following.

---Vintage Current Board Info: Info: posted prior to September 2005
---New Researched Info: and the post would show who the researchers are--of family recipes and techniques recently researched SINCE September 2005 from family members and friends of any culture or country of African descent and this includes African, mixed, West Indian, South American, International!!!!! persons of color.
---Opportunity to Challenge individually some of these recipes and techniques and critique them,

My idea is that this would provide a one stop place on the forum to have all the relevant Vintage info in one place. Of course this would remain the sole property of the board members, and it would save the extensive labor of trying to track down archival info and scattered info across the board.
Any info from the Archival and Current Board info would be clearly identified by posting the thread link. This only refers to Vintage Hair Care and Family Vintage Hair Care. Hope this helps.
For those who do not want to share all of their info (current) publicly or with the whole board...they may choose to share it by pm or email and decide later if they want to share it. I have a lot of info that I am prepared to download to kick this thing off, if the Board and members have no problem with it.
The ladies who have given me feedback can choose to identify themselves as willing to participate in researching out info for any of the three categories, and to help monitor the thread to avoid repetitious info. Bonjour

Could I please have some feedback. Bonjour
I like your idea! :) I'm also very interested in Vintage hair care. Sooo many women of color had long lush hair in the old days! I wish I had some info to share.
wow i like it too what a mine of info it would be our ancestors used to have thick lush hair by then i really want to see all your info mahalialee i m so curious
The first thread is started under Vintage Hair Care Before September 30, 2005, which should enable posters to read through before adding any further posts to avoid repetition and to get a clear idea of what the posts will be like. They are for information only. Comments or questions about the posts can be posted here so that there will be ample space for posting info links.

Next thread will be "Vintage Family Recipes From Members" and should indicate the Cultural Background that they came from, the hair texture used for and the results in terms of length, thickness etc. that occurred as a result of using them. (This is from and for women of color.)

Another Thread will be strictly: Current Research on Vintage Hair Care for women of color. Is there anyone who would like to act as a Vintage Hair Care Researcher for Women of Color (like a reporter at large, lol)?
Hey Mahalialee4 , i enjoyed that vintage post on african thread wrapping it took me back to memory lane. I'm originally from Zaire too now called Democratic Republic of Congo, and used to have my hair in that hairstyle like miss Zaire as a child. That's how they used to do our hair.Amazing !! and i also remember "les choux" you would just thread around each little section of natural hair like using a rubber band. You would have like knots but not that hairstyle just the way it is parted and the hair is not rolled but with the shrinkage anyway it looks like many little open knots. In my fotki on the my class pix in africa, i have the pix of the thread wrapping but they not attached to each other. Yeah Mahalialee Lets dig for more! We want more research!!!! :p
If you compile your information into a thread we can make it a sticky for a while so it doesnt get lost. :)
oh Mahalialee4 , that would be so great if you ever find out what were the secret ingredients in Madame CJ Walker 's magic hair potion that grew her hair so thick and long. I think their lost the recipes at her death and i wonder who had ordered her products in the old century and if there is a way to recover anything from her estate hum i need to reorder the book and Great vintage posts i wonder where you get so much info wow yes please mods make it a sticky so it doesnt disappear i need to buy more ink so i can print every bit of info and make me a hair portfolio like back in school my sections: hair history and recipes, vitamins, products i m hair obsessed i know :lachen:
To the Mods: Hope this is working for you. If you prefer it organized in a different way to conserve space, I am very flexible. Keep me posted. Bonjour
Hi. Ekomba: I know it was posted on the board by someone else somewhere about Madame Walker re: ingre. and it mentioned that according to the records, it was something to do with sulphur, and certain herbs. Well,we have MTG and it is interesting that most of the hair growth products that have sulphur in them...people are claiming increased growth and thickness. I made up a recipe that contains some of the things my people used way back and I am currently testing it on myself for one year and that is one of the ingredients. I am still short of a couple of the ingredients I need and will keep trying to get them. Hope this helps.
Mahalialee4 said:
Hi. Ekomba: I know it was posted on the board by someone else somewhere about Madame Walker re: ingre. and it mentioned that according to the records, it was something to do with sulphur, and certain herbs. Well,we have MTG and it is interesting that most of the hair growth products that have sulphur in them...people are claiming increased growth and thickness. I made up a recipe that contains some of the things my people used way back and I am currently testing it on myself for one year and that is one of the ingredients. I am still short of a couple of the ingredients I need and will keep trying to get them. Hope this helps.

