To ALL of The Ladies Here on This Forum...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member

:rosebud: WONDERFUL !!:rosebud:

Each and everyone of you.

:rosebud: WONDERFUL! :rosebud:


Beautiful in the Sight of God!

God Bless You!

And don't any of you 'dare' give up on your hopes,
your prayers, your Dreams


Your husbands..... :love3:

Present or Future. Pray for them. Our husbands need our prayers. We know how to reach God for them.

Because they are the 'head', the altitude can get heavy for them and it hinders their directional GPS (God's Path of Security), they can get 'off track'. Yet our prayers keep them on course or place them back on.

Pray for your husbands current and to be. Pray for them. A Man is 'drawn' and securely bonded to the woman who 'prays for him :pray: :Rose:
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Well thank you Shimmie!!! I pray for my future hubby and will continue to do so. I kinda did give give up on me (my goals, hopes, dreams, future etc) a lil bit, so thanks for the words of encouragement.
Thank you Shimmie- I needed to hear that! *hugs*

Well thank you Shimmie!!! I pray for my future hubby and will continue to do so. I kinda did give give up on me (my goals, hopes, dreams, future etc) a lil bit, so thanks for the words of encouragement.

You are more than welcome. :Rose:

Please don't give up and don't be discouraged when you have. God hears your prayers and your husbands will discern and respond to the love upon their lives and their spirits. Deep Calls unto Deep.

Lord God, you know who the husbands are to these women and the others who are praying. They are not praying into thin air, nor wishing upon a star, but unto you and for the men whom you have in store for them.

Let the softness of love and the Holy presence of your Spirit flow into the hearts of these men designed for them, and let each of them know, that you are there.

The prayers of the 'Righteous' availeth much. They pull in what you have already set in place. Keep these men pure and whole and without waver in doubt. Bring them to these women and surround them round about with your loving protection.

Let the prayers of these Righteous be led and full of and by your Holy Spirit, giving you honor and thanks all the way through.

Whom God hath joined together, let no man put assunder.... :Rose:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

:rosebud: WONDERFUL !!:rosebud:

Each and everyone of you.

:rosebud: WONDERFUL! :rosebud:


Beautiful in the Sight of God!

God Bless You!

And don't any of you 'dare' give up on your hopes,
your prayers, your Dreams


Your husbands..... :love3:

Present or Future. Pray for them. Our husbands need our prayers. We know how to reach God for them.

Because they are the 'head', the altitude can get heavy for them and it hinders their directional GPS (God's Path of Security), they can get 'off track'. Yet our prayers keep them on course or place them back on.

Pray for your husbands current and to be. Pray for them. A Man is 'drawn' and securely bonded to the woman who 'prays for him :pray: :Rose:

So true the bolded.:yep:
Thank you Shimmie...may God bless you!

I'd like to add that The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian has excellent prayers :).
Thank you Shimmie..You are always right on time with these wonderful and encouraging posts. I love you girl:rosebud::blowkiss: May the Lord continue blessing you and using you for His works.:bighug:
Thank you Shimmie..You are always right on time with these wonderful and encouraging posts. I love you girl:rosebud::blowkiss: May the Lord continue blessing you and using you for His works.:bighug:
:blowkiss: Right back to you, and 1000-fold Blessings in abundance and love.
Are men really bonded to the women that pray for them? It seems like they just don't care sometimes.
Are men really bonded to the women that pray for them? It seems like they just don't care sometimes.
:yep: They care. However, when a woman tells a man she's praying for him, he may think she's 'plotting' on him, trying to 'control' him. ESPECIALLY in relationships when they go sour or when the approach is not right.

Yet prayers do indeed form a 'bond' with 'us'. We become connected in the spirit. If you are praying for the 'right' man that God has for you, it does create a bond that draws him near. It's a spiritual principle.

There are 'countless' testimonies about this. Prayer is the most powerful gift that we can give of ourselves to anyone.

Many soldiers in Iraq have testified of 'knowing' or feeling when their wives or a friend or family member were praying for them at a crucial time that they were going through. They have even confirmed the time and the day when they sensed the prayers of a loved one. Prayer is most definitely a bond.

