Time to get serious- 5 month no heat challenge anyone?

I would like to join this challenge.

However I will need to use heat a few times in the next five months, just to flat iron my roots and occasionally use my hooded dryer if my hair doesn't dry quick enough and I need to go out.

However I would like to limit these times because I am seeing a few split ends here and there.

I'm in.

So now I will try to do a 5 month stretch and limit/eliminate heat from my regimen.
Ok ladies it's nearly been a month.....how is everyone doing?
I'm still hanging in there...twists and twist outs is how I've been wearing my hair to avoid using heat....
Hi EMJazzy,

I'm doing well. I only used heat 1 time since I started this challenge a month ago exactly :D !!!

I've been airdrying my rollersets (takes 8-9 hours, 10 hours for complete dryness).

I'm thinking about buying the same ION bonnet dryer that Isis has that has a cool setting. She says it takes 3 hours for her hair to dry this way. I can use this for emergencies when I don't have time to airdry my rollerset.

1 month down, 4 to go :clap:!!!!
HoneyDew said:
I wish that I could do that. I could never find the time.

I do it overnight. Sleeping sucks for that night (sore neck etc) but it pretty much dries. Otherwise I'll do it on a sunday when I'm going to be home most of the day.
hey i think i can do it
but theres this party on june 23rd
what else can i do to my hair but straighten it and look fab!!
maybe i can stick to it
5 months is not that long
might as well make it 6
RabiaElaine said:
I do it overnight. Sleeping sucks for that night (sore neck etc) but it pretty much dries. Otherwise I'll do it on a sunday when I'm going to be home most of the day.

Sunday is a good idea. I could just hangout all day while it dries.

now if only I can learn how to make the rollers stay in!?!:ohwell:
jasmine26 said:
count me in too!

after recently finding and trimming my split ends and middles, i just told my bf to hide my blowdryer and maxiglide from me so i won't be tempted!

:eek: jasmine26 your hair is so nice, looks like velvet rope!

Update - so far no heat, but i've got too much regrowth to last 5 month without a relaxer, plus because i texlax it will be too much of a problem and may end up with over or underprocessed parts. so for the 1st time every i may have a relaxer at 8 weeks :mad: which means only 2 months without heat..ahh well
i havnt used heat on the majority of my hair for the past 2 months...dont plan to until some time in August....so count me in
I'm late, but I'm in. I'm at three weeks no heat anyway. I was planning on no heat until August, so I may as well join the rest of you :D
I'm in fa sho! I'm on a personal no heat for a year challenge. lol It's not even really a challenge since I'm going to be in braids until BSL. I litterally THREW out 2 flat irons a blow dryer and three curling irons and a GRIP of junk products that i wont be using anymore. lol That poor lil' kitty cat that normally hangs out near the garbage at my apt complex is traumatized for life I almost hit him throwin stuff out. :D
confessions of a heat addict-Hi my name is GRNIDMONSTER and I am addicted to curling irons, flat irons, and pressing combs!:eek:

I need help!!! I'm late but, count me in:look: . Damn, I'm late and I'm still worried about making it til September-Heat keeps callin me man.
How exciting! I'm definitely in :). My Maxiglide calls me every week, but I think my hair is at a point where it can be styled with no heat now. But my graduation is in a few weeks so I plan to get a weave... dancing sweats out my press anyway :grin:.
It's late, but I'm in. This is my first challange. Anyway, my sister borrowed my blow dryer and hasn't given it back yet. I may end-up using heat in August with my next touch up though. I'll hide the flat iron.:perplexed
I cheated :naughty: I needed to do a length check so I wouldn't drive myself crazy wondering about the length....I'll be good from now on I promise. ;)
Hmm, I am in. 5 months is a LONG time for me, but I'll give it a test, because sometimes being natural I think I can better take care of my ends when it is straight, but then again I think my hair can benefit from the no heat. GO FIGURE!
Sweetyb said:
How exciting! I'm definitely in :). My Maxiglide calls me every week, but I think my hair is at a point where it can be styled with no heat now. But my graduation is in a few weeks so I plan to get a weave... dancing sweats out my press anyway :grin:.

I'm in shock right now. Thanks soooo much for bumping this for me because I wouldn't have known where to find it. I have been really good and haven't touched a flat iron or a blow dryer and have left my hair covered under a curly Outre fall... I'm on my second one (although I did cave in for just one of my grad ceremonies where I flat ironed & curled my hairline hair to brush over my fall so I could wear it w/o a hairband for the group grad pic) I thought I had just completed a month... but from my post I joined you guys the end of May so it looks like over 2 months!

I'm so happy right now you don't even know :grin:. It feels so good to have healthy natural hair again... from now on, if I want my hair straight for a long period of time, I'll get a weave. I was actually thinking of blow drying my hair out to trim my bad ends... maybe I should just dust and wait til Sept :).
Going strong. My hair has gotten nice and thick from this challenge. I was supposed to end it the first of this month, but I'm going to keep going until it gets too cold. I'm going to try to go into October or maybe November.
I'm still going... been doing the regular condition wash, or shampoo/deep condition. I'm so used to wearing my fall and I haven't really had any time to blow dry/flat iron my hair out for a trim. I also don't trust myself to trim anymore :lol:, so maybe making an appointment with... a... *gulp* stylist :eek: :eek: will motivate me to finally get my hair ready for a length check.

I'll check in later this month... how's everyone else been doing?? Hopefully we didn't loose too many ppl.

I haven't used heat since the middle of June and don't plan to until the end part of December for a length check.
I did it :). I started in June and finally decided to blow dry and flat iron my hair to see how much as grown and all I can say is... Patience Works! My hair is longer than I could remember it ever being and I love it! :D (pics in my album). I love the sheen, the health of my hair, and the fullness of it. I went through a faze of hating my natural hair because I couldn't "tame" it, but now I know the right things to do to make it behave and I appreciate my hair so much more now. Now I'm excited about getting a new fall and hiding my hair for a few more months to attempt--dare I say--bra strap??!
im late but does a hooded dryer count. because that's the only heat i use when i deep condition. so far it's been almost 2 months since i used direct heat. i don't think this will be hard for me. i plan to eliminate direct heat from my rgeimen as much as possible.