

Well-Known Member
Sooooooo, I made up my mind that I was going to tithe no matter what and I've been doing it. I had lost my job and was behind in all my bills, but once I started back working, I tithed in spite of.

Now, my daughter wants to go to a summer camps for journalism. I'm still trying to catch my bills up, and the summer camp is a little less than the 10% I pay for tithes. Would you take your tithes and pay summer camp? It's only for 3 weeks, and it would be a great experience for my daughter. She would have the opportunity to learn the equipment, work with the professional team here in NC, work with the local radio and tv personalities.
@nikkiheaven, if you take what you have committed to God and spend it elsewhere, what lesson are you teaching your daughter? God wants our hearts more than He wants our money, for where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also. Matthew 6:21. Stay committed to the Lord and watch Him pour out so many blessings on you that you won't be able to contain them.
@nikkiheaven, if you take what you have committed to God and spend it elsewhere, what lesson are you teaching your daughter? God wants our hearts more than He wants our money, for where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also. Matthew 6:21. Stay committed to the Lord and watch Him pour out so many blessings on you that you won't be able to contain them.

Doing just that, and that is staying committed!