Tips For Teenie Weenie Afros (Twa's)


New Member
I thought that since alot of people will be or is sporting Twa's it would be nice to help them out, I see alot of Questions about Dry Hair,Scab Hair etc. So I thought everyone who has a Twa or have had one and have gained great healthy natural hair could share your tips. Also Summertime is coming and we could share those tips as well. I know we all want to leave this Twa stage ASAP:grin: But it is going to take time and patience. Some of us Cannot do Protective styles since our hair may be too short to do anything with:)

I know I see Threads for Natural Hair,But I want those who have Twa's not to lose hope and know that their hair will grow and they will get over that Dry Hair Hump/Scab Hair:grin:

So If anyone would like to start,Please Do!!

Also if you Have Do's & Dont's add them as well!!

Thanks Ladies!
Please someone do lend some info to help us out. I'm am one of those ladies that have TWA, and I'm trying everything to keep my hair moisturized so it can grow long and healthy.
I used to have a TWA! When it was short, I mainly cowashed frequently. As it got longer, I began trying out different hairstyles. I mainly do two strand twists now.
I second Poohbear's rec for constant conditioner washes. Another thing I used was a heavy moisturizer (think Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Moisturizer or Avocado Butter).

Personally I like the coily/curly look, so I'd slather a gel like Fantasia I.C.'s w/ Sparkelites on and shake my head vigorously. When it dries you WILL have white flakes that appear when the hair is ruffled or manipulated after drying. For most this is a setback, but for me, the look is worth it enough to not touch it, not to mention my hair stays very moist and supple with this kind of combo when I keep my hands out of it.

Another alternative is using something like S Curl and an Activating Gel to keep the hair moist during the summer months. A lighter butter can be used (ie; Hemp) during this time. In regards to moisturizers and humectants you'll have to find what works best for your hair.

I'll bump some other threads for you, as it would be a lot for me to replicate the advice many of these more qualified women have offered. LOL!
When I had a twa, I deep conditined 2x a week to attain soft moisturized hair. It seem that my hair grew the most whenenver I put it in protectivie styles (i.e. braids, twists, cornrows.) I alternate now between protective styles and twistouts. I don't wear a twa very often because my hair tangles alot when I do.
I must say that my hair seems to grow faster by doing CW''s Daily or everyother day, I also have use Fantasia IC W/Sparkleelites for a Wash n go and it turns out great and I have no white flakes, But as my Twa grows out my Wash n go's don't look as good I guess because it is growing. I try not to worry too much about it and let it do it's thing, But the Night Baggy is really helping out my hair alot and I am so Happy.
NappyParadise said:
I must say that my hair seems to grow faster by doing CW''s Daily or everyother day, I also have use Fantasia IC W/Sparkleelites for a Wash n go and it turns out great and I have no white flakes, But as my Twa grows out my Wash n go's don't look as good I guess because it is growing. I try not to worry too much about it and let it do it's thing, But the Night Baggy is really helping out my hair alot and I am so Happy.

Oh yeah, you won't get the white flakes from the IC Gel alone, but mixing it with any kind of creme based moisturizer generally produces white flakes. I don't know why.
Yes you are right! I noticed that too, It is like you must use it alone and I had kept thinking why is this flaking but I never thought about that Twice LOL!!! Until after I had posted and thought about what you wrote! LOL!!
Well I'm currently braided up but when I had my twa the first go around, I conditioner washed my hair daily and used fantasia IC gel with my water/glycerin/conditioner mix. It kept my hair really moisturized. Once a week I clarified with cream of nature. That was it. I kept it short and curly the entire time. Can't wait to get out of these braids and go back to it!
I need to start moisturizing my hair more. I wash with creme of nature shampoo everyday and use fantasia gel and that is it. Maybe i will cowash every day instead and see how that works. The fuller my hair gets from the cut, the better my curls look.
When I first BC'd I conditioner washed almost daily and followed up with a little homemade whipped shea/mango butter. Since I have THIRSTY hair, I also spritzed a few times a day with a water/glycerin/conditioner mixture.