To chop or not to chop?


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all, I need your help. I can't decided whether to chop my thin/missing ends or just leave them alone.


I've already trimmed about 1.5 inches off, but I'm still at APL (pic on the left). The pic on the right is the same picture, but I editted it in Photoshop to remove the ends. My hair would no longer be APL, but it would be all one length (i.e., no layers).

What do ya'll think? Should I leave it alone or chop it?
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It depends on what is more important to you.....reaching your goal first or having it all one even length. Are your ends split? If so, I say trim.:)
ETA: I had the very same dilemma this summer, my ends were splitting up the shaft though! So I felt I had to trim, but I don't regret the decision....I feel my hair is the better for it. I know some people believe in hanging on to ends at all cost, but I think it is counterproductive.
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My opinion- chop it. It does not look like you have a lot to chop, maybe 2 inches? Health over length for me. You will regain those (healthier) inches back in no time w/ a good regimen.

I am curious to see what the other ladies think.
I say, if they are damaged then chop but if they aren't, let the other hair play "catch-up" and when you are at you goal length, do a chop if you want your hair even.
Sorry ya'll, I tried to make a poll but it said the page wasn't found. :(

The poll would have said:

Chop it
Leave it alone
Looks ok either way

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that are not damaged.
I did a major cut earlier in the year but mine was damaged. If it is not damaged leave it alone, wait until you get to your desired length and then start trimming gradually. I dont know if you are doing protective styles or not but if you are then no one will see your ends anyway. HTH
WOW! I had to endure the same decision ALONE on this weekend. I hit armpit length (will add pics tonight) and saw that my hair at the pit was not as thin and full as the rest of my hair so after debating with my stylist going home and looking at it...I CHOPPED.

I chopped because I wasnt sure how it would fill in and wasnt too amped at walking around with big spaces in my hair when I know I can chop and pamper my hair and get it full all over.

I hope this helps :)
There is no way I would chop it if it is not damaged. HOWEVER, I wear my hair curly and rarely have it down, so uneven hair does not bother me. I can say this, though: The v cut looks nice. :)
Step away from the scissors!! Try the baggy method on those ends and add extra TLC. If they are not damaged then hold on Sareca.;)
Catina72 said:
Step away from the scissors!! Try the baggy method on those ends and add extra TLC. If they are not damaged then hold on Sareca.;)

She took the words right out of my mouth:up:
I'd say leave it alone. You may cut it off and it might grow back in the same pattern. So I say let mother nature do her thing and your hair will fill out in no time.
No Damage = No Chop.:grin:

I understand where you're coming from though. When I got home Friday evening, I went straight to the bathroom and started cutting my hair:eek:

Don't ask me why, I just did. Then Sunday, I cut my hair again.:eek: :confused: I don't know what the heck is wrong with me. I've been debating should I cut it back to shoulder length:perplexed I'm not liking the shape of my hair and I keep having to cut these little splits before they get out of hand........

I'm sorry.....this is your dilemma, Don't cut it:look:
Boy am I glad you asked this question, :confused: my ends are super thin,we are talking you can see through to the other end of the earth thin, :lachen: know use waiting to arrive at APL or anything else, I need healthy hair 1st, , I have been trimming, but in order to get nice overall thicker hair, besides, underprocessing, I now need to chop for real, so off I go,:driver:
luvlonghair said:
No Damage = No Chop.:grin:

I understand where you're coming from though. When I got home Friday evening, I went straight to the bathroom and started cutting my hair:eek:

Don't ask me why, I just did. Then Sunday, I cut my hair again.:eek: :confused: I don't know what the heck is wrong with me. I've been debating should I cut it back to shoulder length:perplexed I'm not liking the shape of my hair and I keep having to cut these little splits before they get out of hand........

I'm sorry.....this is your dilemma, Don't cut it:look:

:eek: I did that same thing! I've basically been snipping here and there every couple of days since I relaxed it.
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gradygirl said:
I did a major cut earlier in the year but mine was damaged. If it is not damaged leave it alone, wait until you get to your desired length and then start trimming gradually. I dont know if you are doing protective styles or not but if you are then no one will see your ends anyway. HTH

I've been doing no contact, but not protectives. I wore buns for most of the year so now I'm rebelling. :)
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Girl, don't snip-snip. taking off a lil here and there is addictive, and you'll never feel you've taken the right amount off. make your decision--do I want to leave the ends alone or do an official trim?!

I think you are fine, but as cichelle said, if you're wearing it curly, it doesn't matter as much as when you have a sleek "down" style.
I'd chop, but that's just me. I have no problem sacrificing length for even thick ends. Uneven or thin ends drive me crazy! I'd be snipping here and there every time I looked in the mirror anyway so I just prefer to cut it and get it over with. It always looks so much better and that more than makes up for the couple inches lost.
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Don't cut it ;)
I think your hair looks great :grin: Def. baggie until you hit da bra :lol:
btw, of course, I love ur hair!!! U r one of my idols :look: :grin:
if it grows like that leave it alone... it i doesn't then..well.. snip snip and a lil clip clip well do the trick!
I'm still not sure. Everybody has great points.

On one hand, I feel like the ends are making my hair look bad. It is the healthiest it has ever been, but it has looked better. :confused:

On the other hand, I feel like keeping the ends is helping protect the rest of my hair. So I'm assured thick healthy ends at goal.

Decisions, decisions...
I am finally able to get back on the site. yahhh.
Back to the regular programed station now. lol

I would leave them alone since they are not damaged.
But a head full of healthy even hair is very pretty also.
Either way, I know it will be pretty.
Psst....but I would leave those UNdamaged ends alone.
sareca said:
I'm still not sure. Everybody has great points.

On one hand, I feel like the ends are making my hair look bad. It is the healthiest it has ever been, but it has looked better. :confused:

On the other hand, I feel like keeping the ends is helping protect the rest of my hair. So I'm assured thick healthy ends at goal.

Decisions, decisions...

;) Now those are fantastic points! See, you didn't even need us. If you leave it alone now, just think how awesome those ends will look a BSL when you're more comfortable sacrificing 2 or 3 inches. Hang in there got it!:D
Letitia said:
I am finally able to get back on the site. yahhh.
Back to the regular programed station now. lol

I would leave them alone since they are not damaged.
But a head full of healthy even hair is very pretty also.
Either way, I know it will be pretty.
Psst....but I would leave those UNdamaged ends alone.
Amen to that!! I was goin through withdrawal all last night.:lol: :lol:

Sareca...girl if your hair is not damaged, Im gonna agree with most of the posters and say just leave it alone, my dear.:)