

Well-Known Member
I tithe from my monthly employment income, but lately I was thinking should I be tithing from the income I derive from other sources as well (ie child support, finding money(I find money all the time), etc.). Also, just this morning I received my federal income tax; and then it dawned on me that I probably should tithe from this as well.

Your thoughts? Do you tithe from all income sources?
I tithe from my monthly employment income, but lately I was thinking should I be tithing from the income I derive from other sources as well (ie child support, finding money(I find money all the time), etc.). Also, just this morning I received my federal income tax; and then it dawned on me that I probably should tithe from this as well.

Your thoughts? Do you tithe from all income sources?
I tithe from my income (whatever is earned) and anything else I give above and beyond my tithes (offerings).

I don't think people have to tithe on tax returns because you were already tithing the money taxed. I don't believe people should have to tithe gifts of money and stuff like that. If you want to give an offering sure.
Do Christian's HAVE to tithe, since it is in the old testament and we are no longer under LAW? Serious question.

My Priest says that you don't have to give 10%, you give what you can. One of the scriptures he quoted was this one

Luke 21:1-4 ESV

Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
^^ If you have a job and spend money on hair weaves then you can afford to give 10%. In that case you are not considered poor.

You don't have to DOUBLE TAX. In other words, give tithes on your income tax. That's a choice. Earned -working income you should give 10%.
NinasLongAmbition We don't have to tithe because we are not under the law....however I tithe to exercise and discipline my faith...this is what my church teaches. God doesn't get the money, it's the act of faith that He enjoys and blesses me for. (Although of course, when I didn't tithe He still loved and blessed me). It's just an act of submission and faith that will actually help to build your faith over time...which I think is why He wants us to do it essentially, to help us build faith for when we really need it (like on bigger things that are harder to be patient and faithful for).

amwcah It should be anything that you've earned, so my husband and I tithe off of our gross income. We do not tithe off of the tax return because its a refund that we've already tithed off of.

Child support is not something that you've earned. Finding money was a gift/blessing so that's not something that you've earned.
@NinasLongAmbition We don't have to tithe because we are not under the law....however I tithe to exercise and discipline my faith...this is what my church teaches. God doesn't get the money, it's the act of faith that He enjoys and blesses me for. (Although of course, when I didn't tithe He still loved and blessed me). It's just an act of submission and faith that will actually help to build your faith over time...which I think is why He wants us to do it essentially, to help us build faith for when we really need it (like on bigger things that are harder to be patient and faithful for).
ItsMeFre...thank you for this response I agree wholeheartedly! I am going to start tithing again just cause.