Tia Tamera Mowry hair regime?


Does anyone know of an article or anything they've heard about Tia and Tamera Mowry's hair regimen? Or any products they use, especially when they wear their hair natural and curly. I wonder what they use to minimize shrinkage and hold the hair in place without it getting wild.
Is it really a wig? I was freaking out when i saw her hair was short!! LOL I loove her hair

no I thought it was until I saw another pic and it looked like she really cut it. So I think she did...but her hair is in a bun for her wedding so now I'm confused.
OMG, I've wanted their hair ever since I started watching Sister Sister 14 years ago (dang, I feel old!)
Anyway, I hope she didn't cut it!
OMG, I've wanted their hair ever since I started watching Sister Sister 14 years ago (dang, I feel old!)
Anyway, I hope she didn't cut it!

14 years ago? Try last month. It's on the Disney channel everyday
not that I would know...:sekret:
no I thought it was until I saw another pic and it looked like she really cut it. So I think she did...but her hair is in a bun for her wedding so now I'm confused.

Yeah, I'm really confused because there's a thread about Tia on the entertainment board where she has longish ringlets and it looks real. Hopefully somebody has an article about their regimen, I'd love to know what products they use.
maybe she did cut her hair but wears a wonderful lace front wig for the show. when she cut her hair in The Game it was symbolic of her cutting away her past and moving forward all brand new. so the screenwriters and producers may have planned that her hair would have to go at some point. a woman's hair means a lot to her, letting it go is like cutting off an arm. she had to let go of Derwin, the love of her life. she let go of her hair to physically show that she was moving on. i hope that makes since :spinning: