tiny knots at end of strand?


New Member
Does this happen to anyone? I have relaxed 3c/4a hair, and occasionally I notice that some of my strands get tiny hard knots on them...then I have to snip off the end just above the knot.

Why does this happen? Does anyone know how to prevent this?
Yep I get those sometimes, too. I hate when that happens!! I haven't had the problem lately, thank goodness, and I'm not sure what caused it or how to prevent it!!
I don't get them at the ends, but I have gotten these little tiny knots before. I'd be combing my hair with my big comb and everything would be perfectly smooth until I suddenly hit a tiny little knot. They are impossible to detangle without removing hair. And they hurt!
I started detangling more carefully when I have conditioner in my hair. One thing I try and make sure of is that I detangle all of my hair, all the way up to the root. I think sometimes since I start at the ends I'll go up but not really take the time to get every bit detangled at the scalp. That's how these tiny knots sneak by. I'm not sure how you would get them at the ends though.
Hmmm...I don't even know if its caused by damage, ya know?
Because the knots are random...its like I'll have a strand that is perfectly fine and then that damned knot will be there. Or I'll have a strand with a split, but no knot. I'm wondering if it has to do with my detangling (thanx BlackCardinal) or with airdrying period...my hair curls back up (not bone straight). I just don't see how a single strand makes a micro knot like that!!! It drives me nuts!!
OK; I have a thought.

Kaela & Karonica, are your ends color-treated?? Mine are. Maybe that's the culprit!!! The color probably weakens the ends so that they tangle up in each other...
I get these too and always end up snipping it off above the knot. I've noticed them more on nights when I'm too tired to wrap my hair up in a silk scarf and just sleep with a bun.

Perhaps moisturizing more would help. Maybe a hot oil treatment or two.
I'll bet it's the color... When I was growing my highlights out I used to have a helluva time with the knots on the ends.
I think the color also killed the curl in my hair. My hair used to curl up so pretty! Now, it just hang in limp, frizzed up waves. Not to mention, my hair strands are always sticking to each other. Could this indicate a problem with the conditioner, though?
I've got them but only in my kitchen and only since I've been natural. They don't occur if I moisturize well. Usually I give the kitchen the least amount of attention moisture-wise so I really think moisture is the culprit.

Oh yeah, I'm not color treated.
I get thses too but I got it more when my hair was natural. I think its when the hair curls back on itself creating a knot.

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are u serious, Bo? U never heard of the "kitchen" before?
For me these seem to come from no where. I usually get them when I am doing my final rinse prior to ending my wash cycle. I usually get them more ofte the closer I am to a re-touch (weeks 4-8).
well i get them but i'm not colour treated
but i am natural which cud be the culprit...what makes me so mad tho is that i sometimes get them halfway up the strand so i have to get rid of perfectly good length coz its in the middle of the strand
I get them from time to time, but i'm able to detangle them out.

They'll sumtimes appear after wearing my hair out. I'm sure the "wind" has sumthing to do with it...
I get those tiny knots, and I pull them out even though I should not, Some times I am touching my hair, and I pull it down
whoo this strand is long, I look at it, and it just 2 strands together in a knot, umm no amazing growth
, I thought it came from brushing, and not combing out the ends of the hair, I am 4 ab thick but I am not sure, or maybe from messing with it when it is wet, too much mixing of sensative hair,
I came across some info on this and posted it somewhere ( Hair Tips) but the gist of what I read is that they are likely to happen and when they do happen to cut them off just above the knot to avoid snags and more knots. HTH.
I get them on my natural hair too. I'm planning on getting a relaxer this week and I worry that those ends will give me trouble. What do you guys think? Sorry to hijack the thread.
I heard about natural headed ladies getting these. I got them quite a bit when I would roller set my hair in tight curls and them just let the curls naturally wear out. I think it's the hair curling around on itself??? Does that make sense? It's the curly hair tieing itself into a knot. I don't think it's the color. How many of you wear your hair straight and still get them?? My hair is texturized and I find that I get fewer with co washes or shampooing frequently. But if I do a tight rollerset - which I love...knots.
I heard about natural headed ladies getting these. I got them quite a bit when I would roller set my hair in tight curls and them just let the curls naturally wear out. I think it's the hair curling around on itself??? Does that make sense? It's the curly hair tieing itself into a knot. I don't think it's the color. How many of you wear your hair straight and still get them?? My hair is texturized and I find that I get fewer with co washes or shampooing frequently. But if I do a tight rollerset - which I love...knots.

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I just finished detangling my hair from wearing my twist out style for a few days and I agree with you I experienced this same type of problem with spiral sets as the days went on. I'm thinking loose hairstyles in general as well that don't get combed for days as a possible culprit for multiple knots. I wonder if dreads have a lot of knots in it?
you guys are right- i used to get these when i would comb my hair with conditioner in it or when it was wet. its cause is the hair is soo elastic when wet that it springs back on itself (even if you're relaxed the moisture can cause it)imo. I prevent it by fingercombing thorougly first then using a w i d e comb then using a smaller one.