Time to get serious- 5 month no heat challenge anyone?


New Member
I really could use some support because sometimes the maxiglide calls me. But I've realized that my recent heat happiness is causing splits, which causes me to trim, which is keeping me hovering between armpit and brastrap. I've used heat 3 times this year and I have a goal quota of 4 times a year so I'm saving the direct heat for winter.

So I'm thinking I'll go at least five months (half of my waistlength countdown) without heat and hope to gain 3 good inches in that time.

So to any challengers the rule would be- no heat with the exception of heat for deep conditioning. Maybe a little leeway for a rollerset without use of a flat iron but I'm going cold turkey personally. At least for the first five months.

It may seem like a long time but considering that most of it is during the hot and humid months anyway, it might not be so diffucult.

Any takers?
I guess I am in (l let some chick on my floor borrow my blow dryer and b**** never brought it back, oh well, not that I am crying or anything. She should have given me at least $10 for it).
Yay takers! No that I'm happy you lost your blowdryer Amina- precisely why I never let people borrow stuff. So I guess we should figure out a start date- I could start right now but I wanna to give a minute to get some more takers.
kristina said:
Yay takers! No that I'm happy you lost your blowdryer Amina- precisely why I never let people borrow stuff. So I guess we should figure out a start date- I could start right now but I wanna to give a minute to get some more takers.

Another taker here, I'm in! Give details nuh? :)
kristina said:
Yay takers! No that I'm happy you lost your blowdryer Amina- precisely why I never let people borrow stuff. So I guess we should figure out a start date- I could start right now but I wanna to give a minute to get some more takers.

(in a sarcastic voice) Oh sure you are...you're probably jumping up and down b/c you have someone to join a no heat challenge (unwillingly :lachen: )....J/K...:grin: :lol:

So what is the info.? Start date, end date, etc.?
I'd love to join this challenge....I haven't used heat since Feb 2006 so this should be a breeze for me! :)
I'm in!! 5 months is a looong time, but I'll try. I just discovered twist outs so I'm ready to try no heat for a while!! No heat till September!! Oh LAWD. You know I loves a press!! :) haha
Yay! Time to get this party started. Here are the details.
Start Date: Today, April 6,2006
End Date: September 6, 2006
Check ins: One a month or so if you can


Rules: No heat!!!! Meaning no flat irons or curlers, no presses or dominican blowouts, & no blow drying. Heat can still be used for deep conditioning purposes.

And yes, I thinking about my graduation in May as well, goldensensation. I'm going to try to stick to my guns, but I understand.

At the end of this challenge, I may do a length check to see if my hair shows any growth as a result.

Oh and anyone can add on to this challenge at anytime.
i want to be in i have not used heat in the last three weeks but i am going to NY on July 13- so i will have to use heat then but other than that I am going to try all different kinda things. :)
I'm in i plan to use no heat whatsoever, i will solely depend on my staple products to style my hair daily.
Hey, count me in. After cutting about 3 inches off of my hair last month from heat and color damage, I vowed that I would do anything to regrow my lost tresses. I'll condition wash every two days during the week and regular wash with shampoo and a deep conditioner on the weekends. I'm interested to see what kind of growth I can achieve w/o heat since I can't remember a time when I didn't blow dry or flat iron. Good luck ladies! :)
hey i'm in..april 13th, i'll be using heat after my relaxer.but i guess i can stretch my relaxer for 5 months after that and that = no heat :)
count me in too!

after recently finding and trimming my split ends and middles, i just told my bf to hide my blowdryer and maxiglide from me so i won't be tempted!
assiyrabomb said:
Hey, count me in. After cutting about 3 inches off of my hair last month from heat and color damage, I vowed that I would do anything to regrow my lost tresses. I'll condition wash every two days during the week and regular wash with shampoo and a deep conditioner on the weekends. I'm interested to see what kind of growth I can achieve w/o heat since I can't remember a time when I didn't blow dry or flat iron. Good luck ladies! :)

Assiyrabomb, I've also just had to cut off 3" last month due to heat damage from using the hot brush and flat iron (I knew I should never have used those darn things but my friend who lent these to me assured me that I would be ok if I use them just once a week! Right...). Now I will definately not reach my goal of armpit length by June this year!!!! :mad: Anyway, I figure it's a lesson I needed to learn sooner rather than later - been contemplating staying off heat but just hadn't been motivated enough. Being minus 3 inches is enough motivation now so definately count me in. I will however use heat when doing the Apoghee treatment every 4 - 6 weeks...I have to summon up the courage to skip the heat when I relax in June....Hope I can make it...
I don't usually do challenges, but what the heck. I'm in--it's not like I'd planned on maxigliding 5" of hair anyway. :lachen:

I didn't use heat for most of my transition, but I've already used a diffuser one time since the BC. I found I don't even need to use that.
I went five months not to long ago without even realizing it had been that long since I flat ironed my hair. I recently cut a couple of inches to give it a different look so it will be interesting to see my progress come September.

We can do this ladies.
Yay, more challengers!
Added to the challenge:
Candy C

Carusos- um yeah, if you want to use them I think that's okay. From what I understand (from their circa 1990 infomercials) they aren't damaging. But since I don't use them myself, I can't tell you whether they have any detrimental effects. For purposes of this challenge, they don't count in my book.

Rollersetting under the dryer- again not my area of expertise but it seems okay since it's not direct heat. But I'd try to go without it long enough to see whether there's a corolation between damage, dryness and the dryer.
stunningmane said:
Assiyrabomb, I've also just had to cut off 3" last month due to heat damage from using the hot brush and flat iron (I knew I should never have used those darn things but my friend who lent these to me assured me that I would be ok if I use them just once a week! Right...). Now I will definately not reach my goal of armpit length by June this year!!!! :mad: Anyway, I figure it's a lesson I needed to learn sooner rather than later - been contemplating staying off heat but just hadn't been motivated enough. Being minus 3 inches is enough motivation now so definately count me in. I will however use heat when doing the Apoghee treatment every 4 - 6 weeks...I have to summon up the courage to skip the heat when I relax in June....Hope I can make it...
Yeah, I know cutting so much hair off after growing it can be so sad. My hair was shoulder length before the cut and now its about chin length. I've never had hair that was so short in my life and I guess it will take so adjusting. This is why I am so focused on growing my hair back as soon as possible. If all goes well I'll gain back my length by the end of this challenge. The sad part about it is is that my hair is a completely different color from my natural so I am going to hair to bleach (sigh....) and then color my newgrowth soon to keep up. Any suggestions on how to not damage my hair when doing this?
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Count me in! This will be easy for me b/c I haven't used heat in years, now. Wow, I can't believe that it's been that long. :drunk:
Hey ladies how are ya'll doing? I'm still sticking to my no heat challenge even tho I am dying to check my length. I'm being patient! :)