Tips from SL to Full SL to APL


New Member
Ok... i am still creeping SLOWLY to full SL in the front and stagnant at a little below shoulder in the back.

How can I (and sisters with the same issue) get to APL?

More conditioning?
More protective styles?

Current Reggie:
I currently wash my hair about 1x a week and I always leave my DC in up to days at a time. I have been lazy and pulling my hair back in a bun. My hair is texturized... (SE Lye Reg)... and has no colors or dyes.

I braided it in cornrows last night and it is in a wig. I've been wigging for almost a year....
I use MT or OCT about 3 times per week.
Great thread!

I am in the same boat. touching shoulder but not all shoulder lenght.

i wash & deep condition weekly and moisturize nightly.

I wear baggie phony pony tail and 1/2 wigs most of the time.

i am going to stretch my relaxer from 8 to 12 and see if this helps a little.
I'm bunning still with a few breaks for big hair. I'll probably switch it up a little and maybe do a phony pony and baggy or maybe something else over the winter.
yea i've noticed i'm getting closer to APL without really trying..and it's all due to the fact i keep my hair up. Someone once said in a post that people who are shoulder length their hair touches their shoulder and rub against their clothes more which probably causes unoticeable breakage..and probably the reason why so many people can't get past SL. And that when you reach APL your hair kind of falls to where it doesn't rub on your clothes so much, which makes it easier to maintain.
You got it.....protective styling and increasing co-washes. I also think stretching relaxers can help but it's not for everyone.
Ok... i am still creeping SLOWLY to full SL in the front and stagnant at a little below shoulder in the back.

How can I (and sisters with the same issue) get to APL?

More conditioning?
More protective styles?

Current Reggie:
I currently wash my hair about 1x a week and I always leave my DC in up to days at a time. I have been lazy and pulling my hair back in a bun. My hair is texturized... (SE Lye Reg)... and has no colors or dyes.

I braided it in cornrows last night and it is in a wig. I've been wigging for almost a year....
I use MT or OCT about 3 times per week.

MT helped me get from SL to APL quickly.:yep:
Nothing new. What helped me, get passed NL is wet bunning.

Keeping ends moisturized. When i feel my ends getting dry I moisturize them.

When I first came to LHCF I read somewhere is best to moisturize your hair everyday,especially the ends. I been following that ever since.
Stretch relaxers, baggy at night and wear protective styles during the day. Works wonders :yep:
Well... it's been FOREVER since I've seen this thread but I have finally hit APL. I'm almost full shoulder. I had to keep my hair braided up, moisturized and conditioned in order to get great progress. I'm texturized and transitioning, but I might go back to the texturizers, it's better maintenance for me... Vitale to the rescue.

- Moisturize and protect ladies...
i'm trying to move back to the point of APL after i snipped a bit off.

the first time i got to APL (it wasnt full) i didnt really use protective styling...well, i wore my hair in twists a lot of the time, but i didnt hide the ends and well, they were pretty horrible....i also didnt have something that i loved as a moisturizer/sealant

this time around, i'm keeping my ends up/away and hopefully THIS TIME when i stretch my hair to my armpit...i'm not pulling hair off of the ends. haha.

i'm being very low manipulation.
and keeping my ends hidden helps keep my ends moisturized
and lubricated longer.
You have a good plan LDoll. Keep protecting styling. You are at the stage most hate. You have to keep the hair up more at SL. HHG.
This is a great thread. I'm following a lot of the tips mentioned. I have about 2 inches to go for APL from what it looks like.
Wet bunning works wonders :yep:

ITA: I plan on bunning (or try at least) for the rest of the year but am going to add wet bunning once the weather gets warmer. Hopefully, if I am not APL, I'll be close.

Tiffers, I love your signature. The world lost a true comedic wonder in Bea.
Wet bunning works wonders :yep:

I've heard about this and forgive me if this is a dumb question:wallbash:, but what is wet bunning exactly? Is it completely drenching my hair w/a water-based moisturizer b4 bunning, or bunning after washing or co-washing??? TIA
Well... it's been FOREVER since I've seen this thread but I have finally hit APL. I'm almost full shoulder. I had to keep my hair braided up, moisturized and conditioned in order to get great progress. I'm texturized and transitioning, but I might go back to the texturizers, it's better maintenance for me... Vitale to the rescue.

- Moisturize and protect ladies...

Congratulations, LaurynDoll!!!
Well... it's been FOREVER since I've seen this thread but I have finally hit APL. I'm almost full shoulder. I had to keep my hair braided up, moisturized and conditioned in order to get great progress. I'm texturized and transitioning, but I might go back to the texturizers, it's better maintenance for me... Vitale to the rescue.

- Moisturize and protect ladies...

Congrats girl!!!

I am going to give wigs a little break and wear my hair out. It has grown and is hittig my shoulder in the back and sides a little under my chin.

I am going to follow your SL tips. Moisturize and keep hair up as much as I want it down! :grin:

Will report in 6 mnths or so.

Thanks Ladies!
I like this thread. I co-wash daily. This keeps my hair moisturized. I think that daily rinsing will do if you don't want the build up from conditioners.

I co-wash, use leave in and seal.

oh yeah, try some scalp massages with coconut oil. This stimulates the scalp and promotes growth.
Daily co-washing, 2x a day moisturizing/sealing, 95% of the time either wet or dry bunning, and DC 2x a week has helped me out the most with my progress.
Edited bc realized this was an old post !!!

Ok... i am still creeping SLOWLY to full SL in the front and stagnant at a little below shoulder in the back.

How can I (and sisters with the same issue) get to APL?

More conditioning?
More protective styles?

Current Reggie:
I currently wash my hair about 1x a week and I always leave my DC in up to days at a time. I have been lazy and pulling my hair back in a bun. My hair is texturized... (SE Lye Reg)... and has no colors or dyes.

I braided it in cornrows last night and it is in a wig. I've been wigging for almost a year....
I use MT or OCT about 3 times per week.