To clear the air about protein...


With Love & Silk
Hey Ladies!

I've noticed on some of the threads, there seems to be some confusion and misconceptions about protein in hair products. I've noticed that some think that the use of (overuse) of) any protein is bad for the hair.

But the only protein that we really want to avoid over doing it with is Keratin. Also, sometimes "Hydrolyzed Animal Protein" appears in the ingredient list & this is one that we also do not want to overuse. Keratin is the protein naturally found in hair so when we use a hair product with Keratin, it adds structure & strength to our hair. It does this by hardening (strengthening) the hair to a degree. This is why we moisturize after strong protein treatments
It is said that overuse of a protein conditioner can cause the hair to become dry and brittle. If it is Keratin, this is true--BUT...

There are even protein conditioners with Keratin in them that are safe for weekly use-IF YOU FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS (K-Pak & Keraphix are 2 that come to mind) Humectress has Keratin and is safe for use DAILY. The old formula of Mizani Moisturefuse had keratin protein in it & I used it faithfully(weekly) in college & my hair thrived thrived thrived!!!!!!!! ( and I was still using quite a bit of heat during this time)

The other proteins we encounter in hair products besides keratin are not naturally found in the hair but are beneficial to the hair. I won't go into detail (we have a thread about all of it) but these proteins are moisturizing, shining, smoothing, elastic, etc. proteins. Proteins from "starchy" sources also offer mild structuring (examples: wheat & rice protein)

The strong protein conditioners (that I can think of) that would be detrimental with overuse would be INTENSE treatments such as DRC 28, Aphogee, & Emergencee.

"Over the counter" products for everyday use that contain protein are not dangerous to your hair. If they were--they would not be sold over the counter OR the directions would explicitly tell you to only use the products every so many days. (examples: Profectiv break-free& healthy ends, ORS Carrot Cream)

So in conclusion, don't fret about protein. Don't be paranoid that every little protein is bad. Don't be like "ooo, protein!" and shake like they did on Lion King to "ooo Mufasa--say it again! Mufasa!"
In fact--if you are relaxed, you betta get some protein up in that mane of yours. If you want your ends to stay thick and healthy for longer periods of time--protein is key to your hair's diet. If you use any drip-drop of heat EVA(ever) in your hair, get some protein.

Well said Supergirl, thanks for the info. I've always use a good supply of moisturising protein on my hair regularly, so i'm glad to be on the right line.
Thanks Allandra for the link and the bump

Lover, that's me in the avatar
--Just kidding!!!!!!!!! --She's just a pretty lady I got off the ivillage website.
How about naturals? I knwo we don't break down the protein structure by relaxing, so shoudl I just foucs on the moisturizing proteins instead of the reconstructing ones?

I am certain that you will need less reconstructing that us relaxed girls--UNLESS you are pressing, flat ironing, or blow drying your hair on a regular to semi-regular basis.

I say moisturizing protein conditioners are ALWAYS good--no matter the hair.

And even as a natural, protein will help extend the life of your ends.
Well, now I'm confused.

Guess I'll have to do some more research. Cause there's a site and I think I saw it listed on this forum. But anyway it talks about only certain kinds of Protiens actually "Bind" to the hair that excess others cause dryness, buildup and even breakage.

We do know that protein strenghtens but we also know that when used in moisturizing products, daily maintenance products and shampoos can be damagaing.

I know that was the cause of my breakage a yr ago I was using Aubrey, Green Tea Shampoo, a protein conditioner, and a followup mositurzing cond. that unknowing had protien in it.


I did'nt know about the different types and what to watch for back then.

This is a good board for learning. Thanks for the info Super...

I think we should add though that everyone's hair reacts differently to different things. I think for some, protien overload of any kind could be disastrous.

I forgot to add that Green Tea Shampoo had "ALMOND PROTEIN".

You are most definitely right that build up(even a negative protein build up) is bad for the hair. Do note however, that most of the quality products that we use leave a "positive" build up. Quality products though

And I agree that we should clarify periodically.
Thanks for posting this, I never really thought about the different kinds of proteins. I just used what I thought was appropriate for my hair according to its needs at the time and the purpose of the product. Now Im going to pay attention to proteins types to make sure nothing will go wrong in the future.
Great post! I use protein conditioner once a week and I use a moisturzing conditioner once a week also. My hair has been thriving ever since I started this routine.
Great post! I use protein conditioner once a week and I use a moisturzing conditioner once a week also. My hair has been thriving ever since I started this routine.
As usual Supergirl to the rescue. I imagine you in a cape flying around the board like Mighty Mouse...."here I come to save your hair....". LOL

I saved that other thread in my favorites. It's a good reference to re-read sometimes
Good Info...I actually read one of the old posts last year to find out about the different types of proteins. We seem to have some of the same misconceptions about proteins as we do about the alcohols in different products.
Thanks for the info, supergirl. The uses, benefits, and potential dangers of protein has always been a little foggy to me, so your explanation broke it down for me. Can you also say a few words on reconstructors? When should we use one, how often, etc? That would be greatly appreciated
I do a protein treatment once a week as well as a moisturizing one. I try to find conditioners that have a moderate amount of protein. I don't think we naturals need large doses of protein but it does help to strengthen our hair. I find that Miss key 10en1 is a good one.
I agree with you Supergirl, but I think Cathy Howse disagrees. She doen't use any moisturizing product with protein is bad.
Great post Supergirl!! I'm one of those who learned the hard way about "OPing". I over proteined with Aphogee shortly after having a relaxer, then when I had a little shedding (which looking back was really no big deal) I over proteined again. My hair is just now back healthy from cutting an inch and keeping my moisture levels up!

Oh, someone said Cathy Howse is against protein in daily products. She says it's not good in the moisturizing stages. She says it's great for whenever you're wanting to condition, but when you moisturize, because of it's strengthening/hardening effects, you don't want it in the moisturizing stage. But she's not at all anti-protein!! Great thread!
Can someone list a good moisturizing conditioner that does NOT contain protein? Thanks.