"...And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." (Eccl 4:12)

My children 'know' when I'm praying for them. They can't get away with anything. :rolleyes: :lol: Or better yet, God gives them unexpected 'favor'. My son will call me and ask: Mom........ you prayin' ? My answer: Yup! :yep: :lol:

My 'friend' feels my prayers. He knows....he always knows and it blesses him. :yep: My Pastors feel my prayers, my mom. Even my closest friends and family members. And I also feel theirs as well, for me.

The key is, 'we' are to pray the perfect will of God. Not our will, but God's will for those we love and for our husbands or husbands to be.

The prayer is always asked of the Holy Spirit who leads and guides us into 'all' truth:

"Holy Spirit, please pray through me, your perfect will for my beloved ones; all of those who live within my heart. Pray through me your perfect will and perfect understanding.

For my future husband, what do I pray for him today? You are there with him and you know his very and every need. Pray through me the prayers, that he needs this very day.

And through 'our' prayers, please bring him closer to 'You' and closer to me.

For this I thank you and praise you with all of my heart, for using me as your 'vessel'. For no one knows him better than you do.

I yield my heart to you, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:

"...a threefold cord is not quickly broken."
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Thanks for this, Shimmie. Such sweet words :)

I've been really down lately in the relationship department, & seeing this is encouraging. This forum is a blessing.
Thanks for this, Shimmie. Such sweet words :)

I've been really down lately in the relationship department, & seeing this is encouraging. This forum is a blessing.

I had to go back and add something extremely important to the prayer. It's bolded in dark red.

Pookie, you are definitely someone's 'Pookie Sweetheart' . :yep: God has someone 'right' for you. I wish you blessings in every area of your life and for your husband whom God has for you.

God knows how I truly mean this. I pray this for every woman whose desire is to be happily married. Not just 'married', but happily in the Name of Jesus. Amen. :Rose:
Nice... very encouraging, as usual! :yep:

I won't give up on hubby...still praying for him.

The beauty of being equally yoked and living in the will of God is when a Christian woman prays for her husband, he knows it's no "plot" but something really, really good and beneficial to him and his household.. LOL

God bless you today, Beautiful Lady!
Thank you, Shimmie, for that beautiful prayer. This...the relationship issue, has been my struggle today. Boy! The tears....the wait....praising Him in the meantime.....more tears...the loneliness....and yet, God is good.

Today has truly been one of those days for me. Sometimes the silence speaks volumes. My heart hurts. I know what Hannah must've felt like when she cried out to God for a baby. I'm in the same vain as it concerns a husband/family. God said he gives a family to the lonely (Psalm 68).
Thank you, Shimmie, for that beautiful prayer. This...the relationship issue, has been my struggle today. Boy! The tears....the wait....praising Him in the meantime.....more tears...the loneliness....and yet, God is good.

Today has truly been one of those days for me. Sometimes the silence speaks volumes. My heart hurts. I know what Hannah must've felt like when she cried out to God for a baby. I'm in the same vain as it concerns a husband/family. God said he gives a family to the lonely (Psalm 68).
Your time is coming soon, that's why you are having the struggle.

Thank you, Shimmie, for that beautiful prayer. This...the relationship issue, has been my struggle today. Boy! The tears....the wait....praising Him in the meantime.....more tears...the loneliness....and yet, God is good.

Today has truly been one of those days for me. Sometimes the silence speaks volumes. My heart hurts. I know what Hannah must've felt like when she cried out to God for a baby. I'm in the same vain as it concerns a husband/family. God said he gives a family to the lonely (Psalm 68).
:kiss: Yodie... I have something for you "little sister". I'll be right back. :yep:

Here you are: You mentioned 'Hannah'

God gave this prayer to me 3 years ago. One of our members sent me a PM about a year later... She was happpily married. :yep: :yep: :yep:

For you Yodie and for every 'sister'... :love3:

Dearest Ones for whom I pray. I promised to post the marriage prayer for singles. Just be assured, with hearts like yours, God has no problem answering the desire of your heart to be married. That's what He created and designed us for. And in your prayers thank God as follows:

" Lord, I thank you that I will be as you have 'such' created". (This scripture you find in Ephesians 2).

Whatever you do, allow God to be first.

Such as, "Father, only you can give me the desire of my heart to be a wife and to give glory to you as such. I will not bow to the world but unto you."

Dear Father, bless me as you did Hannah when she asked you for a son, you answered her prayer and blessed her with Samuel, which means, "...because I asked the Lord for him."

