Omg, PLEASE HELP!!! Henna hair disaster...


Well-Known Member
Ok, so... I henna'ed my hair yesterday afternoon. I purchased Jamilia brand henna from Catherine. I used straight up henna powder, mixed with apple juice, :perplexed a teaspoon of lemon juice :ohwell: and some olive oil. The instructions said to apply to clean, dry hair, so I shampooed my hair the night before with ORS Creamy Aloe (chelating/clarifying) :nuts: and did a couple mins of conditioner, followed by some cantu shea leave-in. The morning-of, it was dry because I didn't moisturize, and I just let my hair air dry...I didn't want anything to interfere with the dye uptake :wallbash:, so I just used the cantu leave-in as my moisturizer. I let the henna sit in my hair for 4 1/2 hours and then rinsed it out, followed by a couple of shampoos with Keracare Moisturizing/Detangling. Then I D/C'ed for like 2 hours, sans heat.

Long story short, 1 hour of detangling, and several shampoos and conditioning treatments later...My hair is so matted and tangled that I am scared to even touch it anymore. I lost way too much hair to it breaking from me detangling and it just being very brittle. Probably about a palmful. :cry2: My head is so sore from all of the pulling from the comb and Denman, and I just don't know what to do anymore. :nono: I poured an entire bottle of olive oil over my head, did a hot oil treatment, I used a half of a bottle of two Organix conditioners, (Vanilla and Coconut) Kenra MC, Nexxus Humectress, and a half of a bottle of some Neutrogena Triple Moisture leave-in, with some SAA, and Honeyquat add ins. Nothing is helping!

What to do!? I need a super-charged hair softener/detangler. Please help :cry3::cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3:

Its 2 am, and I started rinsing out the deep conditioner at 11pm, so I am going to bed in hopes that somebody has some help for me when I wake up in the morning :pray:I combed my hair back into a pony and bunned it, then put a baggy over it and a scarf over that. I don't care if this is how I have to wear my hair for the next week, anything to get it out of this trauma... :help:

TIA :crybaby:
Steam treatments with your most moisturizing conditioner 1+ hour . Also rinse with cold distilled water. I make a 8oz leave-in that I total love, made of distilled water mixed with elucence MBC, tsp castor oil, and tsp glycerin. You should do the above every 2 to 3 days to cut back on manipulation. Oh I feel your pain :hug2:. I went through this last year and I lost a years worth of progress!

I know more women are going to chime in later, so in the meantime I hope this helps.
That happened to me my first time. Henna was also clumped in my hair :ohwell: I had to wash my hair soooo many times :nono: I wish you would have went to sleep with conditoner in your hair

Anyway, what i always do is use a very moisturizing shampoo like cream of nature, or Elasta QP Creme....these will soften and detangle your hair, and will clean this stuff out of your hair gently.

When i do these, i use more conditoner then Henna...and good amounts of oil...and i still get good color :yep: "henna gloss"
Then i use one of these shampoos
And usually a hour or more of a very moisturizing conditoner (sometimes sleep)

ETA---Also, if you put alot on your hair, more than needed just to use all the product in the bowl, that makes it worse IMO.
Oh my goodness! I think the clarifying/chelating totally stripped your hair (of course) probably needed to be prepped for the Henna which I heard can also be drying , with deep conditioning first. I know would'a chould'a shoulda's wont help now. The only thing I can think of is to do everything you can to get it back to a moisturized state, with deep conditioning continuously and lots of natural oils (IMO the cure all for everything). I stay away from clarifying and henna because this is not the first time I have heard of something like this happening. you will get your hair back to normal with some work, there might be some amount of set back to recover from but you can definitely make a come back! Sorry this happened. :sad: I think you've done a good job so far, you just have to keep pulling out the big guns and fight to get your hair back. Ive been there a few times before (clarifying and protein) and my daughter too (relaxer) I know its hard :hug2: your hair will pull through :yep:
First thing, moisture, moisture, moisture and perhaps only co-wash for next couple of washes and keep proteins to a minimum. Now, hindsight and should you choose to try henna again:

  • I think you used way too much acid: both apple juice and lemon juice is a LOT of acid, really don't need acid for color release, trust me -- I'm 30% or more gray and I initially started to henna for color and I don't use acid at all anymore and still get great color release. My mix: henna powder + warm water + 4.5 hours

  • I think BOTH clarifying and a lot of acid = dryness. I frequently henna *dirty* dry hair loaded with cones and still get great color deposit. I henna right on dry hair instead of pooing so that the henna actually serves a poo (what I call "henna wash") then rinse henna, then condish -- color deposits just as great as on freshly clarified hair. I have tried it all and I still get great color, time after time, wet hair, dry hair, dirty hair, clean hair, it is always good so long as I leave the paste on hair at least 2 hours, longer if I can.

