Tips to Straighten the Roots Without Heat..?

Now that I've flat ironed my curls to oblivion ( you can check my latest blog entry) I want to try things like braid outs but since I suck at braiding, I'll need a good way to get my roots straight or I'm just going to iron them :lol:. My roots are a very frizzy 3b but my hair is fine and very "impressionable" , it stretches out very easily ( part of why my curls are gone) so I know there must be some way of straightening them without heat....
Since you said you're a 3b I would suggest:

- Traditional Rollersets or (the shortcut) Pony Tail Rollersets

- Braid-outs (give them another try all you do is grab a section and braid tightly, no real skill involved)
Since you said you're a 3b I would suggest:

- Traditional Rollersets or (the shortcut) Pony Tail Rollersets

- Braid-outs (give them another try all you do is grab a section and braid tightly, no real skill involved)
Thanks,, unfortunately my skills are very limited. I don't dare attempt rollersets lol. I guess I can try the braid outs but I have such FRIZZ if I don't flat iron.. I need something that can straighten it enough to avoid that frizz......
Perhaps it's the products you're using? My hair is obedient when I DC with Evco. I'm 4b and my hair will lay 90% flat.
Just wanted to mention something that worked for me... Eritrealady suggested tying a scarf on and it worked! I parted my hair soaking wet, applied avocado oil to the roots and other frizzy parts of my hair and then tied on two silk scarves, one front way, one back way... i left them for 2 hours and when i took them off, my hair was silky and shiny,, sooo happy with this I could cry, theres no frizz at all.... So if you're having root frizziness or poofiness issues, please try the scarf!