Tired of these Abstinate Christians...

Thanks for posting this article, I like it especially because it coincides with what my train of thought has been about this subject as of late. I am that Christian, I felt like I had one up on everybody else because it's been almost 8 years since I've been in a relationship. I sometimes had this feeling that I had found the formula to ware off heartbreak & co: saying no to every.single.guy:ohwell:Lately I've come to realize that it simply does not work that way. What I mean is that there's nothing wrong with dating. As a famous writer likes to say: dating is for collecting data, not for mating.
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Yeah the article was confusing for me...

IRL I know barely any Christians who are virgins or abstaining over the age of 17! So I'm not seeing this abstinent badge being flashed.

And the problem is that in todays society...even among Christians...sex is an expected part of a relationship. It is difficult to date the Godly way when so many adhere to the popular culture.

I guess I just didn't like the message of the article. It left too much unsaid that could be assumed to be promoting sexual immorality rather than abstinence.

I just have all kinds of problems with the current dating structure. I dont agree with the idea of getting into numerous relationships. That causes emotional damage. Intentional courtship with the express purpose of marriage is the way to go. Now how that can happen in todays time is the difficulty. I wish we could have a Christian courting website that promotes dating the Godly way. EHarmony was a step in the right direction but I would like to see something more intentional.

The problem with eharmony is that he compromised and has a gay site. :nono:
I have seen IME that many young couples who choose to marry are mocked and ridiculed. According to some people, that they only did it to have sex with each other! This is coming from Christians. In society, it is encouraged to pursue an education first and then marriage, and someone with several children in a healthy marriage is looked down upon. What if God has a different plan for you and sends a spouse early? There are so many single ministries compared to marriage, and not enough support given for married people IMO. There should be bootcamps, seminars, counseling, get togethers, etc. This has always been the enemy's tactic to dissuade marriage and/or stop it. The results from this are STDs, abortions, soul ties, and bitterness.

If I would of known better, I would of been more serious about a spouse than to have boyfriends and dating experience. I even hear Christians encouraging young people to forgo marriage until after an Education and to date instead. Why not do both?

I too was a victim of the "soul mate" concept. I always thought that the one God has chosen for us will be nearly perfect. No arguments, white picket fence, happy family, etc. As I'm studying more, I am grasping the concept of being committed to marriage and not the person per say. For me it means, it means I will dedicate myself to the ministry of marriage through sickness, health, poverty, arguments, faded looks, etc. I understand the importance of marrying the one who God specifies for you. It is a representation of how Christ loves the church. He loves us even when we fornicate, lie, steal, reject him, etc. and has never abandon us. This is similar to marriage, in the end, it glorifies Christ.

ITA to both of these statements sweetvi

Now that i'm older I am realizing how much work marriage will be and how the enemy finds ways to destroy marriages Though I do not want to be single anymore I am loving how much I am learning and how I am slowly being prepared for marriage