Time and Money wasted? Long Hair doesn't look good on me.

Nothing wrong with short hair. Now that doesn't mean you go cutting yours off. When I first wore my mommy wig I got enthusiastic, estatic "You look amazing with short hair!" comments everywhere I went. Everyone told me I should cut my hair, I told them that's what my wigs are for. The point of it all is, I want long hair, so if I want a change, I'll wear a wig. I suggest you do the same.

On the bright side, once I got so many compliments with my shorter hair, it gave me the confidence to wear shorter wigs, or cutting some of my longer ones. It's nice not to be weighed down by waist-length wigs and weaves all the time:yep:. When it's my hair, I'll be more than happy to deal with it:drunk:.
I wanna see pics of you in the wigs to compare. I think getting a haircut with layers in the front will solve your dilemma.
I agree^^^Layers, regular bangs or side swept bangs, curls, body/volume can make a big difference. I've seen many heads of long hair on folks and it just looks blah, u can always spice it up some kind of way tho.
Nothing wrong with short hair. Now that doesn't mean you go cutting yours off. When I first wore my mommy wig I got enthusiastic, estatic "You look amazing with short hair!" comments everywhere I went. Everyone told me I should cut my hair, I told them that's what my wigs are for. The point of it all is, I want long hair, so if I want a change, I'll wear a wig. I suggest you do the same.

On the bright side, once I got so many compliments with my shorter hair, it gave me the confidence to wear shorter wigs, or cutting some of my longer ones. It's nice not to be weighed down by waist-length wigs and weaves all the time:yep:. When it's my hair, I'll be more than happy to deal with it:drunk:.

I have come to embrace the short wig compliments and now am browsing for another short wig. It took some getting used to, but the short wig is light and easier to style than the long wigs. Change is good.
I wouldn't be insulted by it. I would just enjoy the compliments. :) Hell, I'd wear the wig whenever I wanted to get extra compliments and enjoy my long flowing hair (when I get there) when I don't feel like being bothered.
I also get tons of compliments when I wear my short wig that is a short chin length bob. My hair is longer than that now and I refuse to cut it because I hate caring for short hair like that but I eat up all the admiration. :lick: :lol:

ITA...before you make a drastic decision to chop your locks, enjoy the wig. Then you can always enjoy your long hair whenever you want to.