Time and Money wasted? Long Hair doesn't look good on me.


Well-Known Member
Post is far too long and I apologize in advance:

Currently my own hair is full lower bra strap, thick and healthy. I have meticulously protected and nurtured my own hair with the goal of having waist length hair.

For YEARS I have been either bunning or wearing extensions and long wigs as a protective style. About six months ago while on line wig shopping I ordered a short wig. It arrived I tried it on hated it and tossed in a box with my other no-go on line mistakes.

2 months ago I put the wig on AS A JOKE, showed DD and DH and they loved it. I of course immediately discounted what they had to say because of course I look better with long flowing locks (either my own or purchased).
Shortly after, I had a close friend over tried the wig on for her just KNOWING she’d hate it. She too loved it she said it made me look 10 years younger and 10 pounds lighter. I of course discounted her reaction also, clearly she was delusional as DH and DD or she was just being kind. I again tossed it into the discard/donate box.

1 month ago I wore the wig to meet a different friend for lunch. This particular friend is Polish ( I only bring this up because she claims having no filter on what comes out of her mouth is a Polish trait), a Weave Diva and known for being blunt, brutally honest and able to spot even the best weave or wig from a mile away.

I totally expected her to validate my own thoughts on the wig, tell me it looked horrid and for her suggest that I never put that atrocity on my head again. INSTEAD as we greet she steps back looks me up and down and says “have you had work done?” I reply no. She says your hair looks so cute and you look younger and the proceeded to quiz me about every aspect of my life because she “knew I had a secret”. FINALLY I told her it was a wig, she was shocked and she of course had to publically inspect it (while on my head of course). Told me how natural it looked and was uncharacteristically complimentary.

She then proceeds to state that I look better with short hair and she is shocked that short hair could make a person look younger and sexier because all our adult life she’s worn a long, VERY expensive weaves ( and always encouraged me to do the same) and now we must go find a short wig for her to try on.:lachen::lachen:

Ladies… I then wore the wig to work. The compliments didn’t stop flowing, everyone loved it, all my friends and family think I cut my hair (only the closest of family and friends know I wear wigs or weaves) into this “adorable” style. My “hair cut” inspired two co-workers to get their hair chopped off. One went from waist length to earlobe length, the other from bra strap to collar bone length.

So now I am in quandary. I have spent a lot of money and time growing my hair and it turns out I actually look better with short hair. My intentions were never to wear a wig to the grave. My plan was to grow out my own hair and then wear it out daily. I cannot, will not cut my own hair as short as the wig, because even if I did, my own hair would never have the curl pattern or hold the style of this wig.

Frankly I am feeling a bit insulted that EVERYONE (including my oh so critical but loving parents) like this style. They ALL prefer it to my own hair and the plethora full of long wigs I own that are now languishing in the wig closet, that I now cannot wear because I love compliments (call me shallow if you will) and clearly the short wig gets them.

So ladies should I be insulted?

The first 4 pictures show my normal wig styles, the last picture shows the wig that is getting all the attention and compliments.


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I wouldn't be insulted by it. I would just enjoy the compliments. :) Hell, I'd wear the wig whenever I wanted to get extra compliments and enjoy my long flowing hair (when I get there) when I don't feel like being bothered.
I also get tons of compliments when I wear my short wig that is a short chin length bob. My hair is longer than that now and I refuse to cut it because I hate caring for short hair like that but I eat up all the admiration. :lick: :lol:
Long hair just isn't for everyone. I have long hair but I love short cuts, I cut my hair short several times and it just did nothing for me. My cousin on the other hand looks fab with short hair so she never tries to grow it out. You have to do what works for your personality, if its short hair then hey enjoy it.

I understand about all the time and energy you've invested in growing and nurturing your hair, because it is a commitment. At least you have the option to wear the wig when you want and let your hair out when the spirit moves you.

What brand of wig are you wearing and where did you purchase it from? Post pics I am looking for a wig to change things up a bit.
Honestly, alot of people look better with shorter hair and I do think that once you get a certain age it ages you even more. However, I know some ladies will strongly disagree. I know for me personally when I get a certain age my hair will be cut no matter how long it is. I just prefer it. At the end of the day its what you like on you and what makes you comfotable. And no dont get offended after all you did ask for their opinion so you have the right to either take it or leave it.
I think you can get so focused on growing long hair that it's easy to forget that hair can look good at any length. This is longhaircareforum so there is a heavy bias in favor of growing hair as long as possible but that doesn't change the fact that other lengths are equally attractive. Everyone has their preferences and opinions. For example, I think some people can look a bit over the top with butt length curly weave/wigs but otoh I've never seen anyone look bad in the mommy wig. At the end of the day you have to wear your hair in a way that pleases you no matter what your family and friends say. Simply take their feedback as an eye opener that you should appreciate all lengths of hair - and you probably know this already coz something told you to buy the short wig.
Well...have you ever watched those improvement shows like What Not to Wear and Look 10 Years Younger? The first thing they always do is cut their hair! My grandmother(s)...as in both of them, have always told me that women of a certain age look good with short hair. Don't get on me, because I don't know that age and I'm not trying to guess your age. As far as cutting your hair goes: why? You're an admitted wig and weave wearer, so stock up on some short wigs that you like: heck, sell some of those longer ones (here on LHCF, we'll buy 'em ;)) and then use the money for shorter ones, the upside? Shorter wigs are usually cheaper than long ones, so you can get higher quality and more of them for the same price as a long one, IMHO
Oftentimes when people look great with short hair, they may not look good with just long hair, but if you get a couple of face framing layers cut into your long hair, it will look just as good.
No fair! You can't come in here bragging about this phenomenal wig w/o pics

OP, honestly I wouldn't be offended by it. As much as I am interested in growing my hair long in my heart of hearts I know I look better with short hair. Wigs are versatile. So, just stock up on some short and sassy wigs and KIM whenever you feel a change of pace coming your way. :yep:
Though I also believe that short cuts give a more sexy sassy look and can highlight your best facial features and also make u look younger.......

Have you given consideration to the possibilty that persons are reacting to the drastic change that came with the short wig?

In the end its what you want and what you like.
No fair! You can't come in here bragging about this phenomenal wig w/o pics

OP, honestly I wouldn't be offended by it. As much as I am interested in growing my hair long in my heart of hearts I know I look better with short hair. Wigs are versatile. So, just stock up on some short and sassy wigs and KIM whenever you feel a change of pace coming your way. :yep:

LOL! The picture of the wig is so nothing special. It's was $16.00 wig!!!!! I have no idea what caused me to buy it other than it was cheap and it had a slight bang which I was looking for at the time. In person and on me it looks NOTHING like the picture. Seriously.... But here it is.... don't laugh or judge...


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Though I also believe that short cuts give a more sexy sassy look and can highlight your best facial features and also make u look younger.......

Have you given consideration to the possibilty that persons are reacting to the drastic change that came with the short wig?

In the end its what you want and what you like.

It might be that. I hope it's that. I will post my normal looks and then the wig that inspired co-workers to whack of their lovely locks. I might add that I really don't like my co-works short look.
for some reason I am not able to enlarge the wig photo to see the details but it seems to be a full face framing style. I actually thought you were going to post a shorter wig than that! Not knowing what your own hair looks like, I think it is probably the style that is probably making more of a difference than the length. As someone previously posted, it may be just a matter of layers to freshen your look.
You see that all the time on this site, people with long hair and it doesn't look that hot IMO. Of course you can't really tell them what you feel because this is a long hair site, but people with long narrow faces don't look that great with long hair.
I don't think it's because you "look better" with short hair or don't look good with long hair......
They're just reacting that way because it's a drastic change from what they're used to seeing on you.
If you always had short hair then suddenly it was long, you'd probably get the same reactions.
I say keep the long hair and use short, sassy wigs when you want a change. (short wigs are also more believable and "unquestioned" than long wigs)
I'm sorry, but I think you just may just look better with short hair. Sometimes we don't want to believe it because its, well, long hair. Truth of the matter, I can intuitively and instintively tell when a person looks better with a style that suits them. I won't give compliments to a person that I don't think looks good in a particular style.

With that said, I have been told on more than one occation that I look much better with short hair. Dh tells me, friends tell me, strangers compliment me on a daily bases and I know this. When I had long hair or weaves, nothing:nono:. Some styles compliment women more than others. There is no trick to that, no scheming, no lying. It is what it is. What matters is what you feel more comfortable in. Because I know long hair doesn't look that great on me, or it doesn't give me the POW factor, then the longest I would grow it is APL. If that don't look look right, I have no second thoughts about cutting it shorter:spinning:.
I'm just mad that you were wearing a wig and two of your co-workers were so enthralled with your new do that they chopped off their own hair! :eek: :rofl: :rofl:

Aw OP. :hug3: I do think there are many women who look more beautiful with short hair. I actually prefer myself with shorter hair but learning how to care for, and retain, hair is neither time nor money wasted. :yep:
I'll be honest with you: short hair looks great on me too, long hair - meh. But I've never had long hair and in a few months I'll be at BSL. This was one of the reasons I went natural. Shrinkage can give me short hair any time I want, and if I decide to straighten it to see how much it doesn't look good on me - well, then I can do that. I get compliments with either length though, so it's hard for me to be torn. However, I prefer to wear my hair in a twist out or mini twists on wet hair so that shrinkage is visible.
Post is far too long and I apologize in advance:

Currently my own hair is full lower bra strap, thick and healthy. I have meticulously protected and nurtured my own hair with the goal of having waist length hair.

For YEARS I have been either bunning or wearing extensions and long wigs as a protective style. About six months ago while on line wig shopping I ordered a short wig. It arrived I tried it on hated it and tossed in a box with my other no-go on line mistakes.

2 months ago I put the wig on AS A JOKE, showed DD and DH and they loved it. I of course immediately discounted what they had to say because of course I look better with long flowing locks (either my own or purchased).
Shortly after, I had a close friend over tried the wig on for her just KNOWING she’d hate it. She too loved it she said it made me look 10 years younger and 10 pounds lighter. I of course discounted her reaction also, clearly she was delusional as DH and DD or she was just being kind. I again tossed it into the discard/donate box.

1 month ago I wore the wig to meet a different friend for lunch. This particular friend is Polish ( I only bring this up because she claims having no filter on what comes out of her mouth is a Polish trait), a Weave Diva and known for being blunt, brutally honest and able to spot even the best weave or wig from a mile away.

I totally expected her to validate my own thoughts on the wig, tell me it looked horrid and for her suggest that I never put that atrocity on my head again. INSTEAD as we greet she steps back looks me up and down and says “have you had work done?” I reply no. She says your hair looks so cute and you look younger and the proceeded to quiz me about every aspect of my life because she “knew I had a secret”. FINALLY I told her it was a wig, she was shocked and she of course had to publically inspect it (while on my head of course). Told me how natural it looked and was uncharacteristically complimentary.

She then proceeds to state that I look better with short hair and she is shocked that short hair could make a person look younger and sexier because all our adult life she’s worn a long, VERY expensive weaves ( and always encouraged me to do the same) and now we must go find a short wig for her to try on.:lachen::lachen:

Ladies… I then wore the wig to work. The compliments didn’t stop flowing, everyone loved it, all my friends and family think I cut my hair (only the closest of family and friends know I wear wigs or weaves) into this “adorable” style. My “hair cut” inspired two co-workers to get their hair chopped off. One went from waist length to earlobe length, the other from bra strap to collar bone length.

So now I am in quandary. I have spent a lot of money and time growing my hair and it turns out I actually look better with short hair. My intentions were never to wear a wig to the grave. My plan was to grow out my own hair and then wear it out daily. I cannot, will not cut my own hair as short as the wig, because even if I did, my own hair would never have the curl pattern or hold the style of this wig.

Frankly I am feeling a bit insulted that EVERYONE (including my oh so critical but loving parents) like this style. They ALL prefer it to my own hair and the plethora full of long wigs I own that are now languishing in the wig closet, that I now cannot wear because I love compliments (call me shallow if you will) and clearly the short wig gets them.

So ladies should I be insulted?

It could just be the style. You've worn other short styles and not gotten the compliments of this one right. There is probably a long hairstyle that will do the same thing. It's just going to take time to figure out what that happens to be.
i say keep your long bsl length hair (just in case some of those compliments come from jealousy...it's possible)....and wear short wigs when you want to rock a short style.

shooooooot long hair takes too long to grow! :lol:

but i wouldn't be offended....you look cute. enjoy the high praise. :)
i say keep your long bsl length hair (just in case some of those compliments come from jealousy...it's possible)....and wear short wigs when you want to rock a short style.

shooooooot long hair takes too long to grow! :lol:

but i wouldn't be offended....you look cute. enjoy the high praise. :)

Her Dh is jealous because he also thought she looked cute with it? Interesting...:look:

I think if many people tell you enough, if may have some truth to it. IMO. I don't get why when people compliment others with short hair, they have to be jealous. Maybe it really does look good on the person, but I get what you are saying.
I'm thinking it could be the hair, or just the drastic change. Some people when they see a change will compliment you on it so much because they have never seen you a different way. Others it's because you honestly look better with short hair. Idk, if u can post pictures you can give us a more objective view to comment on.

Btw, if u like ur long hair and don't wanna cut it, you can certainly just wear wigs and weaves when u wanna have short hair. And give it a name for some role-playing with ur man for fun :D
I added the pictures to the orginal post but here the are again. The first four pictures show my preferred hair styles. The styles where I felt sassy, sexy and competent.

The last picture is the wig that is getting all the compliments. To me the wig in this picture looks sort of frumpy. It does look different on me and I cant imagine WHY they use this picture to sell the wig but heck it got me to buy it!

Oh well. Since I do rather enjoy the fuss :blush: I guess I'll keep on wearing the wig despite the fact that I cant see how others prefer it to my previous styles.


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I'm just mad that you were wearing a wig and two of your co-workers were so enthralled with your new do that they chopped off their own hair! :eek: :rofl: :rofl:

Aw OP. :hug3: I do think there are many women who look more beautiful with short hair. I actually prefer myself with shorter hair but learning how to care for, and retain, hair is neither time nor money wasted. :yep:

I feel soooooooooo bad.:blush: I was shocked and horrified and at that point I felt obligated to keep wearing the short do as a sign of solidarity!:perplexed
I added the pictures to the orginal post but here the are again. The first four pictures show my preferred hair styles. The styles where I felt sassy, sexy and competent.

The last picture is the wig that is getting all the compliments. To me the wig in this picture looks sort of frumpy. It does look different on me and I cant imagine WHY they use this picture to sell the wig but heck it got me to buy it!

Oh well. Since I do rather enjoy the fuss :blush: I guess I'll keep on wearing the wig despite the fact that I cant see how others prefer it to my previous styles.
At the time I read this post, there were no pics :nono:
