Tips on Self Trimming/Dusting


New Member
I'm tired of feeling at the mercy of my somewhat SHS and I want to learn how to dust or trim my own ends but I'm not sure where to start exactly. I don't want to end up messing up my own hair but I don't want to feel like I'm sacrifing length when I get my trims.
Any advice for a first time self-trimmer would be greatly appreciated.
I've done them twice before, nothing to brag about though. Actually, the first one was a trim, the second was a CUT. It's easier cutting wet hair than dry hair, in my opinion - but, you don't know how it's going to turn out until once it's dry. Then you may notice all the uneven parts.

See, that's why I don't like doing them.
Tai, Denali, Kitkat3ny-

I would say start slow. This is what I did. I was tired of my hair being the length it was b/c it stayed there forever so I knew I needed to trim. I bought a good pair of hair scissors (make sure they are sharp and have a screw in the middle instead of a bolt) combed my hair the way I normally wear it and started trimming just a little off by grabbing a lock of hair btwn my forefinger and liddle finger and working it all the way down the hair until I almost reached the bottom. Where I saw it was uneven, I clipped. I did this all around my head. Don't get fancy, just do a dusting all around.

Once you get used to that, you can upgrade and get down to the nitty gritty: Honestly, if your hair is damaged and you have see thru ends then you need to trim up to the thickness of your locks... When I first did this I wanted to cry b/c I was looking at the floor and not how even and beautiful my ends looked and how much fuller my hair was. But I knew I had to be honest w/myself and this is how my hair grew. By trimming HONESTLY.

But for now, I would just start with the VERY ENDS of your hair. Let your confidence grow, look at your hair in an honest light and decide what you should do from that point.

I self trim. The only thing is that I get a very "V" shape when I trim. I usually trim the ends as I do my rollers or when it's dry. I try to cut the same amount in each sections. If you want the straight look in the back, you can have someone you trust to cut straight across

If your hair is damage you can do small trims every 4 weeks or so until you get rid of the damaged hair.
DolceDawn, you noticed your hair grew once you trimmed it? Do you know why that is? I've heard that that's just a myth. But then I get from others the same thing you think. What's your take on it?
JenniferMD said:
DolceDawn, you noticed your hair grew once you trimmed it? Do you know why that is? I've heard that that's just a myth. But then I get from others the same thing you think. What's your take on it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm... well, I know that there's been debate back and forth about this and even my sis challenged me on it, but I told her that the proof is in the pudding (she goes to a salon religiously and her hair is breaking off, I do my own and it's 2" from bra strap).

Jen, I would say that it works b/c it's best to prevent than repair. Split ends are not good, period. They don't look good and leave the hair more fragile and prone to breakage. Hence, the repetitive length and no gain. Sure, I've known girls in HS that had hair to their waist, but their ends were split and it looked thin. So, it IS possible to grow hair w/o cutting, depending how strong your hair is, heredity, etc, but can you imagine how long her hair would have been had she trimmed it? Let alone, how beautiful?

If it hadn't worked for me, it would show (soon I will have pics). But I have been trimming my hair since ditching salons and I have seen nothing but progress. It's all a part of maintenence. Plus, it looks better...

Jen, how often do you trim or get trimmed?
Thanks for answering

I have just been avoiding this topic of trimming because I didn't have a take on it. I've been taking really good care of my hair since October when I joined this site and before then I didn't know much at all. I went to the salon this morning and the stylist (I use that word loosely because it was at a Dominican salon and I'm pretty sure she's just the wash girl) told me that I needed a trim of about 3 inches.
I asked her if my ends were split and she told me no, just uneven. I'm so confused! I know that the back of my hair is shorter because I had problem with my nape area but its grown so much without cutting the rest of my hair to match the length. I've never gotten regular trims but that might be the reason why I haven't gotten pass a certain length. I'm thinking of trimming an inch next week and then two more inches over the next two months to give this a try. I just wanted to see what your take on trimming was. I appreciate you answering and I'm pretty sure I'm going to take the plunge.
Go for it, Jen! Like I said, just take a little off and see how your hair does. You will feel better and your hair will fall differently. Let me know how your first trim goes! (I think I'm more excited than you!!

BTW- No problem in answering your question. You were the first one to welcome me to the site!
I too dust my ends as needed as I am rolling my hair in the evenings...I usually do it (dust) every 4 to 6 weeks, trim (a good trim) about every 4 to 6 far, my hair has been ok with this.....
<font color="purple">I trim my hair every 4-6 weeks, depending on how split my ends are. I went to beauty school back in the 80's and learned how to trim a little off when I did a client's haircut.

I don't go to salons, instead, I do my own dusting so my hair can look better rather than getting it cut off too much. I'm going to trim a little more off tonight after removing my braids. Then on Saturday, I'm puting them back in, this time in cornrows. By late June, my hair will be healthier and stronger for my relaxer touchup.
I trim (dust) myself. I do it when my hair is dry so I can better tell what I am trimming. I just get the split ends and no more. I do it when I think about it not at a particular time. My hair naturally falls into a v shape no I never worry about it being even all the way around.