To cut or not to cut?


Well-Known Member
I'm 10 months post now and it's been pretty easy. I've read a lot of horror stories about 3 hour detangling sessions, not being able to blend the two textures... I'm doing pretty well.
My only issue right now is an awful case of the "I want it now". I want to cut my hair right away, I wanted it cut last week. I live in PA and some products are hard to come across, I just spent two days in NYC and bought a couple of things where I bought sample sizes of 3 Miss Jessie's products, I got some KCCC but no knot today because it was nowhere to be found (went to 4 different stores) and I got some Eco styler olive oil gel. So now I want to play with my new toys...
The only thing keeping me is that I'm not sure what I'll look like with very short hair. I've always had shoulder/aplish hair and I'm kind of afraid of what very short hair will look like.
What to do, what to do.
I say wait! I think when you really want to cut it you will just go ahead and do it. I have been trying to hang on to my raggety thin ends for months. I did not want to let go of my length for anything. Finally, last week I washed my hair and I looked dat those ends in the mirror and I just could not take it any more. I got the scissors and trimmed away. I did myself a real favor by letting go those ends.

So my advice would wait until you know you are really ready to cut. :yep: HHG
I say cut it!! lol My bc was sort of spontaneous so I'm all for that sort of thing. At 10 months post I'm sure you have a lot of new growth and it will look just fine on you. Do it, do it, do it!!
I'm 10 months post too, OP! When is your start date? My last relaxer was May 2. I am trying to hang in here until May 2 for my year mark, but I have that same can't wait syndrome. My transition has been smooth without issues. My relaxed ends are healthy. I have mostly protective styled with buns. I am itching to rock my curlies. I am trying to lose 15 pounds in this weight loss challenge I am in and cut on May 2, a month earlier than planned. We'll see if I can hang on. I've always has SL-MBL hair and this will be a drastic change, but one that I will welcome.
My last relaxer was May 10th, before my birthday. I was trying to hang on to May to make a year, but then when I think about it, with 0.5" per month, will it really make that big a difference?