To all ladies that ps for most of the time how do people react


Well-Known Member
To all ladies that ps for most of the time how do people react when you finally *reveal* your hair, meaning you go from wearing it tucked away in buns, updos, wigs or any other style that hardly shows your volume or length to wearing a twistout or braidout or when you flatiron it.Twists or braids would also count if you usually wear your hair in a state that does not show length
I decided to wear wigs/lomani ps styles for the rest of the year (or longer) and can't wait to see what my friends/family will say.
Please share:grin:
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I can't answer ur question just yet but I will b wigging for the year and can't wait for my revaeal! My grandma is always saying "all that weave is gonna make ur hair fall out!" Well she will see!
Sorry OP, I've never straightened my hair and worn it out. So my friends, family, coworkers, SO have only seen my PS styles and every now and then a twist out or a puff. The few times I've straightened it for a length check, its been back up in twists before the day is out.

Maybe when I hit APL or BSB.
I know when I finally straighten that heads will roll. It always happens anytime there is snug contrast from shrunken puffs and twist outs to long and straight hair.
Most of the time, no one says anything, but when I do get comments, they're usually along the lines of "why do you always wear your hair up if you have hair?" or "If I had all that hair, I'd wear it down every day" or "You're wasting your hair".

I don't think I have that much hair though and it's easier for my life to wear it up than down.
I don't PS really. I do low mani styles though like braids/twists and style and as we discussed in another thread, any change from one day to the next in how I wear them gets noticed and complimented (or not--think the Coolio do :giggle: ).

When I wear my hair out, it's the same reaction really as when I change my style in twists, although many more people might ask me to wear my hair out more often once they see it out. When I straighten it, I usually wear it up. :ohwell: The last time I did, some folks didn't even realize I had straightened it because I wore it up in a tucked under braid. I had worn a big puff a few days before--which got a lot of compliments--and so going from that to a tucked under braid just wasn't such a wow event.

My hair is too light--and maybe too short--to pay gravity any mind and swing so I never wear it down when straightened. The only time my hair has "weight" is when in twists that are shrunken--so that's when I'll wear it down.

The one time folks get excited is when my HIH disease leads me to undo a twist and then redo it. Because that takes it from a shrunken length to a stretched length, my friends get excited and ask me to straighten it so they can see it. But meh... too much work. Love my lazy lifestyle.
If I wear my hair in an afro (3-4 times a year) I always gets asked why I don't wear it that way more often, and it's so pretty, and blah blah blah. One co-worker told me I should cut my hair short so I could wear it in an afro all the time. I believe I looked at her like she'd lost her ever-loving mind.

Now, when I straighten (MAYBE 1x/year, and not until Easter 2013), mouths fall agape. Gasps of shock and awe, and this lasts for 2-3 days. Then that puppy is bunned until it's washed again. People are always amazed at the length, given that my twisted styles always have some shrinkage, or I'm in a bun. The last time I straightened, around April 2011, it was APL (barely NL shrunken), so I'm really hoping for at least BSL for next year.
They like it and say it's beautiful. Some people weave check, and others want to play in it, but mostly, I get a positive response that does not include straight-hair favoritism.
@faithVA a twistout counts in my book as wearing it out, sorry if the op implied that I meant straightened hair only, I'll better fix that

Sorry you did just say out and not straightened. I don't do it that often. I think the last time I wore a twist out was in January. Don't remember people saying much of anything. But my hair isn't that long. I'm CBL but my twist out is pretty much just between ear length and NL even when stretched.
@Je_ne_sais_quoi I know right? Did you set yourself a goal that you want to achieve before you straighten?
I'm kinda getting to lazy to straighten already so my *dream* is a lush,thick braidout ala chime or Southernbella.
Nonie please don't call your hair short, I vaguely recall you posting older pics of you around bsb/bsl in twists. You have got to be mbl or wl by now
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When i straightened my daughters hair my mother said i should do it more often. Yep that was a dig!
I wore my hair in a braid-out on blow dried hair last week for 2 days...really big hair.
I got the following:
double takes
lots of compliments (love your hair, want your hair; beautiful hair); big ego stroke
2 white co-workers asked if I had extensions (tried to explain shrinkage and told one that is the beauty of black can go from short to long in an hour)
lots of people touching my hair; I've gotten used to people in my hair
suggestions that I wear it like that more often
people said they didn't realize I had so much hair and asked where did I get all that hair from
My supervisor walked into my office and was startled; she said because she was not used to seeing me with so much hair
People say how nice, healthy, pretty, thick, etc it is. I've only gotten weave checked once. I'm only barely scraping APL tho. I haven't really gotten the snide comments about comparisons to my natural hair. One person did say, once I washed it, "oh, so I see you're back to your old hair style" in a somewhat negative tone. Of course their hair is short, thin, fried, and dyed.
Chaosbutterfly your hair is pretty,lol at the comments