Heyy Mahalialee, thank you so much so it was sulphur the main ingredient in Madame CJ Walker because i did see her pictures in her book the hair was long and thick!hum you maybe right because most of the stuff working for me mtg, biotin... got sulfur in it and herbs that grow hair hum i m about to go on a high sulphur regimen in my food, hair , drink ahhahha ohh do tell your secret recipe you add real sulphur to your recipe? did it work on your people back then? What herbs and ingredients are you using im scared to use pure sulfur and get burned as i read on the board so i bought the glovers ointment. it s like a orangy-red cream that has 5% sulfur in it. i m use that and reorder my mtg and use it once a week please mahalialee4 do spill the beans on your recipe :grin:
I have to get a few more of the ingredients yet and I am waiting for feedback on it. Then I have to test it out. I would not want to pass on something that was jacked up. But I will share when it is a keeper! Bonjour
Check the new info on Madame Walker and her teacher Annie Turnbo Malone on the Vintage Hair Care Thread posted today. Really interesting stuff! I made a connection for some herbs I need but will now be able to pick them up till December. Turns out a lady I met on holidays has access to them. Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Check the new info on Madame Walker and her teacher Annie Turnbo Malone on the Vintage Hair Care Thread posted today. Really interesting stuff! I made a connection for some herbs I need but will now be able to pick them up till December. Turns out a lady I met on holidays has access to them. Bonjour

ohhhh thanks so much Mahalialee so i think i should also look into Annie Turnbo 's recipe as Madame Walker used hers and upgraded it. So cool i had forgotten her name. Great you found the herbs, let me know how it works out ! as soon as you seen abnormal growth in one month ahhahah hollar at me with the quickness. :grin:
Wow mahalialee4 wow thanks so much for devoting so much time to your research this board is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!! i finally get my answer do you know how many times i wondered about Madame Walker's products and when i researched 3-4 years ago i was told by her estate that they were no longer available and nobody knew the ingredients so much thick long hair. wow and that vintage research is so precious because thanks to the forum we are uncovering or should i say recovering all the great secret, ancient and forgotten recipes handed down and you are right so you say her products contain mainly sulphur and capiscum hum i m a check her teacher's recipe too. You right anything that works on this board from MTG to MSN to biotin contains sulphur and even my glovers ointment 5% smells just like MTG. so all we need is to find the commun denominators in all those vintage recipes you said capiscum what is it never heard of it? And love reading your vintage info i m taking notes
You know what mahalialee4 and all other members i found this on Madame CJ Walker so i m posting here omg look at this:

"It was in St. Louis that Walker thought of putting together the ingredients for a solution that would treat a then-common scalp disease, using massage, frequent shampooing, and an ointment or pomade containing therapeutic sulfur. The system also employed hot combs, though she did not invent this tool, despite its having been credited to her in the past."

Why this info shows us that all the things we have been doing on this board scalp massages, the thread about daily washing growing hair, and everything are things we do that were handed down even if we unaware of it or that someone is used to doing as for me i never did any of those my hair used to be so scared of the water so i discovered all that on this board about frequent washing , massages hum sometimes its good to look way back to see they were doing the same thing we are doing now
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Another quote from A'Lelia Bundles, journalist and descendant of Madam Walker interviewed:

YIC: And how did she initially start out with this idea of hair care products?

A.L.: Well this was the true story of necessity is the mother of invention. She was going bald! And she was going bald because she had a horrible scalp disease, which was very common at the time among black and white women. It was an old wives' tale that women should only wash their hair once a month and not at all during the winter. And it is just too gross to even really think about. But you can just imagine inflammation and dandruff and all the horrible things that would happen if you washed your hair that infrequently.

As a result she was going bald. Her scalp was too unhealthy for her hair to grow. And she said, "I felt so ashamed of my appearance, my frightful appearance, I prayed to God for a solution." And she said, "And shortly after that in a dream a big black man came to me and told me what to mix up for my products; some of the ingredients came from Africa. I sent for them and mixed them together and applied the ointment to my scalp and my hair began to grow back faster than it had ever fallen out."
So did you enjoy the information posted to the Vintage 2005 thread? Any more contributors>family recipes, secrets...secrets...going once, going Bonjour
Ekomba: capsicum is liquid red cayenne pepper. Red peppers steeped in vodka makes excellent capsicum. HANDLE THIS WITH CARE...EYES, NOSE, MOUTH AND SKIN ARE EXCEPTIONALLY SENSITIVE TO THIS. Bonjour
hum red pepper steeped in vodka wow i'm try that thankkkkkkkks mahalialee4 ohhh i did not know liquid cayenne existed i thougth just pepper can it be mixed safely in a homemade concoction to stimulate scalp and how much is enough no to get burned?
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There should be a liquid capsicum or cayenne and vodka thread on this board. Check the search button or if anyone has it please bump it up for this sistah. Bonjour
Hi Mahalialee
I remember your invitation. I'm so sorry I got lost in the mix somehow with everything here. I'm still interested in learning...if that's okay? :look: