Time for My Trim Again, and Next Goal Statement


New Member
About a year ago, I made this post about my hair situation:


I don't think I ever posted about it, but I got another 2 inch trim in June. Right on schedule, I am getting my last major trim to cut off damage in the next week or two. Since I had trimmed about an inch myself, right before I made that post, that would mean I will have trimmed off about 7 inches in a year's time. Sometimes, you just have to bite the bullet and do it to pave the way for healthy hair to shine, and grow in better

I think I have made the healthy hair changes I wanted to for this year.

The following is a post I made about making sure you get the trim you want at a salon:


My goal for this next year, is to accumulate 12 inches of hair. I am on an aggressive vitamin regime already, , and have taken to almost exclusively wearing heavily protective styles. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have worn my hair out during the past year. I will also not be trimming my hair at all in the next year.

I will re-evaluate what I further need to do to reach my goal after the duration of that period of time.

While it may really seem vain, I also pray for my hair. I know that if I believe it, He will give me this, if it is in His plan, and I do His will.

-Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.-Hebrews 11: 1

I WILL eventually have hair I can sit on.
Re: Time for My Trim Again, and Next Goal Statemen

Congrats on your success. And best wishes on your goal. Some of the girls have started a 12 inches or BUST challenge for the coming year. I think I am gonna jump in on that. I hope you will too --kc
Re: Time for My Trim Again, and Next Goal Statemen


I am SO feeling the 12 inches or bust challenge!