Ronnieaj some people are hilarious, cut your hair? Oh lawd no.
Well I can't wait for your Easter 2013 reveal

NappyNelle pretty healthy hair is always beautiful *here's to hoping more people will realize this*
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@Je_ne_sais_quoi I know right? Did you set yourself a goal that you want to achieve before you straighten?
I'm kinda getting to lazy to straighten already so my *dream* is a lush,thick braidout ala chime or Southernbella.
Nonie please don't call your hair short, I vaguely recall you posting older pics of you around bsb/bsl in twists. You have got to be mbl or wl by now

I will straighten in January. I'm on a no hear challenge. I will likely be hitting apl by then :)
To all ladies that ps for most of the time how do people react when you finally *reveal* your hair, meaning you go from wearing it tucked away in buns, updos, wigs or any other style that hardly shows your volume or length to wearing a twistout or braidout or when you flatiron it.Twists or braids would also count if you usually wear your hair in a state that does not show length
I decided to wear wigs/lomani ps styles for the rest of the year (or longer) and can't wait to see what my friends/family will say.
Please share:grin:

I'm not always around distant family, outsiders really don't care. I do get a lot of "wow you're hair is growing" but that's about it.
Oh I can't wait to have all these problems lol my hair is around APL but I dnt feel that's long on me. Only my mum n brothr really see my hair and that is when I take down my installs - my mum has officially named me the bush woman lol I want to reveal at the end of the year :)
lovegymnasts I bet your hair looked great,big braidouts are my dream. Your reply was beautiful.

Imani it's always those with their hair dyed, fried and laid to the side.
Healthy hair no matter the length is attention grabbing and Apl is a good length

pre_medicalrulz lol THAT exact scenario is my super secret goal, someone mistaking my real hair for the best, lush, thick weave out there just so I can swang it *oh that's all mine*
Me wearing my hair down always makes people that see me regularly make a big deal. It's almost uncomfortable, but I wouldn't trade it!
PinkPeony;15961423[USER=1333 said:
Nonie[/USER] please don't call your hair short, I vaguely recall you posting older pics of you around bsb/bsl in twists. You have got to be mbl or wl by now

@PinkPeony, I don't think it was I with about BSB/BSL twists. My twists usually hang around SL (I never wear them stretched) so that might've been someone else. I wasn't saying my hair is "short" but I was saying that I may need longer hair than I have now for it to have enough weight to actually respond to gravity. In other words, "it's too short to have weight for the fine texture I have". The image I posted of my straightened hair standing upright was taken when my hair was between CBL and APL. There are a few people whose hair had weight at that point and so could hang. It may take mine reaching butt length to realize that gravity has a pull on things. :lol:

And I most certainly am not at MBL or WL. :lol: I am a slow grower and I don't do anything to try to retain better (Don't moisturize; Don't seal; Don't protective style) so my retention sucks. I will get to those lengths someday, I believe. But not anytime soon. My guess is I'm at BSB now.
shock and wonderment :lol: personally i like my own reaction after a period of keeping it protected. you always think you have an idea of the length but when you blow it out it's like WHOA!!!. i like protective styling but part of the reason i try to wait for a few months is to surprise myself. it's nice to remember my hair is retaining length.
People flip out, lol. Not strangers (I think they assume it's a weave), but family/friends and the people at the salon. And I get a lot of comments about why people would never want hair that long :/
Omg I love your hair! (me too)
I'm gonna cut it off and put it on mine! (you die today bisch)
Why don't you straighten it more often?
It's soooooo lonnnng!
That's what I want my hair to look like if it will ever grow out!
It's that __insert ethnicity__ hurr (no. This took years of dedication)
Your hair looks nice.
If you did your hair like this more often I'd marry you (shut up)
I love big hair! You are soooo FCKN sexy! She is sexy! (drunk dudes)
Can I touch it?
Person reaches hand without asking
Wow, I've never seen hair like yours, before!
Your hair is so cool!
I wish my hair would do that!
How long does it take you to straighten it? Oh? You should go to my stylist! (HELL nawl)


ETA: forgot. "is this?? This is all yours isn't it?" lol dudes
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