tips for my hair give them to me please


New Member
hi i'm AA and my hair stops at my shoulder i really want longer hair. i tried washing once a week and setting undewr the dryer with rollers then i comb it out with a bush but then it breaks and then i have to get it cut i take skin nail and hair pills but they work i think but i might have to drink more water please give me some tips i wear my hair down all the time and i go to a shop were there pull my hair with a blow dryer every 2 weeks i really want long hair plaese give me tips on what i'm doing work or missing i use carrot oil and the cream help me!!!!
Hi lela,

welcome to the board. You may want to post this on the hair care board. They will give you a ton of useful advice.

Welcome to the forum Lela

How often do you wash and condition your hair? I think maybe you should start air drying your hair until your breakage slows... Protective styles and wet buns help too. I am sure that more people will come along with better advice soon.

Washing your hair every 3 to 5 days is a good practice. This will keep your scalp healthy and free of build up.

Always do a hot oil treatment prior to shampooing for 30min or longer. I sometimes go overnight and wash the next AM.

When you shampoo, DO NOT tousle your hair! Wash your scalp well with the balls of your fingers and squeeze the shampoo through the length of your hair. I love washing mine in the shower because it helps detangle.

Deep condition atleast once per week. Alternate protein conditioners with moisturizing ones. If your hair is breaking now you may want to stick with protein conditioners for the next 4 to 6 weeks or until you see less shedding and breakage. Maybe try Aphogee for damaged hair now (only use every 6 weeks) and then follow up weekly with milder proteins (like silk, collagen, wheat, soy, or marine)

Don't forget your leave-in. And airdry whenever possible. Try to limit direct heat styles(ie blowdrying). And your rollersets don't always have to be brushed out. Maybe you could do a cute updo with those curls.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Moisturize your hair and especially your ends atleast once per day. I use Sta-So-Fro or plain glycerin and distilled water. There are many options. And always protest those ends from prolonged friction.

Sleep in a satin bonnets or use satin pillow casesas they dont pull your hair or suck up the moisture like cotton.

I hope that helpful. Good luck
Welcome to the forum, Lela.

You stated that you wear your hair down all the time. That may be a big part of the problem - it was for me! All that rubbing against my shirts, car seats, blowing in the air was causing me to see bits of hair on the sink, my shirt, and the bathroom floor.

What really made a difference for me was maximizing the amount of moisture my hair received everyday. If you're just starting out, try using jherri curl activator (no, I'm not kidding). Concentrate especially on the hair from the ears to the ends (extra on the ends). Your ends are the oldest, driest part of your hair, and therefore the most fragile.

The second thing which got me past the nape-length/brushing tops of the shoulder length was putting my hair in a bun.

For example, after you have thoroughly moisturized your hair and placed oil (or vaseline) on your ends, put your hair in a ponytail and braid the ponytail. Place a sandwich bag, the kind without the zip or the teeth, over your braid, and secure it with a silky scrunchie. Place a dark nylon, clipped from the toe of your pantyhose, over the bag. At this point, many of us use what is called a "phonytail" or a "phony ponytail" as the final step. Others choose to keep the dark nylon exposed, secured with another silky scrunchie, which looks very pretty.

Are you tying your hair up at night with a silk or satin scarf? Do you have a silk or satin pillowcase? cotton is great at absorbing oil but bad for the hair b/c it sucks out moisture.

If your hair is relaxed, try going one week longer than usual between touchups, and remember to thoroughly coat your already-relaxed hair with conditioner (but leave the new growth alone) before each touch up.

All of these tricks have helped me to leave my hair alone...which allowed it to grow. HTH
...rollersetting is really the way to healthierst hair. But us aid u expereince breakage when u do that, I dont think its the rollersetting, u probably need to use a reconstructor. And just tell your hairdresser that u do not want the blow dryer, ask for a rollerwrap instead.
welcome, lela!

i wholeheartedly agree with everything that nyambura said! these things were key to me maintaing more length!!
It sounds like you may be using a vent brush to brush out the rollerset, try using a wide tooth comb first then gently using a brush, this helps for me.