To Chop or Not to Chop?


Well-Known Member
I am going to my stylist tommorow for my 6 week appointment and she normally cuts my ends to help get rid of my relaxed ends but as I am retaining length I am loving my new length but I do want to ultimately become all natural so what should I do? My ends are healthy and thriving and last time she cut about an inch and a half of my growth and I was likeWhyyy :wallbash: Although my hair is steadily growing it looked as if it wasnt because she cut it because my overall goal is to cut of all my relaxed hair by the end of the year.

I am torn between having long transition hair or shorter almost natural hair. What do you suggest because my hair is not damaged, it is healthy my mind is reeling:spinning:
Do what you feel comfortable with....You can wait and cut it the next time around, but don't pressure yourself. Go with the flow and if you are enjoying your length don't cut can always cut it when it grows out longer.
If it is healthy and you like it like it is I would just get it trimmed as usual....If you are ready to be all natural then chop it off....I admire people that have the patience to transition....I could never do it...I went for the chop. It's really a personal decision