  • I don't use oils, condish, honey, or anything else in my henna mixes cuz I want maximum color deposit and I *think* perhaps oils and condish and such will inhibit color depost -- that's just me tho. I save all the special ingredients for AFTER rinsing out the hennna when I really need to remoisturize. Nothing beats additing few tablespoons of honey + oil + glycerin + moisturizing condish, leave on at least 30 minutes = totally moisturize hair, like butter

  • Rinsing tip: let water run over henna hair, then use TONS of cheapie condish (sauve coconut, VO5, etc.) on top of the henna and keep reapplying as much condish as needed and use downward motion to prevent tangle, keep rinsing and using condish until henna washes out. Then, go for the big gun DC by adding honey, glycerin, oil, whatever to moisturizing condish and let sit at least 30 minutes, longer if possible


Ok, so... I henna'ed my hair yesterday afternoon. I purchased Jamilia brand henna from Catherine. I used straight up henna powder, mixed with apple juice, :perplexed a teaspoon of lemon juice ohwell: and some olive oil. The instructions said to apply to clean, dry hair , so I shampooed my hair the night before with ORS Creamy Aloe (chelating/clarifying) :nuts: and did a couple mins of conditioner, followed by some cantu shea leave-in. The morning-of, it was dry because I didn't moisturize, and I just let my hair air dry...I didn't want anything to interfere with the dye uptake :wallbash:, so I just used the cantu leave-in as my moisturizer. I let the henna sit in my hair for 4 1/2 hours and then rinsed it out, followed by a couple of shampoos with Keracare Moisturizing/Detangling. Then I D/C'ed for like 2 hours, sans heat.

Long story short, 1 hour of detangling, and several shampoos and conditioning treatments later...My hair is so matted and tangled that I am scared to even touch it anymore. I lost way too much hair to it breaking from me detangling and it just being very brittle. Probably about a palmful. :cry2: My head is so sore from all of the pulling from the comb and Denman, and I just don't know what to do anymore. :nono: I poured an entire bottle of olive oil over my head, did a hot oil treatment, I used a half of a bottle of two Organix conditioners, (Vanilla and Coconut) Kenra MC, Nexxus Humectress, and a half of a bottle of some Neutrogena Triple Moisture leave-in, with some SAA, and Honeyquat add ins. Nothing is helping!

What to do!? I need a super-charged hair softener/detangler. Please help :cry3::cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3:

Its 2 am, and I started rinsing out the deep conditioner at 11pm, so I am going to bed in hopes that somebody has some help for me when I wake up in the morning :pray:I combed my hair back into a pony and bunned it, then put a baggy over it and a scarf over that. I don't care if this is how I have to wear my hair for the next week, anything to get it out of this trauma... :help:

TIA :crybaby:
Nothing to add... just sorry that happened to you .. and a tip - all you need to do is add water to the henna , leave it for a while and you would get the dye release (if that is what you were going for).

Also you should do a nice overnight moisturising conditioner treatment with a con that gives major slip - You should feel fine after that ... dont try detangling your hair until it feels nice, that would just be asking for serious breakage. Hope you feel better
Nothing to add... just sorry that happened to you .. and a tip - all you need to do is add water to the henna , leave it for a while and you would get the dye release (if that is what you were going for).

Also you should do a nice overnight moisturising conditioner treatment with a con that gives major slip - You should feel fine after that ... dont try detangling your hair until it feels nice, that would just be asking for serious breakage. Hope you feel better

Great tip from Plastic! I was going to say the same thing. Also, henna/indigo on pre-deep conditioned (moisturizing conditioner) DAMP hair. Catherine's instructions about applying to dry hair does not work for us.

And Irresistable is right, by clarifying before hand and with all the drying additives to your henna mix, you stripped your hair of all your moisture and natural oil.

Also, don't give up on henna Morenita. It was all the apple and lemon juice. Wait to your hair's moisture is restored and when you are ready to henna/indigo again, reach out to me via PM or any of the other ladies here, Sareca and Henna Sooq. We'll take you through. Keep us abreast with this situation.

Someone very nice sent me some HENNA called MEHANDI (3 boxs)and i am HECTIC ta use it . i been browsing tryin to find a safer way to mix it .
Someone very nice sent me some HENNA called MEHANDI (3 boxs)and i am HECTIC ta use it . i been browsing tryin to find a safer way to mix it .

Plain warm water and a bit of oil (amla or olive oil is fine) that is all you need. Apply to damp, pre-conditioned (with a moisturizing deep conditionter) hair. :yep:

ETA: After your henna treatment, do another moisturizing deep conditioner to ensure your moisture levels are maintained.
Thank you so much for the help ladies. :grouphug: Hopefully it won't take long for my hair to normalize. I'm just scared of not trying to detangle it since I'm transitioning, but I'm also scared to keep detangling because it is breaking so much. I have about 3 inches of NG and not detangling for days and days when I airdry is just asking for trouble :perplexed

That happened to me my first time. Henna was also clumped in my hair :ohwell: I had to wash my hair soooo many times :nono: I wish you would have went to sleep with conditoner in your hair

I still have Henna in it... I just couldn't wash it anymore last night. My arms hurt, and I felt like I was about to pass out in the shower from all of the steam. I think I started to get dehydrated. I washed it out in the kitchen sink first twice, then moved to the shower later and washed it thrice, and then I filled up the bathroom sink with water and dunked my head into the bowl and let it sit there for a few minutes, and repeated that 3-4 times. The tepid water was still orange after the 4th time in the bathroom sink, but I just couldn't do it anymore. To make matters worse, all of the detangling that I had done in the shower was completely erased when I turned my head upside down in the sink. It just matted right back up again and I had to detangle it again, losing a lot of hair in the process again :ohwell:

I did go to sleep with conditioner actually. I drenched it with Half a bottle of Neutrogena Triple Moisture, mixed with Honeyquat, Liquid Shea Butter and Silk Amino Acids. I will probably check on it later tonight, but otherwise, this mess is staying in this plastic bag all day... I don't have to go out to go to work or anything since I stay at home with my kids, so as long as it takes. If I need to go to the store, I'll just pull the bag off and go with soaking wet hair.

ETA---Also, if you put alot on your hair, more than needed just to use all the product in the bowl, that makes it worse IMO.

Yeah... I ordered 3 grams, since that is for "shoulder-length" hair and Catherine said that her hair is down to her fingertips and she uses 5 grams. I figured that my BSL hair would be fine with 3, but I had a LOT leftover, even after I SATURATED my hair with it...

Oh my goodness! I think the clarifying/chelating totally stripped your hair (of course) probably needed to be prepped for the Henna which I heard can also be drying , with deep conditioning first. I know would'a chould'a shoulda's wont help now. The only thing I can think of is to do everything you can to get it back to a moisturized state, with deep conditioning continuously and lots of natural oils (IMO the cure all for everything). I stay away from clarifying and henna because this is not the first time I have heard of something like this happening. you will get your hair back to normal with some work, there might be some amount of set back to recover from but you can definitely make a come back! Sorry this happened. :sad: I think you've done a good job so far, you just have to keep pulling out the big guns and fight to get your hair back. Ive been there a few times before (clarifying and protein) and my daughter too (relaxer) I know its hard :hug2: your hair will pull through :yep:

Yeah, next time around, I will be doing some heavy-duty pre-pooing and deep conditioning a few days prior.. Thanks for the encouragement. :hug:

First thing, moisture, moisture, moisture and perhaps only co-wash for next couple of washes and keep proteins to a minimum. Now, hindsight and should you choose to try henna again:
  • I think you used way too much acid: both apple juice and lemon juice is a LOT of acid, really don't need acid for color release, trust me --
I agree... That's what I get for listening to Catherine :sad:

  • I'm 30% or more gray and I initially started to henna for color and I don't use acid at all anymore and still get great color release. My mix: henna powder + warm water + 4.5 hours
  • I think BOTH clarifying and a lot of acid = dryness. I frequently henna *dirty* dry hair loaded with cones and still get great color deposit. I henna right on dry hair instead of pooing so that the henna actually serves a poo (what I call "henna wash") then rinse henna, then condish -- color deposits just as great as on freshly clarified hair. I have tried it all and I still get great color, time after time, wet hair, dry hair, dirty hair, clean hair, it is always good so long as I leave the paste on hair at least 2 hours, longer if I can.
I will try this next time.

  • I don't use oils, condish, honey, or anything else in my henna mixes cuz I want maximum color deposit and I *think* perhaps oils and condish and such will inhibit color depost -- that's just me tho. I save all the special ingredients for AFTER rinsing out the hennna when I really need to remoisturize. Nothing beats additing few tablespoons of honey + oil + glycerin + moisturizing condish, leave on at least 30 minutes = totally moisturize hair, like butter
This was my original plan, but as I started to apply the henna, I noticed that it was clumping my hair together. It looked like I had big dreads and that scared me, so I started dumping olive oil in my hair. Then, as I was rinsing out the henna the 3rd time around, I ended up pouring the entire bottle of olive oil in my hair.

