Tight Braids Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
:cry3: :cry3: :cry3: Since deciding to go natural, I wanted to braid my hair up so I wouldn't be tempted to relax it. So yesterday I went to the African shop to get some conrows. I thought it would be something easy and quick. Boy was it quick but my head is in so much pain I thought I was going to cry. The lady was pulling and tugging on my head like she was doing a dolls hair that she didn't like . The finished results are nice braids but they pull my hair so much that some areas look like I didn’t have much hair their to begin with; even though I had a full head of hair with no bald spots anywhere. I sprayed surge on them to kind of soothe and loosen them up. But I was wondering do you ladies have any other ideas that would help loosen them before my hair breaks off. :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
:( oh, darling! I am sorry it hurt. All the reasons I decided against braids. I am very tenderheaded. Last time I got braids it felt like she was massaging my scalp with her knuckles. I don't know of any relief than to take them out because it is obviously too tight and pulling your hair.

blessed said:
:cry3: :cry3: :cry3: Since deciding to go natural, I wanted to braid my hair up so I wouldn't be tempted to relax it. So yesterday I went to the African shop to get some conrows. I thought it would be something easy and quick. Boy was it quick but my head is in so much pain I thought I was going to cry. The lady was pulling and tugging on my head like she was doing a dolls hair that she didn't like . The finished results are nice braids but they pull my hair so much that some areas look like I didn’t have much hair their to begin with; even though I had a full head of hair with no bald spots anywhere. I sprayed surge on them to kind of soothe and loosen them up. But I was wondering do you ladies have any other ideas that would help loosen them before my hair breaks off. :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
I don't want to take them out because they cost so much. And I am not a millionaire yet so I don't want to waste money.
Girl! You're in the same boat that I was in last week. If your scalp is hurting really bad take those braids down before you lose your hair. I had my hair braided a little over a week ago and one of my braids was tight as hell! I sprayed several times a day to ease the tension because that usually helps after getting my hair braided. Not this time. I shampood my hair and kept looking at that one tight braid. I saw hair sticking out of it and pulled it and out came my hair in that one spot along my hairline. :eek: Now I'm working on regrowing that area. Aye, aye, aye!
blessed said:
I don't want to take them out because they cost so much. And I am not a millionaire yet so I don't want to waste money.

Have you tried a little hair spray? Maybe the oil can kind of loosen it up.

I know that's right! Can't be wasting money!
try pouring cold water over your head .. i do this as soon as i get home from getting my hair braided....then tie a scarf so you won't get the frizzies
I'll try anything right now before taking them out on only the second day. They don't hurt as much as when I was in the salon but when people see me they say how nice my hair looks. But then right after they say boy those are really tight. One person even asked me if they shaved that part. Which really hurt.
Been there, so I feel your pain. If you're not ready to take the braids out, have you tried taking some pain pills? Spraying your scalp with a tea tree oil or peppermint spray may help to soothe it.
Im really sorry to hear about your situation but I feel ur pain as others have. Braids normally leave ur scalp a bit sore the next day. So it doesnt sound like a disaster. BUT I would say that if the pain doesnt go away by tomorrow and certainly by the next day then take them out because that means they are too tight and are gonna pull ur hair out!!! I know you dont want to waste money but its not worth losing ur hair.
When braids are put in properly you shouldnt feel ANY pain. The braider obviously put them in way too tight, having nice looking braids is one thing but being in pain and potentially losing your hair is another. If the braid spray or oil doesnt help loosen them take them out A.S.A.P.!
blessed said:
I don't want to take them out because they cost so much. And I am not a millionaire yet so I don't want to waste money.

You have to think about how much money you will end up spending on wigs, weaves and at the dermatologist if those darned braids ruin your hair and scalp. You should not be in that kind of pain. What was that lady thinking braiding your hair that tight? I just want to slap her!
I sent you a PM but in case you haven't read it, what I use to do is take a towel dip it in hot hot water, squeeze out the water so that the steam is letting loose, put that on top of the area where the braids are tight, use braid spray afterwards. If this doesn't help then your braids were done way too tight.

