Thumbs Up to you girls!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

just wanted to say how amazing this site is!!!!!:thumbsup:
if all the girl in this forum had to team up and open a salon, my God! no one will ever ever have any problem with their hair anymore!!!!!!!
I am gaby from England, and can't stop reading all the post.
My hair is relaxed at the moment, i am a 4a/b. I always go through the same cycle, grow my hair natural ( really grow long and healthy when natural), then decide to relax it, the hair falls out, and back to square one again!!!!
i have fine but dense hair, i just came to the conclusion that relaxers do not agree with my hair:sad:!
now I am seriously thinking of trying a BKT ( and loose weight as well!!!), i am undecided between, Rejuvenol, Marcia teixeira and softliss!!!
just stated to cowash, can you beleive i didn't even know what cowash is:blush:
just thanks to you all girls!!!!!

God bless
This site is great isn't it? I had no idea how to care for my hair before becoming a member here. Welcome aboard!