  • Rinsing tip: let water run over henna hair, then use TONS of cheapie condish (sauve coconut, VO5, etc.) on top of the henna and keep reapplying as much condish as needed and use downward motion to prevent tangle, keep rinsing and using condish until henna washes out. Then, go for the big gun DC by adding honey, glycerin, oil, whatever to moisturizing condish and let sit at least 30 minutes, longer if possible.
I will try this tonight. I'll grab some Suave Tropical Coconut and just use the whole bottle and do another overnight DC.

Great tip from Plastic! I was going to say the same thing. Also, henna/indigo on pre-deep conditioned (moisturizing conditioner) DAMP hair. Catherine's instructions about applying to dry hair does not work for us.

ITA. Just wish I had followed my instinct and researched more into it beforehand.
And Irresistable is right, by clarifying before hand and with all the drying additives to your henna mix, you stripped your hair of all your moisture and natural oil.
Also, don't give up on henna Morenita. It was all the apple and lemon juice. Wait to your hair's moisture is restored and when you are ready to henna/indigo again, reach out to me via PM or any of the other ladies here, Sareca and Henna Sooq. We'll take you through. Keep us abreast with this situation.


Thank you so much for your support. I hope that things turn around soon. I haven't had a setback this bad in a while. I won't give up on henna, I have used the cheap stuff from Sally's in the past but needless to say that next time I will not be using apple or lemon juice :nono: Catherine's directions definitely do not work for our hair...
You have a great attitude about this and that is 90% of the battle -- it will be alright. :yep:

Just wanted to add that I don't try to wash out ALL the henna, I do my best but I once most of it out and I can run fingers thru hair, I move to DC, which will get more out, etc. Having bits of henna in my hair until next wash doesn't hurt a thing -- shoot, I deliberately try to leave it in as long as possible anyway and I usually punk out after 3 hours so I don't stress the little bits left in, only I know about them . . .
You have a great attitude about this and that is 90% of the battle -- it will be alright. :yep:

Just wanted to add that I don't try to wash out ALL the henna, I do my best but I once most of it out and I can run fingers thru hair, I move to DC, which will get more out, etc. Having bits of henna in my hair until next wash doesn't hurt a thing -- shoot, I deliberately try to leave it in as long as possible anyway and I usually punk out after 3 hours so I don't stress the little bits left in, only I know about them . . .

You are right. It will wash out the next wash. Wear dark colored shirts for several days until then! :yep:
You are right. It will wash out the next wash. Wear dark colored shirts for several days until then! :yep:

Ummm, yeah, I did forget to mention that. LOL! Dark colors, especially reds/browns/rust are the only way to go if your hair is SL or longer. Or just wear an updo if you must wear light colors . . .
You have a great attitude about this and that is 90% of the battle -- it will be alright. :yep:

Just wanted to add that I don't try to wash out ALL the henna, I do my best but I once most of it out and I can run fingers thru hair, I move to DC, which will get more out, etc. Having bits of henna in my hair until next wash doesn't hurt a thing -- shoot, I deliberately try to leave it in as long as possible anyway and I usually punk out after 3 hours so I don't stress the little bits left in, only I know about them . . .

Thank you. I try to always be positive :)

Ok, so don't freak out about henna not all being gone, check. Dark colored shirts, dark towels, will do... I found that my towel that I was using last night while detangling, had started to change color :perplexed I put it in the wash immediately...

ETA: I will bump this post when my hair normalizes to thank you ladies for your help again and show you my beautiful color.
Thank you. I try to always be positive :)

Ok, so don't freak out about henna not all being gone, check. Dark colored shirts, dark towels, will do... I found that my towel that I was using last night while detangling, had started to change color :perplexed I put it in the wash immediately...