Whenever my braider finished she would pour a warm oil blend over my entire scalp (using a spout top bottle of course). I NEVER had itching or any problems. If I were you I would gently warm some olive oil along with whatever other natural oils you have (coconut, jojoba. . .) and do the same. Also, have you considered going back to the braider and politely requesting that she loosen that particular area(s)? Do it with a smile and preface it by telling her about all the compliments you've been getting, how much you love them, etc. Might even want to be real and tell her that you used darn near the last of your money for the braids!


p.s. if she wont adjust them, see if you can find a friend or another stylist who will redo the needed braids for a per braid fee.
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I'm so sorry you are in pain. But next time, if it hurts, stop them before they get started on the second braid and go find someone who does kids' hair to do your hair. A good braider doesn't have to pull your hair to get it looking nice. The braider that did my hair and my sister's since we were kids is so gentle that you usually fell asleep when she did your hair coz it felt like she was just playing with your hair. I understand some pple have tender scalps, but what you describe sounds to me like someone who cannot grip the hair firmly without tugging on it with all they've got was working on your head.

If I were you, I'd take the braids out ASAP. I know you paid for them and it'd be a sacrifice but call it a lesson. You win some, you lose some. Alopecia can be caused by hair pulled too tight. Don't take the chance. It's not worth the headaches either.
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OnPoint said:
I sent you a PM but in case you haven't read it, what I use to do is take a towel dip it in hot hot water, squeeze out the water so that the steam is letting loose, put that on top of the area where the braids are tight, use braid spray afterwards. If this doesn't help then your braids were done way too tight.


OnPoint is on point. :) When I had cornrows that were too tight I put a hot wet towel on my head hoping the stream would help loosen them up. I think it helped a little. It was at least soothing.
If they're too tight take em out!!!!

I had some braids done at the shop about a minute ago, those bad boys were so tight I took them out (WHILE AT WORK) by the second day, I only had TWO BRAIDS PUT IN! It aint worth it, take em out and learn how to braid yourself to avoid the problem in the future. Plus if you learn how to braid yourself you can save plenty of money.
Take a hot shower first, then take a wash cloth and run it under hot water and sit it on your head. Do this a few times and you will have some relief. Mouse also works well, any kind just slather on a whole bunch of it and that soothes the scalp and helps defrizz the braids. Taking some advil will also help. They will loosen after a day or two. You should also have a good braid spray to take with you during the day to spray your scalp for relief. I like Fantasia IC Braid Spray.
if she didnt take them out already..the damage is probably already done..what ever is gonna come out especially around the edges is probably gonna come out..doesnt take long from all that pulling around the edges to take effect and pull hair out by the root..but she will not see the white bulbs for a few days from now...just baby them from now on...
Take them out. If you don't you WILL lose hair. That happened to me last summer and I did everything to loosen them up, except taking them out. I washed afterwards, deep conditioned with heat, etc.. Although the pain subsided within a week, my head was tender the entire four weeks I had them in. After I took them out I'd lost my hairline and two palms full of hair (excessive shedding). I don't mean to scare you, but you will have to decide whether spending 6 months or a year trying to grow your hair back is worth saving $$. I'm really sorry. :(
My girlfriend who did my cornrows told me whatever I do, don't EVER go to an African hair salon to get braids put in. She went about a month ago, and she said when she finished her whole head was throbbing and her edges were so tight she could'nt move her eyebrows up and down, no joke. She was taking Advil for the pain for about 1 week. Her hair has been damaged from those braids too and she is slowly but surely getting her hair back on track. That is why I do my own braids, I know how tight they should be without them falling out. The only other person I let touch my hair is my girl who does my cornrows for me and she knows how tight to make them without ripping my hair out. Sorry about your experience though, hope that heffer did'nt rip your hair out.

Next relaxer touchup: Sept 5th, 2005
Curren style: box braids(done by myself) until touchup
time. (3 1/2 wks)
Current hair length: When blown out super straight my hair
falls 2 inches past brastrap.
Shrinkage state: 3-4 inches above brastrap
Hair goal for 2005: 5 inches past brastrap by December
new pics added!

pw: diva
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I always go home and take me a hot (as warm as you can handle) shower(w/o the cap) and let the steam loosen mine... I never put water directly on my braids as soon as I get home because my hair gets frizzy... But the tightness go away after about 2 days and I am VERY tender-headed.

Hope ya feel betta' :)

ps. I've NEVER lost hair due to tight braids, either.