Three weeks and 3/4 of an inch later

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I cut out MSM and I am off of my detox and my hair is still growing 1/4 of an inch a week. I am just about almost convinced that it is the Hair Energizers. One more month and I will be completely convinced. Either way I am in love with these vitamins!

P.S. Butterfly and Bett1e, how are your Hair Energizers coming along?
You are a PUSHER!!!! LOL!!

Dang, and I just got Surge. As you can tell, I am desperate for a major growth spurt!!
I also meant to say congratulations!!
Isn't she terrible? I just bought that big jar of MSM powder before the product challenge started. Now I'ma have to do a search for these Hair Energizers and see what I'm missing...
yep i have quite a bit of new growth and i am 3 weeks out of my relaxer, i dunno what it is cause i take so many suppliments, but im happy
Actually, it is the after effects of the Detox that is making your hair grow better now. A detox cleanses the impurities from your body and improves the immune system. We have all kinds of impurities in our bodies, i.e. metals for example that are harmful to the optimum performance of our bodies. These substances impair body performance and repair, even hair and nail growth. Remember the last parts of your body that gets any nutrients is your hair and nails. So when these impurities are cleansed out of your system, your hair and nails will both respond positively to this. There are lots of detox formulas sold at vitamin shops. They even have them in tea form. I drink it for about a month, every six months.
I know Edie. I posted the same thing here on the board before I did my detox. While I was cleansing, my hair growth took off but I didn't take that into account. Now that I am off of it and my diet is just as bad as it was before, I didn't expect my hair to still be growing as fast. The detox allowed for better absorption of the vitamins. That is why I detoxed before I began Hair Energizers.
HR, what did you do for the detox (product)? If you posted this already, sorry...just point me in the right direction.

I took these detox pills from the health food store for about 3 days. Everything was fine, and then all of a sudden, "it" came out of me like water.

There are different kinds of detox. Some for just certain parts of the body like the liver or kidneys and including the intestines. The best kind is one for the whole body. The detox teas are very gentle. I have a post titled
Hair not growing - a word of advice. Just do a search for my user name - Edie.

Don't forget the digestive enzymes either.
Fruit detox

There was also the MSM detox. I think I posted that one on the board. If I find it, I will bump it up for you.
Hi Im new to this forum, but I've been reading all the messages. I just started using Hair Enegizer vitamins about 3 weeks ago. I wanted to know the results others have been getting with these vitamins. Because if the work really well I think I'll continue taking them.
Rica, I get about 1/4 of an inch a week from Hair Energizers. I am just about done with my first bottle. I will start the second one in about four days.
I got my two bottles over the weekend. I'm not going to take them yet because I need to detox. That seems to be the current buzz word around here lately no?

Anyway, I'll be doing the master cleanser program, and then I'll start on these vitamins. If they work well that would be terrific cuz the pills are not large, they are inexpensive, and it's only two pills per day.
I also purchased the Hair Energizers approx 1 month ago and have noticed a growth spurt.
I haven't measured it or anything, but my "tail" now touches below my trapezius area. I forgot about the new vitamins--I thought it may have been because of my 2x-3x weekly overnight oil treatments (Dabur Amla or Dabur Vatika).
I've been on a vitamin program for 2 months, I didn't know about detoxing. Should I stop taking the vitamins, detox and then start again? Or should I detox and keep taking the vitamins at the same time?
I never detoxed when I started Hair Energizers two years ago and they still worked for me.
HoneyRockette said:
I cut out MSM and I am off of my detox and my hair is still growing 1/4 of an inch a week. I am just about almost convinced that it is the Hair Energizers. One more month and I will be completely convinced. Either way I am in love with these vitamins!

P.S. Butterfly and Bett1e, how are your Hair Energizers coming along?

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Well HR I am sure you are aware that I am still offerring to take the 2nd bottle off your hand. It's been two years and even when others raved about Ultra Nourish Hair, Silica, Biotin and others, I stuck with my HairEnergizers. I don't see that changing anytime soon.
HoneyRockette said:
Rica, I get about 1/4 of an inch a week from Hair Energizers. I am just about done with my first bottle. I will start the second one in about four days.

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Wow. Thats great!
mblake, before Hair Energizers, my hair grew 1/2 inch a month. Starz, detox first, then begin the vitamins. Tebby, I take one at 7am and the other at 7pm. Bette, I will fight you for this bottle!