ETA: I will bump this post when my hair normalizes to thank you ladies for your help again and show you my beautiful color.

yeah let us know how your hair is doing! :bighug:
First thing, moisture, moisture, moisture and perhaps only co-wash for next couple of washes and keep proteins to a minimum. Now, hindsight and should you choose to try henna again:

  • I think you used way too much acid: both apple juice and lemon juice is a LOT of acid, really don't need acid for color release, trust me -- I'm 30% or more gray and I initially started to henna for color and I don't use acid at all anymore and still get great color release. My mix: henna powder + warm water + 4.5 hours

  • I think BOTH clarifying and a lot of acid = dryness. I frequently henna *dirty* dry hair loaded with cones and still get great color deposit. I henna right on dry hair instead of pooing so that the henna actually serves a poo (what I call "henna wash") then rinse henna, then condish -- color deposits just as great as on freshly clarified hair. I have tried it all and I still get great color, time after time, wet hair, dry hair, dirty hair, clean hair, it is always good so long as I leave the paste on hair at least 2 hours, longer if I can.

  • I don't use oils, condish, honey, or anything else in my henna mixes cuz I want maximum color deposit and I *think* perhaps oils and condish and such will inhibit color depost -- that's just me tho. I save all the special ingredients for AFTER rinsing out the hennna when I really need to remoisturize. Nothing beats additing few tablespoons of honey + oil + glycerin + moisturizing condish, leave on at least 30 minutes = totally moisturize hair, like butter

  • Rinsing tip: let water run over henna hair, then use TONS of cheapie condish (sauve coconut, VO5, etc.) on top of the henna and keep reapplying as much condish as needed and use downward motion to prevent tangle, keep rinsing and using condish until henna washes out. Then, go for the big gun DC by adding honey, glycerin, oil, whatever to moisturizing condish and let sit at least 30 minutes, longer if possible


I totally agree with the advice from this post (especially the bolded part). I have NEVER had that kind of tangling from henna though my hair has been extra dry on occassion (whenever I pooed before a treatment). I'm sorry this happened to you and hope your next henna treatment is much better.

First thing, moisture, moisture, moisture and perhaps only co-wash for next couple of washes and keep proteins to a minimum. Now, hindsight and should you choose to try henna again:

  • I think you used way too much acid: both apple juice and lemon juice is a LOT of acid, really don't need acid for color release, trust me -- I'm 30% or more gray and I initially started to henna for color and I don't use acid at all anymore and still get great color release. My mix: henna powder + warm water + 4.5 hours

  • I think BOTH clarifying and a lot of acid = dryness. I frequently henna *dirty* dry hair loaded with cones and still get great color deposit. I henna right on dry hair instead of pooing so that the henna actually serves a poo (what I call "henna wash") then rinse henna, then condish -- color deposits just as great as on freshly clarified hair. I have tried it all and I still get great color, time after time, wet hair, dry hair, dirty hair, clean hair, it is always good so long as I leave the paste on hair at least 2 hours, longer if I can.

  • I don't use oils, condish, honey, or anything else in my henna mixes cuz I want maximum color deposit and I *think* perhaps oils and condish and such will inhibit color depost -- that's just me tho. I save all the special ingredients for AFTER rinsing out the hennna when I really need to remoisturize. Nothing beats additing few tablespoons of honey + oil + glycerin + moisturizing condish, leave on at least 30 minutes = totally moisturize hair, like butter

  • Rinsing tip: let water run over henna hair, then use TONS of cheapie condish (sauve coconut, VO5, etc.) on top of the henna and keep reapplying as much condish as needed and use downward motion to prevent tangle, keep rinsing and using condish until henna washes out. Then, go for the big gun DC by adding honey, glycerin, oil, whatever to moisturizing condish and let sit at least 30 minutes, longer if possible


I totally agree with the advice from this post (especially the bolded part). I have NEVER had that kind of tangling from henna though my hair has been extra dry on occassion (whenever I pooed before a treatment). I'm sorry this happened to you and hope your next henna treatment is much better.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. Seems like you got a lot of misinformation before you started. The lemon and apple juice were definitely a no-no, and 3 grams of henna....that is a whole lot. I have BSL hair and only use 1 gm. I sometimes have a little bit leftover. Your henna should have been smooth and creamy when you finished mixing. I just want to reiterate that using a henna gloss (henna, conditioner, and water) on damp hair will give you great color and conditioning and be much easier to rinse. Plus you will not experience the tangling and dryness. Hopefully lots of deep conditioning and gentleness will get you through this.
I totally agree with the advice from this post (especially the bolded part). I have NEVER had that kind of tangling from henna though my hair has been extra dry on occassion (whenever I pooed before a treatment). I'm sorry this happened to you and hope your next henna treatment is much better.


Me either... :nono: Definitely don't shampoo, lskip the lemon in your mix, and sleep in your favorite conditioner after rinsing with the help of a cheapie conditioner.
Thank you so much for all of your advice. I will post an update as soon as things change and I will stay away from the acidic juices :ohwell: