

New Member
Okay ladies this may be a stoopid question. But I oil my hair everyday/night condition wash almost every otherday so my head is clean. BUt lately my scalp it itching.... not the OMG i am gonna die itch but the Oh i need a touchup but i haven't had one since Febrary itch...Does that mean my hair is growing???
Hi!! I am probably not the answer to yuor question but I have heard this before! I hope that is what this means because my head itches after I wash it!

I've found that a good head massage will soothe those tinglys like nobody's business, though.
I find that too much condish left on my scalp gives me the itchies which is why I have to shampoo. Do you have any build up on your scalp from the cowashing.
No i don't think i have build up. I shampooed yesterday.... No nerves that i know of..... except Monday blues....( WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END) :wallbash:

Massage oh i will try that..
I started using Oscar Blandi Scalp Exfoliant and Phytospecific Scalp Stimulant. They both worked for me.
You can also use Sea Breeze to cleanse or a Dry shampoo.

My itchiness happens when I am sweating and the hair is not exposed to air. Now that I don't wear weaves nor wear wigs for more than 8 hours at a time, I don't have a problem.
my mom always says that when you feel the itchies it means that new hair is breaking through the scalp. She's a nurse so I guess its like the equivalent to when a wound is trying to heal and it itches. I don't know but its a thought......:grin::grin:
I started using Oscar Blandi Scalp Exfoliant and Phytospecific Scalp Stimulant. They both worked for me.
You can also use Sea Breeze to cleanse or a Dry shampoo.

My itchiness happens when I am sweating and the hair is not exposed to air. Now that I don't wear weaves nor wear wigs for more than 8 hours at a time, I don't have a problem.

I really want to try this. How does it make your hair feel and does it really exfoliate the scalp?