Lord because "I asked", you will answer, for your word says, 'If I ask anything according to your will, you will hear me and when I know that you hear me, I can expect you to answer, 'yes'' to my request. For a happy, loving, fruitful marriage is Your will and Your will shall be done in, here on earth, in my life, as it is in Heaven.

I promise to allow my marriage to give you glory. To you I surrender all short comings that are in me and in my husband. To be the wife that you created me to be. And to allow my husband to be the man you created and designed him to be.

Father, take over my life from this day forward. To you, I surrender all. Let your will be done and not my will.

Please protect me from all counterfeits. Please allow only the right man to come into my path and into my life to make me his wife. When he comes you will prove to me beyond a doubt that he is the one. I promise to ask you first, before I surrender my heart, allowing you to be my leader and guide in all truth.

In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

Angels, there is no magic pattern or prayer, you are simply putting it there in God's hands. Then let it come from Him. And it will, "Because you asked" just as Hannah did and God said, yes.

Loving blessings and Sweet sleep to each of you. Dream of Him; the One without sin, and then the 'him' who is yet to be with you. Amen.

"Be not afraid, only Believe..."

Why believe the bad, when instead 'receive the good?
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Your time is coming soon, that's why you are having the struggle.

Sis, thank you. These are such 'soothing' words. The truth of them 'pierced' right through me. I feel them in my heart. :love2:
Thank you Shimmie...may God bless you!

I'd like to add that The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian has excellent prayers :).

Excellent! Thank you for sharing this, PinkPebbles. :kiss: I'm going to link it for the Ladies.

Ooooooo, look at her website:

Here's her prayer book and it filled with loving prayers for your husbands (now and husbands to be). Just because he's not 'with' you now doesn't mean that he doesn't exist; your husbands are 'out there', looking for 'YOU'!

Cover them in loving prayers and allow them to follow the trail, the path of those prayers. The Holy Spirit will lead you into all Truth.


Current Wives, you husbands LOVE when you pray for them and they always come home 'knowing' that you were 'there' with them when the 'boss' was being difficult; when traffic was crazy; when they had a bad day of being distracted and put off focus.

Men are direct and hate being taken away from their focused goals. Yet when you are praying for him, he senses it and he just simply 'knows' that you are 'there' WITH him and FOR him. :yep:

Your husbands need you. No one can do this for them as perfectly as you can. No one. You 'sleep' with the man and you know every fiber of his being inside and out.

You live with this man and you know his moods, his likes, his passions, his heartaches and frustrations.

Who better, who better than you and the Holy Spirit, the greater one who lives on the inside of you.

I have to stay with my 'annointing'. God has had marriages on my heart quite heavily for over a week now. I had 'fun' in the 'Marriage Video' thread, but the entire time I was 'cutting up', the Marriage prayers have been strongly planted in my heart.

God is moving in Marriages. He WANTS to. He wants to restore and renew what's been tampered with. He wants to renew hope in the hearts of women who have 'faithfully been waiting on the Lord' for their husbands to come into their lives.

Something is happening and God is at the very Helm, bringing from Heaven, the answered prayers for happy marriages. Not easy, but happy.

I just praise Him for it. I simply praise Him His Holy Blessed Name!

I cannot let this go. I simply cannot let this go. God is truly answering the hearts of those who wish to be happily married. He's 'fixing' Marriages broken and beginning Marriages 'new'.

Ladies, I would just stay on my face and hear what He's saying to you individually. Not all are the same for each of us are individually different. And each Marriage will have it's own design. But it's God's design, not man's.

God is the Lord; the Lord is God! Praise you Jesus, Amen! Amen!

Let God speak to your hearts and just believe Him and not doubt Him and just be ready and stay ready.

Don't have your hair wrapped. No ghetto fingernails. No gum popping. Just be ready. :grouphug2:

Hebrews 10...

35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward......

37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.

39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

Ladies, this is where I live...


I believe.......I just choose to believe. I believe God. I believe. It won't leave my soul; God's word, His promises. I believe. :love2:
Nice... very encouraging, as usual! :yep:

I won't give up on hubby...still praying for him.

The beauty of being equally yoked and living in the will of God is when a Christian woman prays for her husband, he knows it's no "plot" but something really, really good and beneficial to him and his household.. LOL

God bless you today, Beautiful Lady!
Hi Pretty Lady... 'You' :grouphug2:

When I read your post above, it came into my spirit that we my never realize just how many times, your prayers have literally saved your husband's life.

