those who wash everyday....


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Do your friends and family bug you about washing your hair everyday? Do they say stuff like, "black people arent suppose to wash their hair ain't white!" etc, etc?

My mother and her friends really dont like that I do it.....I told her that I knew of people (some of the women...I think a few naturals on this board) that washed their hair everyday....mmy mom was like, "you mean them people with them nappy heads?" Of course, when my mother says "nappy" she means "to' up" ---she dont just mean "natural".

How do you respond to em if they tease/bug ya about it? Just wonderin'.
Well my mother doesn't tease me. My friends and my Aunts make fun of me they say things like... "Oh thats why you're hairs not long your too busy trying to be white...You can do that because you have 'white people' hair...etc etc" It gets very annoying
I've got to say that I haven't really had that reaction (adverse, I mean). The topic does come up and it turns into a discussion but then it's like a light bulb goes off for them and they're like, "Okay, that makes sense" or "Maybe that's why my hair is so dry", etc. They realize it's not really a white or black's just hair.

On the other hand, if someone were to constantly tease me in that manner I'd tell them that ignorance is not very becoming and that they need to worry about their own hair first.

What's your response PittGirl? Do you have to constantly defend yourself?

This is very interesting!
I don't wash every day, but I wash twice a week.

When I get the "you ain't white" line, my response is: Nope, I'm definately black, always been black, always will be black! It ain't a white thing, it's a CLEAN thing -- I like clean scalp and my hair looks and smells good, check it out! At this point, I shake hair so that the bounce, body and shine swings in full view . . .

I also get the "you will get a head cold" line, mine response is: i'm as healthy as a horse (thank God) and ain't suffering from head colds no more than anyone else, just look at me!

These days, I just ignore and point to fact that my hair ROCKS and that's all that matters to me. Don't let it get to you. . .
My mother used to complain about me washing my hair. But she's now that she sees the positive results I've recieved--she doesn't say anything...
I haven't had negetive comments at this point. But if your hair looks healthier, then tell remind them EVERY time they say something. Why is your head such a big deal to them anyway? I am assuming you are an adult and able to make wise decisions.
I get that all the time. I let them know that they are not as educated about black hair as they think. Nothing's wrong w/ my hair smelling and looking clean.

Putting a whole bunch of grease in my hair and never washing it, will only stunt my hair growth and give me oily skin.

I advise them to look up information on how to care for their hair and stop going by the myths they were taught. There's no reason in the world why the rest of the races can treat their hair similar and we can't.
kitkat...great response!

My mother likes to nag me about everything I do....she says the same type of comments..says stuff like "thats why your hair wont grow!" I relaly dont take her comments seriously cuz this is a woman who HATES long hair and would LOVE to see me with my head shaved down to my hair is more moisturzed and mother comes up with all sorts of reason not to do "white"
My mom used to nag me about it but I just ignored her and she stopped bothering me! She's been complimenting me on how nice my hair is looking and how long its getting. I think once people realize that your sticking to anything you do after awhile they leave you alone.
Beautiful, healthy hair has always been a priority for my mother. So, she commends my efforts to make mine more beautiful and healthy. While she has admonished me for trying so many different products, she is very supportive.

So, I can't say that being spoken to in a negative way has been my experience thus far.

nobody ever says anything about me washing my hair a lot(up to daily depending on how active I am at the time), they just pick on me for buying and using so many different products. they say my hair is going to fall out from using too much different
I was about to wash my hair last week when my sister came over and her comment to me was "when do you Not wash your hair?" All I told her was that I do wash at least twice a week and my hair is not as dry anymore. That was the end of the conversation, thank God.
I'm the same way. If someone asks me about my hair I simply say I wash it and take care of it and leave it at that.

I am so surprised that BLACK WOMEN can be so negative about taking care of your hair. Isn't that sad?

PittGirl06 said:
Do your friends and family bug you about washing your hair everyday? Do they say stuff like, "black people arent suppose to wash their hair ain't white!" etc, etc?

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No my mother is very supportive of my quest for longer hair. I've got her looking after hers now, she's washing it once a week and I made her switch to a lye relaxer from no lye. I even ordered her a bone comb from ebay today.

When it comes to others, I don't tell them sh*t, cause I kow what will come out of their mouth, and being a smart mouth anyway, I'll tell them well look at my hair, now look at yours and you tell me who's doing something wrong.

A line I use when they talk about Ohhh that will dry my hair out, is so what do you do after you shower twice a day?

I moisturise my skin.

Well I apply the exact same concept to my hair.

And then I say no more. That usually shuts them up.
9 times out of 10 those negative comments always come from people that still GREASE their scalps.
When they pick and pick about the daily washing and why do I do it. I tell them to moisturise or grease a part of their body everyday and not get it wet. They look at me like I'm crazy, and ask why would they want to do such a thing. Well you're doing the same thing to your scalp so what's the difference.
I'll get a reaction like a raised eyebrow or a frown, but it'll be followed by a comment like well whatever it is it must be working, your hair is so thick and shiny...
LondonDiva said:
9 times out of 10 those negative comments always come from people that still GREASE their scalps.
When they pick and pick about the daily washing and why do I do it. I tell them to moisturise or grease a part of their body everyday and not get it wet. They look at me like I'm crazy, and ask why would they want to do such a thing. Well you're doing the same thing to your scalp so what's the difference.

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Girl, you just articulated what I've felt all my life! WHY would anyone DO that to their scalp? It feels gross, it smells gross, it gross to touch, it just plain dirty!!! I fought with my mother for years until I started doing my own hair at age 16 'cause I can't stand grease/oils on my scalp . . .
Some family members tell me that rinsing my hair everyday will cause me to become bald and that's why my grandfather doesn't have any hair. ;O) I'm not sure how true that is, but I think there was a topic about it once.