Lord Jesus! Lord!

The Wife's prayers are just that powerful. JUST 'thinking' in prayer. Thinking prayerful thoughts have manifested the move of God upon the life of your husband. That's just how powerful your connection, you as his Help Meet, His Side, His Prime Rib, has over his life and well being.

My God!

Psalm 24: "Who shall ascend into His Holy Hill? He (She) who hath clean hands and a pure heart..."

Laela, who can go into the very presence of God on behalf of your husband? You dear one. 'YOU'.... YOU, Laela, YOU! For you have given yourself over to the Lord, with clean hands and a pure heart. God has deemed you Blessed above all 'women' for your husband.

You are the only one 'annointed' to love him and to cherish and to be his wife. No other woman has been called to do this. None other and no other ever will. As Mary was chosen to bear Jesus our Lord, Highly Favored among all other 'Virgins', so are you, Laela, so are you for your husband. Highly Favored and highly selected by God.

PRAISE GOD! I'm on a roll. Praise God! There it is. I got it! The 'word' is finally coming out of my spirit. Last week, it wouldn't come forth. It had an appointed time.

To all of the ladies regarding your husbands and 'Future Husbands'....

Check this out...

God has annointed only one woman to be said man's wife. 'YOU". No one except you and only you. Don't fret yourself about some other woman, because she is cast out. I have scripture! I don't play!

Galatians 4:30 'Cast the bond woman out.'

The one who does not belong is cast out. Period. :kick: She is not annointed nor appointed for your husband. She is not meant to receive his 'seed'. You are and no other. :nono:

That's it. Follow your annointing and you will arrive at your appointing. :yep: God's Destiny for you and your marriage will not be aborted. He is in control. Just believe God. Believe Him and kick out all doubt with His promise to betroth His daughters. He always does. God is no respector of persons. What He does for one, He does for all, if you but ask and then believe.

Dear Lord to whom have you 'annointed' and appointed these ladies 'unmarried' to be married to? To whom? Please let it known and let it shown right early. To you be the glory and all praise and all glory. We thank you, Lord God. With hearts humble and full of gratitude. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen :Rose:

" wrapped and ghetto fingernails" gave me a much needed laugh. My hair, shall I say, being able to do my own hair has been heavy on my heart lately. Actually on my way to the beauty supply and I'm asking the Holy Spirit to help me try something new.

I have the power of a praying wife. I always prayed for my husband out of that book. About to take it off the shelf again. About to sleep with it next to my bed as a reminder to pray for my husband - however God leads. All married ladies and ladies in waiting should really get this book. FAB!!
Can I share something that tends to discourage me? I feel that we hear so much about the women who are waiting, who are still seeking and desiring, and who are struggling with persevering, and much less from the women who have had those prayers answered. I believe the Lord hears, definitely he does. I just want to hear more from women who can testify to how the Lord has answered this same prayer for them.
Can I share something that tends to discourage me? I feel that we hear so much about the women who are waiting, who are still seeking and desiring, and who are struggling with persevering, and much less from the women who have had those prayers answered.

I believe the Lord hears, definitely he does. I just want to hear more from women who can testify to how the Lord has answered this same prayer for them.
Ooooo, please don't doubt. :kiss: I hear you loud and clear. :yep:

Nicola, there's a thread in here where a member shared her testimony. Actually, there are serveral testimonies. I also have two PM's but I can't share without their permission. I keep my PM's private. We all do. :yep:

I'll find the thread I'm thinking about and post it. :yep: Give me a 'minute' or two or three. I have to do a search.

In the mean time, I'll start a testimonial thread for the Wives... How's that. I'll still look for the thread, though. I don't remember the title. But I'll find it. :up:

" wrapped and ghetto fingernails" gave me a much needed laugh. My hair, shall I say, being able to do my own hair has been heavy on my heart lately. Actually on my way to the beauty supply and I'm asking the Holy Spirit to help me try something new.

I have the power of a praying wife. I always prayed for my husband out of that book. About to take it off the shelf again. About to sleep with it next to my bed as a reminder to pray for my husband - however God leads. All married ladies and ladies in waiting should really get this book. FAB!!
:lachen: Pay me no mind. I have a head wrap complex. I don't ever want to be caught 'wrapped'. :nervous2: :lachen:

I got nerve, I need to pull my book out too. :blush3: That book is a blessing. It really is. :yep: